General Correspondence - Numerical File (1915)
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: 1915
Unit ID: 451591
Title (Main title): General Correspondence - Numerical File (1915)
Return to Full Descriptive Record
Portions of Collection Separately Described:
- 19th Kansas Cavalry - Pension Requested
- 1st Infantry Division - Memorial in Vicksburg Park
- Abandonment of Lucy Sharpe Brooks by Husband
- Abandonment of Mattie Marion by Husband
- Abolition of Capital Punishment - Effect on Crime
- Absentee Ballots Not Counted
- Acknowledgement of Receipt of Letter
- Acknowledgment of Appointment Endorsement
- Adjutant General
- Advertising in Mail and Breeze cancelled if Shipping Permit not Granted
- Against Racial Intermarriage
- Agricultural College - $2.50 Activity Fee
- Agricultural College Investigation in 1899 - Witness Fee
- Agricultural College - New Physical Schience Hall
- Alleged Effort to Wrongfully Take Children from Mother - Bethel, Ks.
- American Academy of Political and Social Science - Delegates
- American Mining Congress - Delegates
- American Prison Association - Delegates
- American Red Cross
- Anti-Cigarette Law
- Anti-fee Splitting Bill
- Appeal by the Anti-Capital Punishment League for Earl M. Loomis
- Appeal Denial in Misdemeanor Cases
- Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk
- Applicant for Deputy Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner
- Applicant for Position on Ranch for Neglected Boys
- Applications for Positions
- Appointment of Police Judge
- Appropriation for Hutchinson Reformatory and Shawnee County Fair
- Assessment and Taxation Acts - Senator Waggener
- Attorney General
- Attorney General - Intervene in Case H. G. Nuttle vs. M. Westenhaver
- Attorney General - Letter Referred
- Attorney General - Letter to
- Authorization Given to Atten International Assoc. of Fire Engineers and Fire Chiefs
- Automobile Tax - Telegram to Texas Concerning
- Automobile Tax Unfair
- Ball Manufacturing Company
- Bank at Mulberry
- Bank Charter Law
- Banking Matter - Russell Springs Bank
- Barber Board
- Bees
- Belgian Relief
- Bids on Floud Lettings
- Bill for Establishment of Immigration Bureau
- Billing Problem for Coal Shipment
- Bill to License Stationary Engineers
- Bill to Tax Moving Picture Shows Protested
- Birds and Wild Life Protection
- Blue Sky Law - Letter of Inquiry
- Board of Educational Administration - Inquiry from Texas
- Board of Veterinary Examiners - Letters Referred
- Boiler Inspecting Bill
- Bonner Portland Cement Co. Claims Discrimination
- Bounty on Trees
- Boys Industrial School
- Boys Industrial School, Topeka
- Brookville - Member of Community a Problem
- Brooms for State use
- Building Erected in Kaw Valley Drainage District Illegal
- Butler County - Applicants and Recommendations for Probate Judge
- Candidates for Judge of the 24th District - General
- Candidates for Judge of the 24th District - George Hay
- Candidates for Judge of the 24th District - L. G. Turner
- Candidates for Judge of the 24th District - R. P. McCalloch
- Candidates for Judge of the 24th District - Samuel Griffin
- Candidates for Judge of the 24th District - William B. Hess
- Case of Mr. W. A. McWain
- Censoring Moving Pictures - Letter Transmitted to Superintendent of Schools
- Change in Laws Regarding Children's Institutions
- Chardon Telephone Co.
