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A Hoosier in Kansas: The Diary of Hiram H. Young, 3

1886-1895, Pioneer of Cloud County
Part Three, 1892

Edited by Powell Moore

NovemberKansas Historical Quarterly, November 1946 1946 (Vol. 14 No. 4), pages 414 to 446.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas State Historical Society.

January, 1892

1 Friday. Cloudy & cold High wind north. The old Man better. Made shed for little colts. Disagreeable day.
2 Saturday Boss day. Boys took Betsy Ellen cow to town and Brought home Dr. McCaseys cow. . . . I went to Rice after noon. Alba came home from Lincoln. Came part [l] y way home with Switze Goble the Balance of the way with E. E. Moberly Home Good Season. Boys went to Singing at the Center this evening
3 Sunday. Good day. Harry Thompson & Jennie visited us to day. Dr McCasey Called and had dinner with us. I went with Dr to Aurora and F. A. Thompsons Got medicine at Aurora. Plaid old 100 til bed time at home.
4 Monday. Good day. Visited the School for the first time. John went to Mullers in the morning. John hauled Manure after dinner. George at School.
5 Tuesday. Fair day. Went to town. and Mill. Bought lumber $1.80 Tobacco 40¢ Meat saw 1.00 Nails 40¢ = $3.60 Home Just at dark. Good day
6 Wednesday. Clear & y cold. High wind North. Fine weathe[r] for Winter. Finished making Stable for little colts. George and Mabel at School. John at home. Mother Making Mince Pies. Freddie Blowing Mouth Organ.
7 Thursday. Good Day. Wash day. George at School. Went over to Rail Road. Track half laid. Stop [p] ed at Gottlieb Husch ers John went to Budds. Boys went to Rice in the evening. Gottlieb Huscher was butchering Hogs & Beef.
8 Friday. Clear & cold John and I went to town. I staid all night and attended Chapter. Staid all night with Dr McCasey.



9 Saturday. Cloudy & cold wind north east. Came from town with L. M. Swope. Home about Sundown. George and [?] went to the Center to Singing.
10 Sunday Snowing. Good Snow. Miss Haynes. Came up from Rice to day & stop[p]ed at our house. George took John to Rice in the after noon.
11 Monday. Clear & cold 4 Degrees above Zero. This the coldest Morning this winter. John started to School this Morning in Concordia. George and Mabel at School. Got a sick Hog to day. Snow about 3 inches deep. John Secrist Called in the evening on his way to the School house to attend District meeting I went [with] him Home 9 P. M. 4 Degrees below Zero.
12 Tuesday Clear & cold 12 Degrees below Zero. This the coldest Morning. Davy Secrist Called this morning with School District or[der] for L. C. Hoffman, For repairing School Seats, & he lost the order on the way. George & Mabel at school. Cold day & clear. Marshall Inghram [Ingraham?] called and staid all night. Mr. Inghram lives in republic co. and is in the Show business. George went to the alliance. 9 P. M. Clear & cold.
13 Wednesday. Clear & cold 8 Degrees below zero. Marshall Ingraham still with us. George went to Keosters [Koeste or Koes ter?] in the evening. Fred, The old Lady and Mary are very sick.
14 Thursday. Clear and cold. 2 Degrees above zero. Marshall Ingraham went to Rice. A. D. Goble Called to day. Good pleasant day for winter. Wind West. Went to Keosters in the eve, and then to the Show at the School House. All our family were at the Show. Home 10 P. M. Pretty good Show. Marshall Ingraham went to Aurora this morning.
15 Friday. Cloudy & cold 2 Degrees below zero. Started to town with Grand Pap Groves. At Dr Else Charles Muller Caught up and I rode to town with him. Attended co Alliance. Drove Jack Matthews team home. 6 P. M. Truman Pierce Called this evening. George & Alba went to J. S. Lillibridges this evening. Had a bottle of Beer with Jo Henley of the Clyde voice
16 Saturday. cloudy pleasant George went to town with corn. bou[gh]t coal $1.25 Home 5:30 P. M. 26 bus corn $7.28 Paper 25¢ envelop 10¢ Marshall Ingraham Called to day.
17 Sunday. The worst day this winter. Stormed all day. Thermometer stood at zero all day. Bad and stormy & Disagreeable.
18 Monday. Clear and cold 8 Degrees below zero, wind north.


