Personal Problem - Divorce
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: February 1915
Level of Description: Folder
Material Type: Government record
Call Number:
Governor's Office, Governor Arthur Capper, Correspondence Files, General Correspondence - Numerical File, Box 3 Folder 212
Unit ID: 451821
Summary: James Fitzpatrick of Anthony, Kansas, is writing to Governor Capper for assistance in his divorce that will be before the Supreme Court. Plus, Fitzpatrick writes on behalf of his friend Mr. Hershe about getting copies of the book "The Horse and The Cow" to treat diseases. This file is part of a bigger collection of Governor Arthur Capper correspondence.
Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated]
Title (Main title): Personal Problem - Divorce
Scope and Content
Locator | Contents |
027-08-01-06 |
Index Terms
Creators and Contributors
Agency Classification:
Kansas State Agencies. Governor's Office. Specific Administrations. Capper, Arthur Administration.