- Charles E. Hughes Invited to Kansas Banker's Assoc. Meeting
- Chicago Exposition - Request for Appropriations for Kansas Exhibit
- Child Labor Legislation
- Chiropractor Practicing Without a License
- Chiropractors and Chiropractic Board
- Cigarette Law
- Circumstances of Ouster Suit Against Mayor of Mulberry
- Citizens State Bank of Chautauqua
- Civil Service Commission
- Claim Against Union Pacific Railroad
- Clear Title to Land Desired
- Coal Mine Closings - Investigation Needed
- Codification of Laws
- Colored Industrial School - Sewer Health Hazard
- colored Men Wish to Serve in State Militia
- Comments on Bills before the Legislature
- Committee of Mercy
- Committee of Patrons of "The Slavonic Classics" - Invitation to Join
- Compensation for Convicts
- Compensation for Employees and Officers Under Board of Control
- Complaint Against a Sunday Hunt
- Complaint from Painters' Union in Hutchinson
- Complaint of Colony Hay Shippers, Farmers & Land Owners
- Complaint Regarding Rates for Shipping Livestock
- Complaints of Dead Animals Dumped in Pittsburg
- Concerning the Release of a Mortgage
- Condition of Indigent at K. U. Medical School
- Confusion as to Jurisdiction over Deliquent Boy
- Consideration for Appointment to County Office
- Controversy Over Threshing Machine
- County Attorney in Pratt
- County Poor House - Alleged Misbehavior of Superintendent
- County Store keeper wants to name place Summerville
- County Treasurers Charging for Tax Information
- Coyote Hunt in Greeley County
- Crawford County Clerk and Treasurere Salary Raise Opposed
- Crime Prevention Day
- Criticism of Governor's Attitude Toward State Educational Institution
- Dairy Inspections
- Death Certificate for Bulgarian Subject Requested
- Death of Auto Racer in Coffeyville - Inquest Requested
- Death of Joseph Stibernik
- Department of State Received Communication on Right of Alien to Acquire Real Property
- Deposition Fee
- Deputyship in the Grain Inspection Dept.
- Diploma Examination - Zarah
- Disabled Worker Seeks Assistance
- Disputed Claim of Grain Inspector
- Dissastisfied Farmer
- Dissatisfied Client in Court Case
- Divorce Proctor Law
- (Documents Missing)
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- Dodge City Soldiers' Home - Intolerable Conditions
- Dog Tax
- Domestic Problem - Divorce and Custody of Children
- Drainage Matter
- Dr. Dykes Unable to Attend Nursing Meeting
- Duck Hunting Law
- Edgar Zinc Company - Difficulties with Spanish Subjects
- Educational Institutions - Survey Proposed
- Educational Views Desired by Wisconsin Governor
- Elderly Veterinarian Denied Diploma
- Elihu Root Invited to Give Commencement Address at K.U.
- Employee of State Reformatroy has Unpaid Account
- Endorsement & Application for Appointment
- Estate of Hungarian Citizen
- Exchange of Flags Between Kansas & Philadelphia
- Executive Council - Letter Referred
- Ex-Soldier wants License to Operate a Delivery Wagon
- False Advertising - Calif. Consolidated Mines Co.
- Farmers' and Merchants' Clubs
- Farm Loan Bill
- Federation of the World
- Fee Splitting by Doctors
- Fiftieth Anniversary of the Emanicipation and Achievements of the Negro
- Fire Inspection of State House Welcome
- Fire Prevention Day
- Fish and Game Dept.
- Fish and Game Laws
- Flood Protection
- Florence Crittenden Home Investigated
- Foot and Mouth Disease
- Ford Scott Flood Conditions
- Fort Dodge Hospital - Treatment of Patients
- Fort Dodge Solders' Home - Applicant
- Fort Dodge Soldiers' Home - Applicant for Position on Board of Control
- Fort Dodge Soldiers' Home - Discharge of Chief Engineer
- Fort Hays Military Reservation Given to State of Kansas
- Free Text Books - Material Sent to Mankato
- Free Unemployment Office - Referred to State Labor Commissioner
- Full Crew Bill - Railroads
- Fumigation of School Houses by School Board would cut Cost
- Garden City Sugar and Land Company Lease
- George Hay's Appointment as Judge of 24th District Approved
- G. F. Harvey, Appellant, vs. The Union Traction Company, Appellee
- Girl's Industrial School
- Good Roads Days
- Governor Asks for Efficiency
- Governor's Priority List Presented to the Senate
- Governor's Stand Against Excessive Appropriation Applauded
