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Creator: Kansas. Auditor of State

216 matches, Page 6 of 9

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ID Title Creator Date Material Type & Level Online?
194936 Railroad Property Plats: Union Pacific Railway; Ellis County, Ellis Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194938 Railroad Property Plats: Union Pacific Railway; Leavenworth County, Leavenworth Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194939 Railroad Property Plats: Missouri Pacific Railway; Wyandotte County, Kansas City Kansas. Auditor of State 1900 Government record (Series) No
194940 Railroad Property Plats: Kansas City Sub-Belt Railroad and Union Terminal Railroad; Kansas City, Kansas, Wyandotte and Johnson Counties, Kansas City, Missouri Kansas. Auditor of State 1897 Government record (Series) No
194941 Railroad Property Plats: Leavenworth, Topeka & Southwestern Railway; Leavenworth County, Leavenworth Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194944 Railroad Property Plats: Junction City and Fort Kearney Railway; Geary County, Milford Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194945 Railroad Property Plats: Manhattan, Alma & Burlingame Railway, and/or Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway; Wabunsee County, Wabunsee & Mcfarland Kansas. Auditor of State 1893C Government record (Series) No
194946 Railroad Property Plats: Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway; Jewell County Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194947 Land Survey Plats: Navigable River, Arkansas River, Twn 25s, Range 2w Kansas. Auditor of State 1928S Government record (Series) No
194948 Land Survey Plats: Navigable Rivers, Arkansas River, Range 1&2w Kansas. Auditor of State 1929S Government record (Series) No
194951 Land Survey Plats: Navigable Rivers, Kansas River, Wabunsee, and Pottowatomie Counties Kansas. Auditor of State 1927S Government record (Series) No
194959 Railroad Property Plats: Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway; Washington and Republic Counties Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194964 Land Survey Plats: Navigable Rivers -- Kansas River, Wabaunsee, and Pottawatomie Kansas. Auditor of State 1927S Government record (Series) No
194968 Railroad Property Plat: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Rice County, Dacey Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194969 Railroad Property Plat: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Rice County, Pollard Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194970 Railroad Property Plats: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Rice County, Wherry Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194971 Railroad Property Plats: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Ellsworth County, Ellsworth Kansas. Auditor of State 1893 Government record (Series) No
194978 Railroad Property Plats: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Sumner County, Caldwell Kansas. Auditor of State 1891 Government record (Series) No
194979 Railroad Property Plats: Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; Jackson County Kansas. Auditor of State 1893C Government record (Series) No
194980 Railroad Property Plats: Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; Wyandotte County, Kansas City Kansas. Auditor of State 1901S Government record (Series) No
194981 Railroad Property Plats: Union Pacific Railway; Irving Kansas. Auditor of State 1893S Government record (Series) No
194982 Railroad Property Plats: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Labette County, Altamont Kansas. Auditor of State 1893S Government record (Series) No
194983 Railroad Property Plats: St. Louis and San Francisco Railway; Labette County, Oswego Kansas. Auditor of State 1891S Government record (Series) No
194984 Railroad Property Plats: Union Pacific Railroad; Blue Rapids Kansas. Auditor of State 1893S Government record (Series) No
194985 Railroad Property Plats: Union Pacific Railway; Saline County, Salina Kansas. Auditor of State 1893S Government record (Series) No
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