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Correspondence files

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1951-1955 : Arn)

Date: 1951-1954

Level of Description: Series

Material Type: Government record

Call Number: Unavailable

Unit ID: 193440

Abstract: Series consists of letters received and copies of outgoing correspondence involving Governor Edward F. Arn's administration. Can also include attachments and reference material. The series also includes radio reports, messages given by Governor Arn over the air during his administration. The Alphabetical File contains routine correspondence from citizens and more prominent individuals on a variety of topics; major correspondents include U.S. Senator Frank Carlson, Robert J. Dole, letters concerning Dwight D. Eisenhower, and H. Everett & Company. The Appointments File deals primarily with vacant positions within state government, although some correspondence also includes local units of government; included are positions with the Adjutant General's Office, the Board of Registration for Cosmetologists, city & county offices, the State Board of Health, notaries public, the State Commission of Revenue & Taxation, social welfare agencies, and other organizations. The State Agencies File contains routine correspondence to and from nearly all of the bureaus of state government. This is the appropriate sub-series for research of state agency activities and history. Major agencies represented include the Adjutant General's Office; Board & Dept. of Administration; Kansas State College of Agriculture & Applied Science (present Kansas State University) (Manhattan); State Board of Agriculture; Arkansas-Red-White Basin Inter-agency Committee; attorney general; state budget director & accountant; State Civil Defense Advisory Council; Board & State Dept. of Civil Service; State Corporation Commission; State Finance Council; Forestry, Fish & Game Commission; Governor's Office; state grain inspector; State Board of Health; State Highway Commission; Kansas Highway Patrol; Interstate Oil Compact Commission; State Labor Dept.; Legislative Council; Legislature; Kansas Livestock Sanitary Commission; Missouri Basin Inter-Agency & State Committees; State Board of Optometry Examiners; Board of Regents; State Commission of Revenue & Taxation; Kansas Safety Council; State Dept. of Social Welfare; Kansas Technical Institute (Topeka); University of Kansas (Lawrence); State Vehicle Dept.; Kansas Veterans' Commission; and the State Board for Vocational Education. The Subject File contains a wide array of files on many subjects. Researchers investigating important issues of this era of Kansas' and national history should examine these files. Major topics include the American-Korean Foundation, the Box Car Conference (1951), Britain, car marketing, droughts, floods, flood control, Governors' Conferences, the Grain States Compact Commission, high school aid, hospitals, Hutchinson School District No. 1, the Kansas Territorial Centennial (1954), American-Korean relief, Right to Work, legislation, the physically handicapped, radio, radio reports, the American Red Cross, the Republican Party, speeches, tidelands, turnpikes, and relations with the federal government.



Sub-series A: Alphabetical File

Box 1 (XX-14-02-03)
1          Anonymous or surnames illegible
2          Abbey-Aley
3          Alger-Ambler
4          American...
5          Amos-Armstrong
6          Arn-Aziere
7          Babcock-Barker
Box 2 (XX-14-02-04)
1          Barnabas-Bayouth
2          Beach-Bell
3          Bell-Bever
4          Biberstein-Black
5          Blackburn-Bleakley
6          Bliss-Bollinger
7          Bollman-Boyle
Box 3 (XX-14-02-05)
1          Bradberry-Brooks
2          Brose-Bryson
3          Bubb-Byrd
4          Cacy-Carlson
5          Carlson, Frank (Senator)
6          Carlson-Central Junior High
Box 4 (XX-14-02-06)
1          Chadwick-Chizeck
2          Christiansen-Cogswell
3          Cohen-Coons
4          Cooper-Crean
5          Crawn-Cushman
6          Daggy-Davis
Box 5 (XX-14-02-07)
1          Davis-Dennis
2          Denny-Dixon
3          Dixon-Dodge
4          Dole, Robert J.
5          Donahue-Duffy
6          Dukes-Dyer
7          Eagles-Eighth
8          concerning Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1951-1952
9          concerning Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1954
Box 6 (XX-14-02-08)
1          Eklund-Erickson
2          Erickson-Ezell
3          Everett, H. & Company
4          Facts Forum-Ferguson
5          Fernandez-Foulston
6          Fowler-Future
7          Gaasbeek-George
Box 7 (XX-14-03-01)
1          Germann-Goode
2          Goode-Grimsley
3          Grimwood-Guy
4          Haag-Hannon
5          Hannum-Harris
6          Harrison-Haynie
7          Heacock-Henry
Box 8 (XX-14-03-02)
1          Henry-Hix
2          Hladky-Hopson
3          Horch-Huffman
4          Hughes-Hysong
5          Imherr-Ivey
6          Jackson-Johnson
7          Johnson
Box 9 (XX-14-03-03)
1          Johntz-Justus
2          Kansas...
3          Kahrs-Keller
4          Kelly-King
5          Kinsbury-Kyle
6          LaCerte-Latta
7          Lauffer-Levand
Box 10 (XX-14-03-04)
1          Levitt-Lizner
2          Ljungdahl-Lytle
3          Mack-Martin
4          Martin-Mayo
5          McAdam-McCuish
6          McCuish-McGuinness
7          McGuinness-McWhorter
Box 11 (XX-14-03-05)
1          Meade-Mikesell
2          Miles-Miller
3          Miller-Mitchell
4          Money-Morris
5          Morris-Myrick
6          Nabours-Newcomb
7          National...
8          Newcomer-Nolte
Box 12 (XX-14-03-06)
1          Nordland-Nye
2          Oakes-Ownes
3          Pack-Payton
4          Peacock-Phoenix
5          Pickens-Powell
6          Prager-Pyle     
7          Quick-Quinn
8          Raborn-Redden
Box 13 (XX-14-03-07)
1          Reece-Reynolds
2          Rhodes-Robbins
3          Robbins, Richard
4          Roberts-Rockefeller
5          Rodli-Ryf
6          Sachs-Scheer
7          Schenkosky-Schwarz
Box 14 (XX-14-04-01)
1          Schwegmann-Seever
2          Seibel-Shelton
3          Shepard-Shultz
4          Sias-Slyter
5          Small-Smith
6          Smith-Spellman
Box 15 (XX-14-04-02)
1          Spencer-Stephens
2          Stephenson-Stough
3          Stout-Switzer
4          Taft-Thomas
5          Thombrugh-Tonsing
6          Tooke-Tyree
Box 16 (XX-14-04-03)
1          Ulrich-Upton
2          United...
3          Vaca-Von der Heiden
4          Wachtel-Ward
5          Warma-Wedlan
6          Weeks-Weston
7          Whalen-Who's Who
Box 17 (XX-14-04-04)
1          Wicher-Williford
2          Wilmeth-Wilson
3          Windler-Woods
4          Woodward-Wyman
5          Y-Z