John Kellenbarger Called to day. Lillibridges commenced to move their goods to Aurora to car them to remove to Oklahoma. 9 P. M. 10 Degrees below zero, slight wind north.
19 Tuesday. Bright & clear 22 Degrees below zero this morning. George went to Rice after Dinner sold corn 16 bus. $4.00 Bought oil 15¢ Tobacco 40¢ coal $1.02 Mailed 4 letters 80 Soda 10¢ = $1.80 '[?] Brought home $2.20
20 Wednesday. Good day. Wash day. Went to Rice after noon with J. T. Henderson. John Millers horse balked three times. Marshall Ingram & A. D Goble Called and ate dinner with us. George & Alba went to Gobles this evening
21 Thursday. Fair day. Hauled 1 load of corn for Truman Pierce and 1 load for W. A. Pierce. Road slick and hard on teams. Home about dark. The old Man unwell all, day. Fearful cold in head. Hauled the corn to Rice.
22 Friday. Fair day. Mother and the old Man went to town. Paid Alliant up to Jan. 1st 1893 Subscribed for the Alliant for Ella Stangland Wichita $1.00. Paid American Agriculturist $2.10 and ordered it stop[p]ed Had Dinner with Dr McCasey. Saw George Paff [Pfaff?] of Oswego Ks a member of Co. R. 88th Indiana vol. infantry. Home at dark. Miss Clark & Miss Haynes are at our House. staid all night. John came home from town. A. D. Goble Called in the evening.
23 Saturday. Fine clear day. Frankie Bulled by Empsons Bull. Time October 23rd 1892 John went to Rice after noon.
24 Sunday. Fine day. George Pfaff of Labette co. came to our house last night and staid all night. Judge Stoner & family Called to day & had dinner with us. Had a good visit. George took John to Rice on his way to town. Gave John $1.00 for History of the U. S.
25 Monday. Fine day. Wash day. Mother & Alba went to calling after Dinner. Hamlins Actons & Bolens Georg [e] Laman called today. Clear & warm.
26 Tuesday. Fine day. Hauled 2 loads corn 55 bus. = $14.85 at the Center. Bought 1 lb Tobacco Attended Alliance meeting, to day.
27 Wednesday. Good day. Dr McCasey & a sweede called to day to look at Bill & Dan. I asked them $175.00 [for] them. J. T. Henderson Called to day. George & Mabel at School. Clear & Pleasant. Warm for the time of the Year George & Alba went to Aurora in the evening to attend the Lyceum.


28 Thursday. Fine warm & Pleasant. Went to Rice in forenoon. Mother went to G. L. Reeves. Goble Called in the evening. Sold him 3 turkeys. George went to Bolens in the evening.
29 Friday. Good warm day. Hauled Zimmermans Corn to Rice J. A. Secrist Hauled 2 load, T & Bill Pierce 1 load each. I Hauled 2 loads, & Bolen 4 loads. Total 10 loads 303.60 lbs $85.00 Check on cloud Co. Bank. John came from town this eve. John, George & Alba went to Hen Peck to spelling School- this evening.
30 Saturday. Good day. Drove Bill and Dan to town. Sold Bill for $100.00 cash down, let Dan go on trial for one week if he suits I am to have $75.00 for him. Hank Slutman Came this morning from California. Alba and I came home with Lafe Bricker. Home 7 P. M. Alba & George went to Singing. A. D. Goble Called this evening. Deposited to day in Cloud Co. Bank $85.00 of J. C. Zimmermans money and $100.00 of my own Total $185.00
31 Sunday. Good day. George took John to town and brought our wagon & Harness home.