- Graduate Veterinary Surgeons vs Non-graduates
- Grain Inspection Law - Substitute for House Bill 165
- Grain Inspector - Criticism
- Grievance Against Lawyer
- Handicapped Teacher Requests Pension - L. H. Bristol
- Haskell County - Proposal for County Seat Election
- Hays School in Need of Appropriations
- Health Problems - Morphene Addicts and National Leprosarian
- Highways and Bridges - Legislation and Repair
- Home Education Defended
- Homestead Lands in Kansas
- Horse Breaking Exhibition in Lawrence Protestted
- Hotel Commissioner - Letters Referred
- Hotel Owner Seeks Help in Collecting Board Bills
- House Bills Relating to Schools
- Hutchinson State Fair - Gambling and Use of Military Equipment
- Independence and Bond Issue
- Independence of the Philippine Islands - Debate Material
- Industrial Welfare Commission - Appointment to
- Ineligible Welfare Recipient
- Inequality in Sentencing Males and Females over Sixteen
- Inheritance Tax Question
- Injured Employee Unable to Get Settlement
- Injured Railroad Employee Inquires about Statutue of Limitations
- In Reference to Report of Sec.-Tres. Nurses Board
- Insane Woman - Letter Referred to Board of Control
- Insurance Business Not State Business
- Insurance Commissioner Selection
- Insurance Companies Oppose House Bill No. 910
- Insurance on School Buildings and Contents
- International Dry-Farming Congress
- International Peace Movements
- Interstate Anti-White Slave Committee
- Interstate Conference on Uniform Industrial and Insurance Legislation
- Investigation of Mines in Southeast kansas
- Investigation of Prison Sentence Requested
- Irresponsible Handling of Case of Possible Rabid Dog
- Irrigation
- Irrigation and Irrigation Board
- Irrigation of State House Grounds
- Judge Seeks Advice on Commitment of Delinquent Boy
- Judicial Re-apportionment Bill
- Judicial Reapportionment Bill Criticized
- Justices of the Peace
- Kansas Day Club Speech - James Watson
- Kansas Fire Rate Regulation Law - Explanation to Nebraska
- Kansas State Agricultural College - Report of Division of College Extension June 30, 1915
- Kansas. State Grain Inspection Department - Surplus Misleading
- Kansas State Penitentiary - Dismissal of Warden Botkin & other Prison matter
- Kansas State Penitentiary Mine at Lansing
- Kansas State School for the Blind - Charges of Cruelty
- Kansas State Soliders' Home - Tea and Coffee Controversy Settled
- Kaw River - Complaints of Condition
- Kaw Valley Sand Co. vs. Atchison
- Land Windle in Bourbon County
- Lansing Penitentiary Brick Plant
- Lansing Penitentiary - Recommendation to Move Women Prisoners
- Lansing Prison - Concerns of Warden Botkin
- Lansing Prison - Management Suggestions
- Law on Hauling Voters to the Polls Clarified
- Laws Passed by 1915 Legislature Requested
- Law to Protect Person Convicted of Felony on Release Cited
- Lawyer Assisting in State Case Requests Fee
- Leagal Status of Women in Kansas
- Leavenworth Penitentiary - Letter Referred to Warden
- Leavenworth WCTW Commends Temperance Stand
- Legal Holidays of Kansas
- Legality of a Mayor Serving on State Board of Examiners Questioned
- Legality of Hunting without a License for Charitable Purpose
- Legality of Soliciting Funds
- Legal Matters of Personal Nature
- Legislation - Suggestions and Comments
- Legislative Appropriations - Information Requested by Nebraska
- Legislative Information Sought by Arizona
- Legislative Pages
- Legislative Proposal Concerning Street Railways in Kansas City
- Legislative Recommendations by Connecticut Governor
- Legislative Recommendations' by Texas Governor
- Legislative Recommendations of Women
- Legislative Recommendations of Women & Problem in Shipment of Livestock
- Legislative Reforms Suggested
- Legislative Session - Number of Officials and Employees
- Legislature - Allegedly Accomplishes Little
- Legislature Criticized
- Letter Concerning Fish Referred to State Fish and Game Wardne
- Letter Concerning Spelling of "Commission"
- Letter referred to Veterinary Board
- Letters from State Hospital Inmates
- Letter to Governor of West Virginia Concerning Release of Prisoner
- Letter to Superintendent of Insurance Concerning Sterling Insurance Co.