Sub-series B: Appointments File

Box 17 (XX-14-04-04)
6          Abstractors' Board of Examiners, 1951-53
7          Adjutant General.
8                      Civil Defense Mobile Support Unit Commander, 1951
9          Administration, Dept. of, 1951-53
10          Aide-de-Camp, 1951
11        Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of Review, State, 1953
12        Ambassador-at-Large for the State of Kansas, 1953
13        Architect, State, 1952
14        Architects, State Registration and Examining Board for, 1951-53
15        Armory Board, Kansas, 1951-1953
16        Bank Board, State, 1951-1952
17        Bank Commissioner, State, 1951
18        Barber Examiners, Board of, 1951-52
19        Blue Shield Board of Directors, 1951
20        Brand Commissioner, State, 1951-53
21        Building Commission, State Office, 1952
Box 18 (XX-14-04-05)
1          Certified Public Accountants Advisory Council, 1951-52
2          Children's Commission, Crippled, 1952-53
3          Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, 1951-53
4          City Constable (Newton, Kansas), 1951
5          City Court Judge, 1953
6          City Court Marshal, 1952
7          Civil Defense Advisory Council, 1951
8          Civil Service Board, 1953
9          Corporation Commission, Kansas, 1951-53
10        Cosmetologists, Board of Registration for, 1951
11        Cosmetologists, Board of Registration for, 1952
12        County Commissioner of Elections, 1953
13        County Coroners, 1951-54
14        County Magistrate Judge, 1952
15        County Probate Judges, 1952-54
16        County Sheriffs, 1951-1953
17        Dental Examiners, 1951-53
18        District Court Judges, 1951-53
19        Driver's License Representatives, 1951-53
Box 19 (XX-14-04-06)
1          Education, State Board of, 1951-52
2          Elections, Office of Commissioner of, 1951-53
3          Embalming, State Board of, 1951-52
4          Engineering Examiners, State Board of, 1951
5          Epileptics, State Hospital for, Parsons, 1953
6          Farm Home Administration -- Attorney, 1954
7          [Feeble-minded] State Training School, Winfield, 1951
8          Forestry, Fish and game Commission, 1951-54
9          Frontier Historic Park, Kansas, Board of Managers of the, 1951
10        Fulbright Scholarship Committee, 1951-54
11        Governor's Conference on Small Business Problems, 1951-52
12        Grain Inspector, State, 1951-53
13        Health, State Board of, 1951-53
14        Health, State Board of.  Advisory Hospital Council, 1951-53
15        Health, State Board of.  Advisory Laboratory Commission, 1951
16        Health, State Board of.  Division of Sanitation, 1951
17        Highway Commission, State, 1951-53
18        Highway Patrol, Kansas, 1953
19        Highways, Director of, 1951-54
20        Hotel and Restaurant Board, State, 1951
21        Industrial Development Commission, Kansas, 1951-53
22        [Insane] Hospital, State, Larned -- Business Manager, 1951-52
23        Institutional Management, Advisory Commission of, 1951-52
24        Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1951
25        John Brown Memorial park, Board of Trustees of, 1951
26        Judges Retirement Board, Kansas, 1953
27        Justices of the Peace, 1951-53
28        Kansas Turnpike Authority, undated
29        Legislature.  House.  50th District, 1951
30        Library, State.  Rehabilitation Committee, 1951
31        Livestock Commissioner, Kansas, 1953
32        Livestock Sanitary Commissioner, State, 1953
Box 20 (XX-14-04-07)
1          Medical Registration and Examination, State Board of, 1951-53
2          Military Academy, West Point, 1953-54
3          Military Board, Kansas, 1953
4          Mining Examining Board, 1951
5          Municipal Accounting Board, State, 1951-53
6          National Guard, 1951
7          Naval Academy, Annapolis, 1951
8          Notaries Public, Jan-Apr 1951
9          Notaries Public, May-Jun 1952
10        Notaries Public -- Resignations, 1951
11        Notaries Public -- Resignations, 1952
12        Notaries Public -- Resignations, 1953
13        Notaries Public -- Resignations, 1954
Box 21 (XX-14-05-01)
1          Nurse Registration and Nurse Education, Board of, 1951
2          Nutrition Committee, State, 1951
3          Oil Inspector
4          Optometry, Board of Examiners in, 1951-53
5          Osteopathic Examination and Registration, State Board of, 1951-53
6          Penitentiary, State, Lansing (Warden), 1953
7          Petroleum Industry Committee on Secondary Recovery, 1951
8          Pharmacy, State Board of, 1952-54
9          Podiatry Examiners, State Board of, 1951
10        Port of Entry Board
11        Postmaster (Chapman, Kansas), 1954
12        Real Estate Commission, Kansas, 1951-52
13        Regents, Board of, 1951-52
14        Rent Control Board, 1953
15        Retirement for Public Employees, Statewide System, 1954
16        Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of, 1951-53
17        Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of.  Ad Velorem Tax Division, 1951
18        Review, Kansas State Board of, 1951
19        Savings and Loan Board, 1951
20        Savings and Loan Commissioner, 1951
21        School Retirement Board, State, 1951
22        Social Welfare, State Board of, 1953
23        Social Welfare, State Dept. of. Committee on State Purchases, 1953
24        Social Welfare, State Dept. of.  Division of Institutional Management, 1953
25        Soil Conservation Committee, State, 1951
26        Soldiers' Home, Kansas, Board of Managers of, 1953
27        Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, 1951
28        Tuberculosis Patients, Advisory Commission of the Kansas Sanatorium for,
Norton, 1951
29        Unidentified positions, 1951-1952
30        Unidentified positions, 1953-1954
31        United Defense Fund, 1954
32        United States Marshal, 1954
33        United States Senator (George Templar resgination), 1953
34        University of Kansas.  Chancellor, 1951
35        Vehicle Department, State.  Dealers' Division, 1951-54
36        Veterans' Commission, Kansas, 1954-51
37        Veterans' Day Committee, Governor's, 1954
38        Veterinary Examiners, State Board of, 1951-53
39        Water Advisory Committee, 1952
40        Workman's Compensation Commissioner, 1951