February, 1892

1 Monday. Good day. Nothing more than the usual routine to day.
2 Tuesday. Good day. I went to town to day with Freddie. Bought 2 Stone Jars $5.00 2 Halters $1.50 Iron Kettle $4.50 Box crackers $1.68 1 Barrel Salt 1.60 1 Pair Shoes $1.40 repairing Mothers shoes 500 Total $17.50 [?] Grand Pap (V. D.) Clevland died this morning. Home 6:30 P. M.
3 Wednesday. Good day. Hank Slutman called to day. Hank staid and attended the funeral of old man Clevland Hank staid all night. Mother & Alba attended the funeral of Grand Pap Clevland. Alba went to Aurora in the evening.
4 Thursday. Rained half day. Then turned to Snow and Snowed fearful. Went to town after noon with sheriff Campbell. Staid all night with Dr McCasey.
5 Friday Cloudy & Disagreeable Went to Clay Center. R R fair $2.18 Dinner 25¢ Total $2.43 attended District Alliance. Home to Concordia 6 P. M. attended Odd fellows Supper.
6 Saturday. Rained and fearful disagreeable. Came from town with T. Pierce Sold Dan. Got $70.00 Deposited it with Cloud Co Bank.
7 Sunday. Cloudy & cool George took John to Rice. Got


noon. John came home with him had stalk cutter sharpened $1.25 Paid Miss Clark School Teacher 2 month wages. $94.00
5 Saturday. Rained all day. Bad Disagreeable. Ground full of water. Snowed a little just at dark. Fearful day.
6 Sunday. About l inch Snow this morning. Bad & disagreeable. Fearful muddy. Cut Festus this morning Bad Job old Festus Stout as a horse George took John to Rice this after noon.
7 Monday Fine day. No School. Hauled hay. Oyster Supper at Jack Matthews. Sam Roberts Called at night and Staid all night.
8 Tuesday. Mother & I went to town. Fine day. Paid K. C. Daily times $4.25 Time up June 12th 1892 $1.00 for New York World and 25¢ for World Almanac Total $5.50 Hank Slutman came home with us. Mr. & Mrs Sawdy was here and Staid all night. Bugdoffer [Burgdoff?] was here for supper. Sawdy Joined our alliance.
9 Wednesday. Clear & cold. F Sawdy & Wife went home. Hank Slutman Staid all night. Dan Empson Called to day. Also Jack Matthews. Jack Borrowed & Returned my wagon.
10 Thursday. Clear & cold. High wind north west. George went to Rice in the eve.
11 Friday. Good day. Went to town. Bought a flying Dutchman Riding plow $40.00 Cash. Paid Bolen Cash $1.30 for J. C. Zimmerman Paid Black Smith $1.05 for sharpening cultivator shovels and Plow Shear [share?]. Total $42.35 John came home. Home after dark. George Alba & Hank Slutman went to Rice in the evening to church. Paid Ferd Prince $1.00 for the Advocat[e] for Sawdy
13 Sunday. cloudy & cold. Mother Freddie, Mabel & the old Man went to Thompsons. John went to town. Grand Pap Groves Called this eve for help, Miss Bell being Sick. Mother went [to] her assi[s]tance. Returned hom[e] 10 P M
14 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Hank Slutman & Old Man Groves Called to day. George And Alba went to Rice after Dinner. Bad disagreeable day
15 Monday [Tuesday]. Cloudy & cold George & Alba & Hank Slutman went to town. Home 6 P M. 2 Map agents called. Hung our Meat to Smoke.
16 Wednesday. Cloudy & Stormy. Fearful disagreeable Hank Slutman Staid all night. Bad all day. Hauled Flax Straw for the cattle.