- Letter Transmitted to Board of Managers of the Soldiers Home
- Liberty Bell Committee
- Liberty Bell Exhibit
- License for Restaurants
- License for Taking Orders for Goods - Necessity Questioned
- Liquor Law Violation at South Coffeyville
- Liquor Problem - Missouri Pacific Railway
- Liquor Violations in Mulberry
- Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner
- Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner
- Loading Rates Raised for Cattle & Hay
- Loans and Mortgages
- Maintenance of Bridge at Fort Riley
- Manhattan Resident Complains
- Massachusetts Interested in form used to Petition for Pardon
- Mill Product Complaint Referred to Board of Health
- Mine inspection
- Mine Inspection Dept. Billed for Instruments
- Mine Rescue Station at Pittsburg Needs Constant Attendant
- Mine Safety and United Mine Workers' Union
- Mining
- Minister Requests Contempts of Court Charges Investigated
- Minnesota Concerned with Children Under State Control
- Mississippi Valley Conference on Tuberculosis - Delegates
- Missouri Governor - Inaugural Address
- Missouri Pacific Railroad - Madison Branch
- Missouri Valley Public Health Assoc. asks Permission to use Seal of Kansas on Letter Head
- Moral Issuer
- Mortgage Registration Bill
- Mother Bickerdyke Home Inmates Mistreated
- Mothers' Compensation Act
- Moving Picture Film Inspection Law
- Mr. O. C. Le Suer's Appointment as Fish & Game Warden Protested
- Mrs. Julia B. Perry's Address Requested
- Murder Case and Reward - Mimss Nellie Byers (1915-1916)
- Murderer - Requests for Reward for Apprehension
- Murder of Stephan Gabrick - Leavenworth
- Musician Joseph Helt Wishes to Clear His Record
- National Americanization Day
- National Child Labor Committee - Delegates
- National Conference of Charities and Corrections - Delegates
- National Conference on Immigration and Americanization
- National Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits - Delegates
- National Congress on Recreation - Delegates
- National Drainage Congress - Delegates
- National Guard - Discharge Requested
- National Guard - Disposition of Stored Uniforms
- National Guard - Request for Unit in Arkansas City
- National Half Century Anniversary of Negro Freedom
- National Negro Farmers Congress - Delegates Appointed
- Natural Gas Utilities
- Naturalization and Deportation
- Navy League Convention - San Francisco
- Negotiable Instruments Act - Section 94
- New Homestead Law - Information
- Non-Partisan Tariff Commission
- Objection to County Commissioner's Power of Appointments
- Oil and Gasoline Inspection
- Oil Inspection - Revenue Received by Iowa, Missouri & Nebraska
- Olathe Requests Fish for Ponds
- Old Age Pension - Request by David Pritchard
- Old Solciers' Preference Law
- Optometrist Compains of Yearly Certification Fee
- Osawatomie State Hospital
- Osawatomie State Hospital Accused of Seling Diseased Cows
- Osawatomie State Hospital - Alleged Mistreatment
- Osawatomie State Hospital - Coal Contract
- Osawatomie State Hospital - Fuel Contracts
- Osawatomie State Hospital - Parole of Patient
- Osawatomie State Hospital - Report of Fire Chief
- Osawatomie - Water Purification Plant
- Ozard Trails Association - Delegates
- Panama-Pacific Exposition - Request for Employment
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama Pacific Expostions - (See also no. 10)
- Panama-Pacific International Expositions
- Parade for Washburn Financial Campaign
- Parent Desires Return of Children Taken by Authorities
- Parent vs. Teacher - Crawford County
- Parole Approval
- Parole Request - Charles Dillinger
- Parsons State Hospital - Absence of Screens
- Parsons State Hospital Inmates Complain
- Payment for Caretaker of John Brown Memorial Park Received
- Peace Organization - Information
- Peddlers' Law
- Penalties for Drunkeness
- Penitentiary - Reinstatement of Dennis O'Connor
- Penitentiary Reports and Regulations - Request for
- Pension Request for Handicapped Brother
- Pensions for Crippled and Blind Persons
- Pensions for Militia and Others
- Permit to Solicit Help for Poor Requested
- Personal Matter - Custody of Child
- Personal Matter - Divorce
- Personal Problem
- Personal Problem - Divorce
- Personal Problem - Legal Matter
- Personal Problem - Loan Needed
- Personal Problem - Needs Legal Advice
- Personal Problem - Wants Canadian Death Certificate
- Petition for "Square Deal" to Kansas Railroads