Sub-series C: State Agencies File
Box 22 (XX-14-05-02)
1          Adjutant General's Office, Jan-Aug 1951
2          Adjutant General's Office, Sep-Dec 1951
3          Adjutant General's Office, 1952
4          Adjutant General's Office, 1953
5          Adjutant General's Office, 1954
6          Adjutant General's Office. Civil Defense Division, 1951-52
7          Adjutant General's Office, Selective Service, 1951-52
Box 23 (XX-14-05-03)
1          Adjutant General's Office, Selective Service, 1953
2          Administration, Board of, 1951-52
3          Administration, Dept. of, 1953-54
4          Administration, Dept. Budget Division, 1952
5          Administration Re-organization Advisory Committee, 1951-1953
6          Agriculture and Applied Science, Kansas State College of, 1951
7          Agriculture and Applied Science, Kansas State College of, 1952-54
8          Agriculture, State Board of, 1951
9          Agriculture, State Board of, 1952
Box 24 (XX-14-05-04)
1          Agriculture, State Board of, Jan-Jul, 1954
2          Agriculture, State Board of, Aug-Dec, 1954
3          Agriculture, State Board of, Anthrax, 1952
4          Agriculture, State Board of, Drought, 1953
5                      Division of Water Resources, 1951-Mar 1953
6                      Division of Water Resources, Apr-Jul 1953
7                      Division of Water Resources, Aug-Oct 1953
8                      Division of Water Resources, Nov 1953-1954
Box 25 (XX-14-05-05)
Agriculture, State Board of
1                      Division of Water Resources, 1954
2                      Division of Weights and Measures, Dec 1953-Feb 1954
3                      Division of Weights and Measures, Feb 19-Apr 1954
4          Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of Review, State, 1951-54
5          Alcoholic Commission, 1953-54
6          Antidiscrimination Commission, 1953
7          Apprenticeship Council, State, 1951
8          Architect, State, 1951-53
Arkansas-Red-White-Basin Interagnecy Committee,
9                      Agendas, 1951-52
10                    Correspondence, 1951-53
Box 26 (XX-14-05-06)
Arkansas-Red-White Basin Interagency Committee
1                      Minutes, Jan-Oct 1951
2                      Minutes, Nov 1951-Mar 1952
3                      Minutes, Apr-Aug 1952
4                      Minutes, Oct-Dec 1952
5                      Minutes, May-Jul 1953
6                      Minutes, Dec 1953
7                      Minutes, Jan-Mar 1954
Box 27 (XX-14-05-07)
Arkansas-Red-White Basin Interagency Committee
1                      Minutes, Mar-Aug 1954
2                      Press Releases, 1951-52
3                      Present and Potential Economic Development..., 1951-52
4          Armory Board, 1953
5          Attorney General.
6          Attorney General. Bureau of Investigation, 1951-54
7          Bank Board, State, 1952-54
8          Barber Examiners, Board of, 1951-53
9          Blind, Kansas Institution for the Education of the, Kansas City, 1952
10        Brand Commissioner, State, 1951-53
11        Budget Director and State Accountant, State, 1951-53
12                    Division of Auditing and Accounting, 1949-51
13                    Transfer of funds,
14        Building Commission, State Office, 1952
Box 28 (XX-14-06-01)
1          Building Commission, State Office, 1953-54
2          Business Manager, State, 1951-52
3          Children's Commission, Crippled, 1951-53
4          Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, 1952-54
5          Citizens Commission on Assessment Equalization, Kansas, 1953
6          Civil Defense Advisory Council, State, Jan-Mar 1951
7          Civil Defense Advisory Council, State, Apr-Dec 1951
8          Civil Defense Advisory Council, State, 1953-54
9          Civil Service, State Dept. of, 1951
10        Civil Service, State Dept. of, 1952-53
11        Civil Service Board, 1951
Box 29 (XX-14-06-02)
1          Corporation Commission, State, Jan-Jun 1951
2          Corporation Commission, State, Jul-Dec 1952
3                      Conservation Division, 1951-54
4                      Conservation Division -- Notices of Hearings, 1953
5                      Conservation Division -- Oil Production Estimates, 1951-53
6          Cosmetologists, Board of Registration for, 1951-53
7          Dental Board, 1951-53
8          Drivers License Representatives, 1951
9          Education, Board of, 1951-53
10        Education, State Board of. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1953
Box 30 (XX-14-06-03)
1          Education, Governor's Conference on, 1950-52
2          Embalming, State Board of, 1951-52
3          Emergencies Fund Board, State, 1951-1952
4          Engineering Examiners, State Board of, 1951-1954
5          Entomological Commission, State, 1951
6          Epileptics, State Hospital, Parsons, 1951-53
7          Executive Council, 1951-54
8          Executive Dept., 1951-52
9          Fair Managers, State Board of, 1951-54
10        [Feeble-Minded] State Training School, Winfield, 1951-53
11        Finance Council, State, May-Sep 1953
12        Finance Council, Nov-Dec 1953
Box 31 (XX-14-06-04)
1          Finance Council, State, Jan-Mar 1954
2          Finance Council, State, May-Jun 1954
3          Finance Council, State, Jul-Dec 1954
4          Fire Marshal, State, 1951-52
5          Forestry, Fish and Game Commission, 1951
6          Forestry, Fish and Game Commission, 1952
7          Forestry, Fish and Game Commission, 1953
Box 32 (XX-14-06-05)
1          Forestry, Fish and Game Commission, 1954
2          Geological Survey, State, 1951
Governor's Office
3                      Administrative funds deficiency, 1951
4                      Christmas Gifts,
5                      Gifts to the Governor
6                      Governor's Conference on World Wide Education, 1953
7                      Honorary Membership, Tickets, Passes, etc.
8                      Inaugural Address, Jan 8, 1951
9                      Inaugural Address, Jan 12, 1953
10                    Official Greetings, 1953
11                    Recommendations made by Governor, 1951-52
12                    Travel Reservations, 1951-53
13        Grain Inspector, State, 1951-53
14        Grain Inspector, State. Elevator Capacity and Grain In Storage, 1951
15        Health, State Board of, Jan-Apr 1951
Box 33 (XX-14-06-06)
1          Health, State Board of, May-Dec 1951
2          Health, State Board
3          Health, State Board of , 1952
4          Health, State Board of, 1953-54
5          Health, State Board of  -- Requests for Travel, 1951-54
6          Health, State Board of. Advisory Hospital Council, 1951
7          Highway Commission, State, Jan-May 1951
8          Highway Commission, State, Jun-Dec 1951
Box 34 (XX-14-06-07)
1          Highway Commission, State, Jan-May 1952
2          Highway Commission, State, Jun-Dec 1952
3          Highway Commission, State, 1953
4          Highway Commission, State, 1954
5          Highway Commission, State, Blue Star Highways, 1951
6          Highway Commission, State, Damage to Highways
7          Highway Commission, State, Requests for Out-of-State Travel, 1951
8          Highway Commission, State. Vehicle Department, 1951
9          Highway Patrol, Kansas, 1951-54
10        Highway Patrol, Kansas -- Requests for Out-of-State Travel, 1951
11        Highway Patrol Pension Committee, 1953
Box 35 (XX-14-07-01)
1          Historical Society, Kansas State, 1951-54
2          Horticultural Society, 1951-52
3          Hotel & Restaurant Board, State, 1951-52
4          Housing Board, State, 1953
5          Industrial Development Commission, Kansas, 1951-53
6          Industrial School for Boys, State, Topeka, 1952-53
7          Industrial School for Girls, State, Beloit, 1952-53
8          [Insane] Hospital, State, Larned, 1951-53
9          [Insane] Hospital, Osawatomie, 1952-54
10        [Insane] Hospital, State, Topeka, 1953
11        Insurance Dept., 1951-54
12        Interstate Cooperation Commission, Governor's Committee on, 1951-53
13        Interstate Oil Compact Commission, Jan-Sep 1951
14        Interstate Oil Compact Commission, Sep 11-Dec 1951
15        Interstate Oil Compact Commission, Dec 1951-Feb 1952
Box 36 (XX-14-07-02)
1          Interstate Oil Compact Commission, Mar-Apr 1952
2          Interstate Oil Compact Commission, May-Jul 1952
3          Judicial Council, 1952
4          Kansas Official Council, 1953
5          Kansas Turnpike Authority, 1954
6          Labor Commissioner, State, 1951
