National and State Registers of Historic Places
Klock's Grocery & Independent Laundry
900 Mississippi St
Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register
Jul 12, 2019
Architect: Unknown
Category: commerce
Thematic Nomination: Historic Resources of Lawrence (2014 post-WWII resources)
Klock’s Grocery and Independent Laundry, located at 900 Mississippi Street in Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under the Historic Resources of Lawrence (Amended) under Criterion A in Commerce and in Ethnic Heritage/ German American. It is locally significant as an example of the evolution of commerce in the surrounding community by a prominent businessman, Fred Klock, of German American decent. Anchored near the historic town center, Klock’s Grocery and Independent Laundry reflects the early 20th-century commercial development in Lawrence, as well as the common mid-century upgrade with its 1959 remodel. It illustrates the City’s commercial patterns, which resulted in the practicality of the use and space. Fred Klock, and his extended family, had a long association with the German American community in Lawrence, and the subject property housed a key commercial enterprise in the community. The period of significance represents the original construction of the building (1921-22) through the subsequent mid-century alterations and industry changes (1969). The building retains historic integrity of association, location, setting, and feeling.