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Speech : Governor Henry Allen on the Court of Industrial Relations

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen)

Date: February 1920

Level of Description: Item

Material Type: Government record

Call Number: Governor's Office, Allen, Correspondence, Box 12, Folder Industrial Relations, Court of "L"

Unit ID: 213324

Summary: In this speech, Kansas Governor Henry Allen addresses the events leading up to the creation of Senate Bill Number One, generally referred to as "The Industrial Court Bill." This court would set up a tribunal that would hear the concerns of both employers and employees. Included within the address, Governor Allen discusses the twelve provisions within the new law and states why he believes the bill will safeguard private citizens, industry and workers.

Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated]

Title (Main title): Speech : Governor Henry Allen on the Court of Industrial Relations


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Agency Classification:

    Kansas State Agencies. Governor's Office. Specific Administrations. Allen, Henry Administration.