7          Labor Department, State, 1951-52
8          Labor Department, State. Employment Security Division, 1951-52
9          Labor Department, State. Employment Security Division, 1953-54
10        Labor Department, State -- Governor's Committee for the Employment of Physically                     Handicapped Persons, 1951
11        Legislative Council, 1951
12        Legislative Council, 1952-54
Box 37 (XX-14-07-03)
1          Legislature, 1951 (Special Session)
2          Legislature, 1952. Legislative Budget Committee
3          Legislature, 1953
4          Legislature, 1953
5          Lieutenant Governor, 1951
6          Little Hoover Commission, 1951
7          Livestock Sanitary Commission, Kansas, 1951-54
8          Livestock Sanitary Commission, Kansas, 1951-54 (Statistical Summaries)
9          Medical Registration and Examination, State Board of, 1951-54
10        Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Jan-Jul 1951
Box 38 (XX-14-07-04)
1          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Aug-Oct 1951
2          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Nov-Dec 1951
3          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Jan-Apr 1952
4          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, May-Jul 1952
5          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Jul-Oct 1952
6          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Oct-Dec 1952
Box 39 (XX-14-07-05)
1          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Jan-Feb 1953
2          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Mar 1953
3          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Mar-Jul 1953
4          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Aug-Nov 1953
5          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Dec 1953
6          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Jan-Apr 1954
Box 40 (XX-14-07-06)
1          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, May-Jun 1954
2          Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee, Jul-Oct 1954
3          Missouri River State Committee, 1951-53
4          Missouri River State Committee, Jan-Aug 1954
5          Missouri River State Committee, Sep-Dec 1954
6          Mother Bickerdyke Home Annex, Ellsworth, 1950-51
7          Motor Vehicle Reciprocity Commission, 1951
8          National Guard, Kansas, 1951-54
Box 41 (XX-14-07-07)
1          Nurse Registration and Nursing Education, Board of, 1951
2          Optometry, State Board of Examiners, 1953
3          Optometry, State Board of Examiners, 1953
4          Osteopathic Examination and Registration, State Board of, 1953
5          Parole Officer, 1951
6          Penal Institutions, Board of, 1953-54
7          Penitentiary, State, Lansing, 1953
8          Pharmacy, State Board of, 1951-53
9          Port of Entry Board, 1951-54
10        Printer, State, 1951-54
11        Public Instruction, State Superintendent, 1953
12        Real Estate Commissioner, 1951-53
13        Regents, Board of, 1951-52
Box 42 (XX-14-08-01)
1          Regents, Board of, 1953-54
2          Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of, 1951
3          Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of, 1951
4          Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of, 1952-53
5          Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of, 1954
6          Revenue and Taxation, State Commission of, Requests for Travel, 1951
7          Review, Kansas State Board of, 1951-54
8          Revisor of Statutes, 1951-52
9          Safety Council, Kansas, 1951-52
Box 43 (XX-14-08-02)
1          Safety Council, Kansas, 1954
2          School Retirement Board, State, 1951
3          Secretary of State, 1951
4          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Jan-Mar 1951
5          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Apr 1951
6          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, May-Jun 1951
7          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Jul-Sep 1951
8          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Oct 1951
9          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Nov-Dec 1951
Box 44 (XX-14-08-03)
1          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Jan-Feb 1952
2          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Mar 1952
3          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Apr 1952
4          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Apr-Jul 1952
5          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Aug-Sep 1952
6          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Oct 1952
Box 45 (XX-14-08-04)
1          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Nov 1952
2          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Dec 1952
3          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Jan-Feb 1953
4          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Mar 1953
5          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Apr 1953
6          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, May-Jun 1953
7          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Jul 1953
Box 46 (XX-14-08-05)
1          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Aug-Oct 1953
2          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Nov-Dec 1953
3          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Jan-Feb 1954
4          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Mar-Apr 1954
5          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, May-Jul 19546
6          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Aug 1954
7          Social Welfare, State Dept. of, Sep-Nov 1954
Box 47 (XX-14-08-06)
1          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Old Age Assistance, Jan-May 1951
2          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Old Age Assistance, May-Dec 1951
3          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Old Age Assistance, 1952-53
4          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Public Assistance, Jan-Apr 1951
5          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Public Assistance, Apr-Jul 1951
6          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Public Assistance, Aug-Oct 1951
Box 48 (XX-14-08-07)
1          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Public Assistance, Nov 1951-Jan 1952
2          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Conditions at State Institutions, 1951
3          Social Welfare, State Dept. of -- Requests for Travel, 1951
4          Social Welfare, State Dept. of. Division of Institutional Management, 1951
5          Social Welfare, State Dept. of. Division of Institutional Management, 1952
6          Soil Conservation Committee, State, 1951-54
7          Soldiers' Home and Mother Bickerdyke Annex, Kansas, Dodge City, 1951-53
8          Soldiers' Home, Kansas, Board of Managers of, 1951-54
9          Teachers College, Kansas State, Emporia, 1951-52
10        Teachers College, Kansas State, Pittsburg, 1952-53
11        Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
12        Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
Box 49 (XX-15-01-01)
1          Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
2          Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
3          Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
4          Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
5          Technical Institute, Kansas, Topeka, Mar 1953
6          Tuberculosis Patients, Kansas Sanitorium for, Norton, 1952-53
7          Tuberculosis Hospital Commission, Southeast, Kansas, 1952-53
8          Turnpike Authority, Kansas, 1953
9          University of Kansas, 1951
Box 50 (XX-15-01-02)
1          University of Kansas, 1952-54
2          University of Kansas. School of Medicine, 1951-52
3          Vehicle Dept., State, 1951-54
4          Vehicle Dept. -- Requests for Out-of-State Travel, 1951-52
5          Veterans' Commission, Kansas, 1951
6          Veterans' Commission, Kansas, 1952-54
7          Veterans' Commission, Kansas -- Requests for Travel, 1951
8          Vocational Education, State Board for, Oct 1952
9          Vocational Education, State Board for, Oct 1952-Mar 1953
Box 51 (XX-15-01-03)
1          Vocational Education, State Board for. Vocational Rehabilitation Service, 1951-52
2          Workman's Compensation Commissioner, 1951-54
Subseries D:   Subject File