- Plan to Build Bridge in Lawrence Criticized
- Playin Baseball on Sunday and Decoration Day - Legal Issue
- Plea for Larger Pension for the Blind
- Pool Hall Bill Recommended by Seward
- Pool Halls and Gambling
- Pottawatomie County Home - Investigation of Mistreatment of Inmate
- Pratt - Electric Light Plant
- President Wilson's Letter to Germany - Governor's Comments on
- Price of Binding Twine - Lansing
- Price Raid Claims
- Primary Elections - Proposal for Change
- Printing of Resolution
- Prison Board - Transmittal of Letters
- Prisoner Requests Review of Case
- Prison Gate Rescue Work
- Prison Matters - Leavenworth
- Problems Involving Kansas City Officials
- Procedure for Parolling Prisoners
- Procedure in Selecting School Books in Kansas
- Prohibition
- Prohibitory Law
- Prohibitory Liquor Law Violation Alleged
- Prohibitory Liquor Law Violators
- Proof of Indian Blood - Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Property Settlement Unsatisfactory
- Property Tax Exemption for Widows
- Proposal for Legislation - George B. Frost
- Proposal for Majority Verdicts by Juries
- Public Accountancy
- Publication of School Books
- Public Printing - Complaint
- Public Schools
- Public Utilities Commissin
- Public Utilities Commission - Answer to letter Concerning
- Public Utilities Commission to Investigate Electric Lines
- Question of Citizenship
- Racial Discrimination by Board of Education - Weir
- Railroad Passenger Rate Increase Protested
- Railroads and Public Utilities Committee Members
- Rape Case
- Receivership of Kansas Natural Gas Company Investigated
- Recourse for Ejected Inmate of Poor House
- Regulation of Insurance Companies Investments Opposed
- Religion in the Public Schools
- Report of the Efficiency and Economy Commission
- Request for Funds to Pay Militia on Maneuvers
- Request for Help to Obtain Custody of Son
- Request for Interview
- Request for Parole and Pardon Regulations
- Request for Reward for Capture of bank Robbers
- Requests for Assistance - Nature Unclear
- Requests for Laws passed by Legislature
- Request to Appoint Handicapped Doctor to County Health Officer Post
- Request to Make Funds Available for Expenses of Militia
- Request to Use Tennis Courts Behind Governor's Mansion
- Requisition Papers from Flint
- Requisition Papers from Springfield
- Resolution s Adopted by People of Parson
- Resolution to Create a National Market Commission
- Response to Advice from W. A. White
- Restaurant License Fee - Letter Referred to State Hotel Commissioner
- Return of Letter Requested
- Rewarded for Capture of Milan State Bank Robbers
- River - Terminal Conference of Mississippi Valley States
- Rosedale Consolidation with Kansas City
- Rosedale School of Medicine - Appropriation Misunderstood
- Salary Dispute - J.B. Wiles
- Sand Royalties
- San Jose Scale in Apple Orchards
- Santa Fe Trail Markers
- School District Matter - Elk County
- School Legislation
- School of Mines asks Support
- School Supervisor - Application for Appointment
- School Text Book Commission
- School Text Book Commission
- Search for Registration of Stolen Motor Cycle Requested
- Second Federal Court in Kansas Opposed
- (See Application File - Miss F. Wilson)
- (See Applications File)
- (See no. 1)
- (See no. 10)
- (See no. 13)
- (See no. 140)
- (See no. 140)
- (See no. 17)
- (See no. 213)
- (See no. 230)
- (See no. 230)
- (See no. 264)
- (See no. 264)
- (See no. 264)
- (See no. 58)
- (See no. 73)
- (See no. 99)
- (See Pardon Files)
- (See: Parole File Number 646)
- Selection of Labor Commissioner
- Semi-Monthly Pay for Railroad Employees Protested
- Senate Bill No. 365
- Senator Curtis - Letter Referred Concerning Flower Seeds
- Service Fee's for Stallions - Copy of Bill Requested
- Settlement Between Doctor and Patient
- Shot Firing Commission
- Shot Firing in Strip Mines
- Situation Dealing with Ball Manufacturing Co. - Unclear
- Smallpox Epidemic in Columbus
- Smith - Lever Bill - Federal Aid to Agriculture & Home Economics
- Social Center and "Clean Up" Day or Week
- Soldiers' Home at Fort Dodge - Investigation
- Soldiers' Home - Board of Managers
- Soldiers' Home - Letter Referred to Chairman of the Board
- Soldiers' Home - Letters Trasnmitted to Chairman of the Board of Managers
- Soldiers' Home & Mother Bickerdyke Home - Administrative Control
- Soldiers' Home - Those Entitled to Admittance
- Soldier's Widow Desires Admittance to Fort Dodge Home
