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Records of the Kansas Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc.

Creator: Kansas Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc.

Date: 1992 - 1994

Level of Description: Coll./Record Group

Material Type: Government record

Call Number: Unavailable

Unit ID: 216415

Abstract: The records from the Commission are mostly concerned with the public meetings the Commission held during the various phases of its work and research, including transcriptions and other evidence of public response, as well as the administrative and logistical records related to setting up and conducting these various meetings. Other records include meeting minutes, correspondence, legislative information, and reports created by the Commission concerning its progress and recommendations. The records span the majority of the Commission's brief existence and provide a comprehensive view of both its duties and its findings.

Space Required/Quantity: Circa 7 cubic feet.

Title (Main title): Records of the Kansas Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc.

Administrative History

Administrative History: The Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc. was created in 1991 when Governor Joan Finney signed Senate Bill 403. The purpose of the Commission was to develop a long-range health care policy plan, including both short- and long-term strategies; to identify the social values of Kansas in relation to health care; and to provide a forum for Kansans to participate in the development of health policy.

The Commission reviewed the recommendations of former health advisory panels, studied health care projects being implemented in the state at the time, and gained information on health care reform issues from a variety of experts. It also developed detailed plans concerning health care reform and to procure a public-private funding base to support these projects, as well as implementing the plans it formulated and to solicit the active participation of Kansans in health policy development.

The Commission was disbanded in 1994.

[Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc. "Report to the Governor and the Joint Committee on Health Care Decisions for the 1990s." June 1992.]

[Kansas Statutes Annotated KSA 74-9401. http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_74/Article_94/74-9401_to_74-9408.html (accessed 7 May 2009).]


No Locators Identified

Index Terms


    Kansas. Legislature. Joint Committee on Health Care Decisions for the 1990's
    Kansas Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc. -- History
    Kansas Commission on the Future of Health Care, Inc. -- Records and correspondence
    Health care reform -- Kansas -- History -- 20th century
    Health planning -- Kansas
    Medical care -- Kansas -- Planning
    Public welfare -- Kansas

Creators and Contributors

Agency Classification:

    Kansas State Agencies. Kansas Commission On The Future Of Health Care.