Box 51 (XX-15-01-03)
3          Accidents
4          Air Academy of the U.S.
5          Alaska
6          Alcoholics Anonymous
7          American Bar Association
8          American Field Service
9          American-Korean Foundation
10        American-Korean Foundation
11        American-Korean Foundation -- news Releases
12        American Legion
13        American Mother
Box 52 (XX-15-01-04)
American-Red Cross -- see Red Cross, American
1          American's Creed, 1952
2          Amvets, 1951
3          Angora Rabbit Wool, 1954
4          Anthrax, 1952
5          Approval Agencies, National Association of, 1952
6          Argentina, 1952
7          Arkansas, 1954
8          Arkansas River Compact, 1951-54
9          Arkansas River Levie, 1952
10        Arizona, 1951-53
11        Armed Forces Day, 1953
12        Atlantic Union, 1952
13        Atomic Energy, 1953
14        Australia, 1953
15        Automobile Tags, 1953
16        Banking, 1951
17        Baseball, 1951-54
18        Beech Aircraft Corporation, 1951
19        Belgium, 1951-54
20        Blue Cross-Blue Shield, 1952
21        Boeing Aircraft Company, 1951-54
22        Box Car Conference, March 1951
23        Box Car Conference, March 1951
Box 53 (XX-15-01-05)
1          Boy Scouts of America, 1952-54
2          Bricker Amendment, 1954
3          Britain, 1952-53
4          Britain -- Coronation -- Queen Elizabeth, 1953
5          California, 1951-54
6          Canada, 1952-53
7          Cancer Drive, 1951
8          Capital Punishment, n.d.
9          Capitol Murals, 1953
10        Car Marketing Completed, 1951
11        Car Marketing Completed, 1951
Centennial see Kansas Territorial Centennial
12        Chamber of Commerce, Kansas State, 1951-52
13        Chamber of Commerce. Commission for Historical and Scenic Points of Interest, 1951-52
14        Chamber of Commerce, Kansas Junior, 1953-54
15        China, Peoples' Republic of, 1954
16        Chiropractic Association, Kansas, 1954
17        Christian Rural Overseas Program, 1951-53
18        Coffeyville Trade School; Dixon Manufacturing Co., 1951
19        Colorado, 1951-53
20        Columbia, 1951
Box 54 (XX-15-01-06)
1          Communism, 1951-53
2          Connecticut, 1951
3          Council of State Governments, 1951-54
4          Crusade for Freedom, 1951-52
5          Cuba, 1952-53
6          Cypress, 1954
7          Czechoslakia, 1952
8          Deaths, letters of sympathy written by the Governor, 1953
9          Defenders, 1951
10        Delaware, 1951
11        Delaware River Compact Association, n.d.
12        Desegregation, 1954  (see also N.A.A.C.P., Race Relations and Segregation)
13        Disabled American Veterans, 1953
14        Dodge City -- Wheat Conference, 1951
Draft (see Selective Service and Universal Military Training)
15        Drouth, 1952
16        Drouth, 1953
17        Drouth, 1953
Box 55 (XX-15-01-07)
1          Drought, 1954
2          Emergency Aviation Council, 1953
3          Ethiopia, 1954
4          Executive Mansion,1953
5          Fair Employment Practice Law, 1952
6          Fairway, Kansas, 1953
7          Family/Marriage/Divorce Laws, 1951-54
8          Federal-State Relations, 1953-54
9          Finland, 1951
10        Fireworks, 1952
11        Flags (Kansas), 1952-54
12        Flood, undated
13        Flood, undated
14        Flood, Apr-Jul 1951
15        Flood, Jul, 1951
Box 56 (XX-15-02-01)
1          Flood, Jul 1951
2          Flood, Aug 1-8, 1951
3          Flood, Aug 9-15, 1951
4          Flood, Aug 15-27, 1951
5          Flood, Aug Box (XX-30, 1951
6          Flood, Sep 1-7, 1951
Box 57 (XX-15-02-02)
1          Flood, Sep 8-20, 1951
2          Flood, Sep 21,29, 1951
3          Flood, Oct 1951
4          Flood, Nov-Dec 1951
5          Flood -- Domestic Emergency Action and Situation Report, July 11-17, 1951
6          Flood -- Federal Assistance, 1951
7          Flood -- Federal Assistance, 1951
8          Flood -- Fort Hays State College, 1951
Box 58 (XX-15-02-03)
1          Flood -- Disaster Relief Committee, 1951
2          Flood -- Disaster Relief Committee, 1951  
3          Flood -- Requests for Funds, Jul-Nov 1951
4          Flood -- State-Federal Coordinating Committee on Flood Relief, 1951
5          Flood -- Taxes on Flooded Property, 1951-1952
6          Flood Control, Jan-Apr 1952
7          Flood Control, May 1952
8          Flood Control, Jun-Aug 1952
9          Flood Control, Sep-Oct 1952
10        Flood Control, Nov-Dec 1952
Box 59 (XX-15-02-04)
1          Flood Control, Jan-Mar 1953
2          Flood Control, Mar 1953
3          Flood Control, Apr-Jan 1954
4          Flood Control -- Big Creek Watershed Assoc., 1952
5          Flood Control -- Governor's Statement on Dams (Maurice Fager), 1952
6          Flood Control -- Strawn Dam, 1953
7          Flood Control -- Toronto Dam, 1954
8          Flood Control -- Tuttle Creek Dam, 1952-53
9          Flood Control -- Tuttle Creek Dam (For), 1953
10        Flood Control -- Tuttle Creek Dam (Against), 1951-53
Box 60 (XX-15-02-05)
1          Florida, 1951
2          Forbes Air Force Base, 1952-54
3          Four-H Clubs, 1951-54
4          Free Enterprise, undated
5          Fulbright Scholarship, 1951
6          Gambling, 1951-53
7          Garden City, 1952-53
8          Gas, 1951-53
9          Gas Shrinkage Law, 1953
10        Georgia, 1953
11        Germany, 1951-53
12        Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 1953
13        Governors' Conference, 1951
14        Governors' Conference, 1953
15        Governors' Conference, 1954
16        Grain Storage, Boxcars, 1951-54
Box 61 (XX-15-02-06)
1          Grain States Compact Commission, undated
2          Grain States Compact Commission, Feb-Mar 1951
3          Grain States Compact Commission, Apr 1951-Jul 1952
4          Greece, 1951-54
5          Guatemaula, 1953
6          Gunnison-Arkansas Project, 1951-52
7          Ham Radio Operators, 1952-53
8          Hawaii, 1954
9          High School Aid, undated
10        High School Aid, Jan 1952-Feb 1953
11        High School Aid, Feb 1953
12        High School Aid, Feb 19-20, 1953
Box 62 (XX-15-02-07)
1          High School Aid, Feb 21-24, 1953
2          High School Aid, Feb 24-25, 1953
3          High School Aid, Feb 25, 1953
4          High School Aid, Feb 26, 1953
5          High School Aid, Feb 26-Mar 4, 1953
6          High School Aid, Mar 4-9, 1953
7          High School Aid, Mar  9-14, 1953
8          High School Aid, Mar 16-17, 1953
Box 63 (XX-15-03-01)
1          High School Aid, Mar 17-19, 1953
2          High School Aid, Mar 19, 1953
3          High School Aid, Mar 19-26, 1953
4          Highway Safety, President's Conference on, 1951
5          "Home on the Range," 1951
6          Homestead Rehabilitation Corporation, 1951
7          Hospitals, 1951
8          Hospitals, State, and other charitable institutions, funding for
9          Hungary, 1954
10        Hunting, 1952
11        Hutchinson School District No. 1, undated
12        Hutchinson School District No. 1, undated
Box 64 (XX-15-03-02)
1          Hutchinson School District No. 1, undated
2          Hutchinson School District No. 1, undated
3          Hutchinson School District No. 1, undated
4          Hutchinson School District No. 1, undated
5          Illinois, 1951
6          Indiana, 1951-1953
7          Indians (Native Americans), 1952-1954
8          Infantile Paralysis, National Foundation for, 1952
9          Insane Correspondents, 1951-52
10        Intergovernmental Relations, Commission on, 1954
11        Iowa, 1951-53
12        Iraq, 1954
13        Israel, 1954
14        Italy, 1951-54
Box 65 (XX-15-03-03)
1          Japan, 1951-54
2          Kansas Agricultural Council on Research and Education, 1951
3          Kansas City Suburban Water Co., 1951-53
4          Kansas Council for Children & Youth, 1951-52
5          Kansas Day, 1951-52
6          Kansas Mother, 1951-53
7          Kansas Motor Carriers, Assoc., 1951
8          Kansas-Nebraska Watershed Contract, 1951
9          Kansas-Oklahoma Reciprocity Agreement, 1952
10        Kansas River Basin -- Independent Survey, 1952-1953
11        Kansas State Chamber of Commerce, 1951
12        Kansas Territorial Centennial, 1952-53
13        Kansas Territorial Centennial, 1954-55
14        Kentucky, 1951-53
15        Kiwanis International, 1951-1954
16        Korea -- American-Korean Relief, Apr-Jul 1953
17        Korea -- American-Korean Relief, Aug-Dec 1953
18        Korean Conflict, 1951-53
Box 66 (XX-15-03-04)
1          Labor -- Right to Work, Mar 1953
2          Labor -- Right to Work, Mar 1953
3          Law and Order, 1953
4          Lawyers, 1951
5          League of Kansas Municipalities, 1951-52
6          Legal Adult Age, 1951
7          Legislation, Requests for, 1951-52
8          Legislation, Misc., Jan-Feb 20 1953
9          Legislation, Misc., Feb 20-Mar 18 1953
10        Legislation, Misc., Mar 19-Apr 1953
Box 67 (XX-15-03-05)
1          Lein Law, 1953
2          Leopold Hospital, 1954
3          License Plate Commission, 1954
4          Lincoln Day, Independent, Kansas, 1953
5          Liquor Laws, 1951-54
6          Little Hoover Commission, 1951
7          Louisiana, 1951-1954
8          Maine, 1951
9          March of Dimes, 1951-52
10        Maryland, 1953
11        Massachusetts, 1953
12        McCarthyism, 1951
13        McPherson, Kansas, 1951-52
14        Menninger Foundation, 1952
15        Mental Health, 1951-52
16        Mental Health Conference -- Detroit, Feb 8,9,10, 1954
17        Mexico, 1951-54
18        Michigan, 1951-52
19        Military, Access Roads Projects, 1952
20        Misc., 1951-52

