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Creator: Kansas. Auditor of State

216 matches, Page 2 of 9

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ID Title Creator Date Material Type & Level Online?
191623 Civil War Military Scrip Register - Price Raid Kansas. Auditor of State 1864C-1869C Government record (Series) No
191632 Claims Register And Receipt Book Kansas. Auditor of State 1887S Government record (Series) No
192606 College Fee Warrant Registers Kansas. Auditor of State 1937-1953 Government record (Series) No
218236 Comparative Statement - Income and Expenditures Office of the Auditor of State 1900 - 1908 Government record (Series) No
191630 Copies Of Deeds To State Institutions Kansas. Auditor of State 1860C-1890C Government record (Series) No
191612 Correspondence Kansas. Auditor of State 1862-1877 Government record (Series) No
192953 Correspondence Kansas. Auditor of State 1926C-1978C Government record (Series) No
192612 Correspondence - Railroad Assessment Kansas. Auditor of State 1886-1888 Government record (Series) No
191622 Correspondence Received Kansas. Auditor of State 1875-1908 Government record (Series) No
191621 Correspondence Sent Kansas. Auditor of State 1863-1907 Government record (Series) No
191648 Counties' Assessed Valuation Register Kansas. Auditor of State 1864-1865 Government record (Series) No
195116 Discharged Convicts' Pay Rolls Kansas. Auditor of State 1878S Government record (Series) No
193175 Express Company Excise Tax Valuations Office of the Auditor of State 1909-1952 Government record (Series) No
450105 Fort Leavenworth-Fort Kearney Road [<i>sic</i>] Root, George A. (George Allen), 1867-1949 1938 Map, Manuscript (Folder) No
449067 Fort Leav. & Fort Scott Road (Ft. Leav.-Ft. Gibson-Fort Smith) United States. Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska [content: 1856-1859, copied: ca. 1920] Map, Manuscript (Folder) No
192615 Fort To Fort Highway transcrip proceedings, Federal Aid Project 52 Kansas. Auditor of State 1922S Government record (Series) No
193556 Guerrilla Raid Claim Files Kansas. Auditor of State 1875C-1889 Government record (Series) No
194947 Land Survey Plats: Navigable River, Arkansas River, Twn 25s, Range 2w Kansas. Auditor of State 1928S Government record (Series) No
194948 Land Survey Plats: Navigable Rivers, Arkansas River, Range 1&2w Kansas. Auditor of State 1929S Government record (Series) No
194713 Land Survey Plats - Navigable Rivers, Kansas River (Douglas & Jefferson Counties) Kansas. Auditor of State ND Government record (Series) No
194714 Land Survey Plats - Navigable Rivers: Kansas River- Riley County Kansas. Auditor of State 1928C-1931C Government record (Series) No
194856 Land Survey Plats, Navigable Rivers, Kansas River, Wabaunsee, and Pottawatomie Kansas. Auditor of State 1927S Government record (Series) No
194964 Land Survey Plats: Navigable Rivers -- Kansas River, Wabaunsee, and Pottawatomie Kansas. Auditor of State 1927S Government record (Series) No
194951 Land Survey Plats: Navigable Rivers, Kansas River, Wabunsee, and Pottowatomie Counties Kansas. Auditor of State 1927S Government record (Series) No
194712 Land Survey Plats - Navigable Rivers - Missouri River Kansas. Auditor of State 1930C-1931C Government record (Series) No
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