- Soldiers' Widows seek aid
- Southern Commercial Congress Invites Governor to Speak at Convention
- Standard Oil Complaints
- Standard Service Permit or "Indeterminate Franchise"
- State Agent - Term of Office
- State Bank Charter Denied at Valley Center
- State Board of Control - Letter Referred
- State board of Health - Letters Referred
- State Boiler Inspector - Request for Name
- State Civil Service Reform Committee - Report
- State Departments
- State Educational & Charitable Institutions
- State Engineer - Copy of Letter Requested
- State Engineer - Report Concerning Elimination of Office
- State Flags
- State Forest Nursery - Appropriation Necessary
- State Gas Inspector
- State Grain Inspector - Letter Referred
- State Hotel Commissioner
- State Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner & Veterinary Association
- State Manual Training Normal School at Pittsburg ~ Request for Funds
- State Militia
- State Normal - Information Desired
- State Orphans' Home at atchison - Appropriation Reduction Questioned
- State Orphans Home in Atchison - Complaints
- State Orphans' Home - Light & Power for
- State Penitentiary - Commission to Investigate
- State Penitentiary - Investigate Treatment of Murder
- State Penitentiary - Report of Warden J. K. Codding
- State Penitentiary - Temporary Paroles for Trustees
- State Police Marshal Bill
- State Prohibition Enforcement Officer
- State Reformatory and Paroles
- State Reformatory for Women
- State Songs
- State Tax Commissioners Within Legal Rights to Raise Valuations
- State Text Book Work - President Waters and Butcher
- Sunday Opening of Stores in Elmdale
- Superintendant at Olathe Institution Criticized
- Superintendent of Insurance - Letter Forwarded
- Support of House Bill 1019 Urged
- Supreme Court - Letter Referred to Clerk
- Taxation and Recording Fee for Mortgages
- Tax Exemption for Real Estate Mortgage - Request for Law
- Tax on Grave Lots Opposed
- Taxpayers League of Crawford County with to meet with the Governor
- Teacher Certification
- Telegram Concerning David Starcevich
- Telephone Companies - Charges and Service
- Temperance Legislation
- Temperance Meeting - Speaker Desired
- Territorial Claim - Mrs. Thomas Stinson
- The Ball Manufacturing Co. - Investigation Requested
- The Niagra Peace Society
- The Southern Commercial Congress - Delegates
- Topeka - Commission Form of Government Questioned
- Topeka State Hospital
- Topeka State Hospital - Alleged Immorality
- Topeka State Hospital - Answer to Letter Concerning Inmate
- Topeka State Hospital - Claims by Ex-Employees
- Topeka State Hospital - Complaint Concerning Dying Patient
- Topeka State Hospital - Death of Mr. S. E. Lawson
- Topeka State Hospital - Patients and Employees Complain
- Township Bridges
- Tractor Purchased not Satisfactory
- Transfer of Topeka State Hospital Inmate to Larned Requested
- Transmitting Letter of Mrs. H. B. Admas to Senator Curtis
- Treatment of Adopted Girl to be Investigated
- Treatment of Ill Mexican Alien
- Treatment of Poor in Leavenworth County
- Tribute Paid to Kansas Agricultural Display at Panama-Pacific Exposition
- Truskett Bill - Bd. Of Corrections Determines when Convict is cured of Insanity
- Tuberculosis Commission Board Member
- Tuberculosis Hospital - Inquiries
- Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission
- Tuberculosis Test for Milk Cows
- Twenty-two Club
- Twine Plant at Lansing Penitentiary
- Uncle Sam Oil Company
- Uncle Sam Oil Company Charged with Violating Law
- Unemployment Solutions
- United States Land Office - Letter Referred
- Use of Convicts on Township, City and County Roads
- Use of Diphtheria Anti-toxin
- U. S. Geological Survey - Letter to
- Value of Staiger's Island
- Veterinary Dentist Claims Examination Unfair
- Violation of Prohibitory Law
- Weights and Measures
- Western University
- Wholesale Grocers' Suggest Formation of Trade Commission
- Widow's Pension Law
- Winfield Imbecile Asylum - Use of Tobacco by Inmates
- Winfield State Training School - Application for Admission
- Wishes of List of Boards and Committees and Suggestion Concerning Penitentiary Coal Mine
- Work-for-the-Unemployed League
- Workmen's Compensation Law
- Work with Maros in the Phillippines - Committee of Five Appointed
- World Court Congress - Delegates
- Wyandotte County Improvement Bonds Repudiated
- Zenda Becoming Third Class City Opposed