Box 68 (XX-15-03-06)
1          Missouri, 1951-53
2          Miss Universe Pageant, 1953
3          Montana, 1953
4          Music, 1951-52
5          National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, undated (see also               Desegregation, Race Relations and Segregation)
6          National Grange, 1953
7          Navy R.O.T.C., 1952-1953
8          Nebraska, 1951-1954
9          Netherlands -- Aid to Holland, 1953
10        Nevada, 1951
11        New Jersey, 1951
12        New York, 1952-54
13        Newspaper Clippings, Misc., 1952
14        Nitrogen, 1952
15        North Dakota, 1951-53
16        Nudist Colonies, 1954
17        Ohio, 1953
18        Oil & Gas Conference, 1951
19        Oklahoma, 1954
20        Olathe, Kansas, 1954
21        Olympics, 1952-53
22        Oregon, 1952-54
23        Pakistan, 1953
24        Pan-Cake Day at Liberal, 1952
25        Patriotic Organizations, 1954
26        Pennsylvania, 1953
27        Philippines, 1952-54
28        Physically Handicapped, 1951
Box 69 (XX-15-03-07)
1          Physically Handicapped, 1952-53
2          Political Prisoners, 1953
3          Prairie Village, Kansas, 1951
4          Presidential Electors, 1952
5          Presentations, 1951
6          Press Releases, 1951
7          Production Marketing Administration Committee Petition, not dated
8          Public Lands, 1952
9          Puerto Rico, 1953-1954
10        Race Relations, 1951-54 (see also Desegregation, N.A.A.C.P. and Segregation)
11        Reciprocity, 1952-54
12        Radio, 1951
13        Radio, 1952
14        Radio, 1953
15        Radio Reports, Jan-Apr 1951
Box 70 (XX-15-04-01)
1          Radio Reports, May-Oct 1951
2          Radio Reports, Nov-Dec 1951
3          Radio Reports, Jan-Mar 1952
4          Radio Reports, Apr-May 1952
5          Radio Reports, Jun-Aug 1952
6          Recreation Association, Kansas, 1952
7          Red Cross, American, Jan-Aug 1951
8          Red Cross, American, Sep-Dec 1952
Box 71 (XX-15-04-02)
1          Refugee Relief Committee, 1954
2          Religion, undated
3          Rent Control, 1951-53
4          REPORTER, The, 1953
5          Republican Party, 1951-52
6          Republican Party, 1953-54
7          Republican Party -- Industrial Republican Club, 1952
8          Republican State Central Committee, 1951-1954
9          Republicans, Young, 1951-54
10        Rhode Island, 1951-52
11        Rivers & Harbors Congress, National, Washington D.C., May 25, 1954
12        Safety Conference, 1951-52
13        Saint Lawrence Seaway, 1951
14        Santa Fe, 1954
15        Savings & Loan, 1952
16        Segregation, 1952-54
17        Selective Service, 1951-54
Box 72 (XX-15-04-03)
1          Signature Law
2          Small Business Commission, 1951-52
3          Social Security Agreement, undated
4          South Dakota, 1953
5          Spain, 1952-53
6          Spraying, 1952
7          Speeches, 1951
8          Speeches, 1952
9          Speeches, 1952
10        Speeches, 1953
11        State Governments, Council of, 1952
12        Steel, 1951-52
13        Stream Improvement, National Council for, 1953
14        Submerged Lands Reports, 1953
15        Sunday School, 1953
16        Sunflower Boys' State, 1951-53
17        Sunflower Girls' State, 1952
18        Switzerland, 1953-54
19        Taxation, 1951-53
20        Teachers Association, Kansas State, 1951-1952
21        Teachers Retirement Bill, 1953
22        Telephone Company, Southwestern Bell, 1951-52
Box 73 (XX-15-04-04)
1          Television station for the University of Kansas and Kansas State College, 1953
2          Tennessee, 1953
3          Texas, 1951-54
4          Tidelands, Apr 1951
5          Tidelands, May 1951-1953
6          Tornado Conference, 1954
7          Traffic Safety, 1953-54
8          Transcontinental Western, Airlines, 1952
9          Tri-State Industrial Conference, 1951
10        Turnpike -- Kansas & Oklahoma, 1952-54
11        Turnpike, Proposed Highway Intersection, U.S. 50 North with, 1954
12        Un-American Activities, 1951-52
13        United Defense Fund, 1951
14        United Mine Workers, 1951-54
Box 74 (XX-15-04-05)
1          United Nations, 1951-54
2          UNESCO, 1951
3          United Service Organization, 1952-53
4                      Agriculture, Dept. of, 1951-54
5                      Architect of the Capital, 1951
6                      Civil Defense Administration, 1953
7                      Commerce, Dept. of, 1951-54
8                      Commerce, Dept. of.  Civil Aeronautics Administration, 1951
9                      Communications Commission, Federal, 1951
10                    Congress.  House, 1951-54
11                    Congress.  Senate, 1951-54
12                    Defense, Dept. of 1951-54
13                    Defense, Dept. of.  Air Force Academy, 1954
14                    Defense, Dept. of.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  Missouri Rivier Division, 1953
15                    Displaced Persons Commissions -- DPC-252 Forms, 1951
16                    Health, Education and Welfare, Dept. of, 1953
17                    Housing Administration, Federal, 1951-54
18                    Housing Expediter, Office of the, 1951-52
19                    Interior, Dept. of the, 1951-54
20                    Justice, Dept of,  Attorney General, 1951-54
Box 75 (XX-15-04-06)
United States
1                      Justice Dept. of.  F.B.I., 1951-53
2                      Justice Dept. of.  Young American Medals Committee, undated
3                      Labor, Dept. of, 1951-53
4                      Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federal, 1952
5                      Postmaster General, 1952-54
6                      Power Commission, Federal, 1953-54
7                      President -- Inauguration -- Contributions for Inaugural Fund, 1952-53
8                      President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1951-53
9                      President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1953
10                    President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1953
11                    President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1953
12                    President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1953
13                    President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1953
Box 76 (XX-15-04-07)
United States
1                      President -- Inauguration -- Fund Raising Campaign, 1953
2                      President -- Inauguration -- Petition for a Holiday, 1953
3                      President -- Inauguration -- Special Train, 1953
4                      President, 1954
5                      President -- Highway Safety Program, 1951-54
6                      Security Agency, Federal, 1951-54
7                      Small Business Administration, 1954
8                      Social Security Administration, 1954
9                      State Dept., 1951-54
10                                Fulbright Scholarship Committee, 1951-53
11                    Supreme Court Reform, Committee for, 1954
12                    Treasury, Dept. of, 1951-54
13                    Veterans' Administration, 1952-54
14        Universal Military Training, 1951-53
15        Utah, 1951-54
16        Veterans' Administration Hospital, 1954
17        Veterans' Bonuses, 1951-54
18        Veterans' Concerns, 1951-54
19        Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1952-53
20        Virgin Islands, 1952
21        Virginia, 1952-53
22        Voting, 1952
23        Voting (for Eighteen Year Olds), 1951-52
Box 77 (XX-15-05-01)
1          Washburn University, 1951-1952
2          Washington (State), 1952
3          Washington, D. C., 1951
4          Water Storage -- Pipe, 1954
5          Weather, 1951
6          Welcome Wagon, 1951
7          Wichita -- Annexation -- Eastborough, 1953
8          Wichita Air Base, 1952
9          Wichita Chamber of Commerce, 1951
10        Wichita Meeting, June 23, 1951
11        Wichita Taxicab Strike, 1954
12        Winter Hospital, 1951
13        Women, 1952-54
14        Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1951-1953
15        Women Voters, League of Women, 1952
16        Wooden Church Crusade, 1954
17        Wyandotte County Grand Jury, 1952
18        Wyandotte County Grand Jury, 1952
19        Yugoslavia, 1951
20        Y.W.C.A. Hi-Y & Governor Program, 1953


