Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1880
Level of Description: Folder
Material Type: Government record
Call Number:
Governor?s Office, Governor John Pierce St. John, Correspondence Files, Correspondence Received, Subject Files, Box 15 Folder 11
Unit ID: 455882
Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated]
Title (Main title): Invitations
Scope and Content
Scope and content: This file contains numerous invitations to Kansas Governor St. John to attend different events and associations. One invitation is from the Ball and Banquet in Larned, Kansas on January 24th, 1880. There is an invitation to the Governor to deliver an oration on June 10th at Highland University in Highland, Kansas.
No Locators Identified
Index Terms
Creators and Contributors
Agency Classification:
Kansas State Agencies. Governor's Office. Specific Administrations. St. John, John Administration.