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Carnegie Libraries of Kansas

Thematic Nomination and Multiple Property Documentation
National Register of Historic Places

Statewide / Multi-County

The Carnegie Libraries of Kansas (ca. 1902-1921) are significant under Criteria A & C for their historical association wth the Carnegie Corporation Library Building Program and for their architectural significance as a new building type. Sixty-three Carnegie-funded libraries were built in Kansas during the first three decades of the 20th century; four of these libraries were built on college campuses. In most cases, the Carnegie funded library represent the community's first library building; although, many Kansas communities had book clubs and library organizations well before the Carnegie Corporation Library Building Program was founded. In the case of the four college libraries, the building represented the first structure which was solely devoted to housing the institution's books and providing space. Many of the Carnegie libraries built in Kansas reflect the high space utilization design guidelines promoted by the Carnegie Corporation after 1910, underscoring the point that before the Carnegie Corporation Library Building Program, few architects and/or builders had experience designing this building type.


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