Original                       Description:                                                                 New
Location:                                                                                                         Location:
XX-14-02-06 f5            The Press                                                                     M-2-3-7-L
XX-14-03-01 f4            Gov. Earl Warren of Ca.                                             YY-05-07-01
XX-14-03-02 f1            Hoosier Auxiliary News                                             YY-05-07-01
XX-14-03-04 f4            Get your Wynn Wynndow ...                         YY-05-07-01
XX-14-03-06 f6            Gov's Baseball Tourn...                                               YY-05-07-01
XX-14-03-06 f8            Campaign Comes to 18,000,000                                 YY-05-07-01
XX-14-03-07 f3            Kansas City Labor Bulletin
Amarillo Globe                                                           YY-05-07-01
XX-14-04-02 f5            The Women's Manifesto                                             YY-05-07-01
XX-14-04-02 f5            Dear Governor                                                            YY-14-04-02
XX-14-04-03 f3            How to Make America Strong                                    YY-05-07-01
XX-14-04-03 f4            Texas                                                                           YY-05-07-01
XX-14-04-03 f6            Sunday-Kansas City Star                                            YY-05-07-01
XX-14-05-03 f2            Kansas State Industrial Farm                          YY-05-07-01
XX-14-05-03 f3            State of Kansas Statement of Revenue Receipts       YY-05-07-01
XX-14-05-03 f4            Estimate of Collections, ...                                          YY-05-07-01
XX-14-06-01 f7            Protect Your Community                                           YY-05-07-01
XX-14-06-06 f7            Unidentified map                                                        YY-05-07-01
XX-14-06-06 f7            Preliminary Study U.S. Highway 81              M-2-3-7-L
XX-14-06-06 f8            Map Highway K 57                                                    YY-05-07-01
XX-14-07-01 f13          U. S. Petroleum Trends                                               YY-05-07-01
XX-14-07-04 f1            St. Louis Post-Dispatch                                              YY-05-07-01
XX-14-07-04 f3                                                                                                Forecast of Future Mid-State Water                           YY-05-07-01
XX-14-08-01 f3            State Commission of Revenue and Taxation  YY-05-07-01
XX-15-01-07 f11          An Important Part of the Pick-Sloan plan                  YY-05-07-01
XX-15-01-07 f12                                                                                              Summary of Estimated Damages to County                        YY-05-07-01
XX-15-02-01 f3                                                                                                Summary of Estimated Damages to county             YY-05-07-01
XX-15-02-01 f4            Considered Eligible for Reinbursement                      YY-05-07-01
XX-15-02-03 f10          What Will Happen to Waconda Spring?                    YY-05-07-01
XX-15-02-05 f3            National 4-H Club Week                                            YY-05-07-01
XX-15-02-06 f1                                                                                                Stocks of Grain -- January 1                                       YY-05-07-01
XX-15-03-05 f7            House of Reps of Louisiana                                       YY-05-07-01
XX-15-03-05 f18          Michigan House of Reps                                            YY-05-07-01
XX-15-03-05 f19          Perspective Looking Northeast                                   YY-05-07-01
XX-15-04-02 f13          National St. Lawrence Project Conference                YY-05-07-01
XX-15-04-04 f4                                                                                                Michigan Legislature                                                  YY-05-07-01
XX-15-04-04 f10          Road Maps                                                                  M-2-3-7-L
XX-15-05-01 f13          Teen-Agers Can be Accident-Proof                           YY-05-07-01

