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Correspondence files

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1869-1873 : Harvey)

Date: 1869-1873

Level of Description: Series

Material Type: Government record

Call Number: Unavailable

Unit ID: 193414

Space Required/Quantity: 1.60 cubic feet

Title (Main title): Correspondence files

Part of: Records of the Kansas Governor's Office. Records of the Kansas Governor's Office : administration of Governor James Madison Harvey (1869-1873).

Scope and Content

Scope and content:

Mostly letters received; there may also be proclamations and some petitions, reports, copies of letters sent and other types of documents. Some proclamations may have been interfiled with other items received relating to the subjects of the proclamations. The series includes three sub-series: appointment files, state agency files, and subject files.

The appointment files contain documents and signed petitions on behalf of the appointments of individuals to a variety of jobs in State government; major appointments include governing boards, commissioners of deeds, judges, justices of the peace, and directors of institutions. The justices of the peace appointment files primarily contain letters of resignation and letters received by candidates as well as petitions on behalf of individual applicants; some files also contain information on other vacancies, such as judges, filled by gubernatorial appointment.

State agency files include records pertaining to the operation and officials of State institutions; some of these files also contain information relating to appointments. They are arranged alphabetically by state agency name.

Subject files contain letters received on a variety of topics brought to the attention of the Governor and are arranged alphabetically by subject or topic.

Portions of Collection Separately Described:


Locator Contents
027-03-07-01 to 027-03-07-04   

Index Terms


    Kansas. Governor (1869-1873 : Harvey) -- Records and correspondence
    Kansas -- Military policy
    Kansas -- Officials and employees -- Selection and appointment
    Kansas -- Politics and government
    Harvey, James Madison, 1833-1894
    Government correspondence -- Kansas
    Indians of North America -- Kansas
    Price's Missouri Expedition, 1864
    Public lands -- Kansas
    Public welfare -- Kansas

Creators and Contributors

Agency Classification:

    Kansas State Agencies. Governor's Office. Specific Administrations. Harvey, James Administration.