Space Required/Quantity: 31 ft. (77 boxes + 2 oversize folders)

Title (Main title): Correspondence files

Part of: Records of the Kansas Governor's Office. Records of the Kansas Governor's Office : administration of Governor Edward F. Arn (1951-1955).

Scope and Content

Contents: Sub-series A. Alphabetical files (in order by correspondent surname) -- Sub-series B. Appointments file (alphabetically arranged by position title) -- Sub-series C. State agencies file -- Sub-series D. Subject file.


Locator Contents
027-14-02-03 to 027-15-05-01   
072-05-07-01  Oversize materials 
072-14-04-02  Dear governor 
937-22-05-00  Folder 5, Oversize materials 

Index Terms


    Congresses and conventions -- United States
    Kansas. Governor (1951-1955 : Arn) -- Public relations
    Kansas. Governor (1951-1955 : Arn) -- Records and correspondence
    Kansas. State Dept. of Social Welfare
    Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Committee
    Missouri Basin Inter-agency Committee
    Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- )
    Kansas -- Centennial celebrations, etc.
    Kansas -- Officials and employees -- Selection and appointment
    Kansas -- Politics and government
    Federal agencies
    State agencies
    Aviation -- Kansas
    County officials and employees -- Selection and appointment -- Kansas
    Droughts -- Kansas
    Educational law and legislation -- Kansas
    Floods -- Kansas -- 1951
    International relations -- Kansas
    Interstate relations -- Kansas
    Judges -- Selection and appointment -- Kansas
    Municipal officials and employees -- Selection and appointment -- Kansas
    Notaries -- Resignation -- Kansas
    Petitions -- Kansas
    Public institutions -- Kansas
    Public welfare -- Kansas

Creators and Contributors

Agency Classification:

    Kansas State Agencies. Governor's Office. Specific Administrations. Arn, Edward Administration.

Additional Information for Researchers

Add'l physical form: Records relating to the 1951 flood and flood control, 1951-1953: Available via Kansas Memory, Electronic resource. Topeka, Kan. : Kansas State Historical Society, c2007-14; http://www.kansasmemory.org/locate.php?query=Governor+Edward+Arn%2C+correspondence+files&restrict=all