17 Thursday. Cloudy & cold high wind north east. Road Scraper trial to day. Fearful bad day. Ground froze. Davy Secrist Called to day. Charles Muller the assessor was here to day Personal Property $320.00 [exemption] 200 $120.00 Taxable property Land Same as last year
18 Friday Pretty fair day. Went to town after noon. John came home with the team. I staid in town and attended Lodge.
19 Saturday. Clear & cold bought Tobacco 60¢ cigars 15¢ = 75 Medicine $1.25 Pigman 50¢ = $2.50
20 Sunday. Cloudy & cold Snowed and Fearful disagreeable. John went [to] town after noon. Ground covered with Snow.
21 Monday. Cloudy & Disagreeable Rained and misted Sleeted. Fearful Bad day.
22 Tuesday. Ground covered with ice. Bright & clear. Snow and ice all gone by the middle of the after noon. Mother was called this Morning to Willett McManimie. On a baby Dicker. George & Alba went to town. Freddie and the Old Man at home alone. Prof Sawdy called to day.
23 Wednesday. Good day. Hauled a load [of] corn for old Man Sawdy. I never pulled my Horses as hard in my life. Home a little after dark. Bought curry comb & brush, 65¢ Sundries 50¢.
24 Thursda[y]. Good day. Dr McCasey & wife visited us to day. Cut Jumbo & Dick Also one bull calf. Burgdoff firend Had dinner with us. Dr brought 2 Bottles of Beer. 8 P. M. cloudy & threatening Rain and fearful dark Road scraper to day north of the School house. Old Man sick dreadful.
25 Friday. Good day. Harrowed in our wheat for pasture. Cleaned and tried our new Suldy plow. After Some little fixing the plow is doing good work. The old Man sick. . . . Martha Jane took her Kid to the Dr this after noon.
26 Saturday. Heavy rain last night. Cloudy & high wind north west. John came last night. Hank Slutman Called to day on his way to Kellenbargers. From there he will go to town Monday, and Monday eve he will start for New Mexico. Alba & George went to singing at the Center this evening. Bright and clear at 8 P. M
27 Sunday. Fine day. John went to Concordia in the after noon. George went to town in the evening. 9 P. M Pleasant. 28 Monday. High wind S. E. Sowed Oats. Went to town with Mother after dinner Bought 1 Box crackers $1.44 1 Collar pad $1.00 1 Cigar 5¢ Total $2.49 Drew $5.00 from Bank.


Home 6 P. M. Went to Mill with 4 Bushels Wheat. The old Man on the lift.
29 Tuesday. Rained all day. Ground full of Water. Bad Disagreeable day. George went for Mabel Horse back. Jack Matthews & Dan Empson Called to day. The old Man feeling better.
30 Wednesday. Good day. Went to Aurora after dinner. Bought Medicine $1.00 Bird seed 10¢, Cigars 10¢ Total $1.20. Home 7 P. M. George went to Rice in forenoon for the Mail. Freddie went with me to Aurora.
31 Thursday. Cloudy & warm. High Wind South. George cultivated in Oats. Rained a little in the evening. The old man a little better Alba on the lift.

April, 1892

1 Friday. Cloudy and fearful wind west. Wind commenced to blow last night from the South. And blowed at a fearful rate. Wind Blowed awful hard all day. Fearful Day. John came home this [evening] Walked home
2 Saturday. Good day. George sick. The old Man cultivated in Oats in the forenoon. Went to Rice after noon. With Goble. The last day of School. Mother and Alba went after dinner. Alba and John went to Singing in the evening
3 Sunday. Cloudy Hard rain and hail. Heavy rain. Alba took John to Rice on his way to town. George still on the lift. Grand Pap Groves called to day.
4 Monday. Cloud[y?] & high wind South. After noon wind changed to North West. Cold & disagreeable after noon. Finished cultivating in Oats. George better. All better. 8 P. M. High wind North West & cold.
5 Tuesday. High wind North West till about Sun down Then pleasant. Harrowed in oats. George better & went to Rice. Alba and George went to Alliance. Received a letter from L. B. Hay and Dave Skeels also postal Card from Aurora.
6 Wednesday. Good day. Finished our oats. Burgdorf Called to day Some what out of humor. Alba and George went to Moores to a party in the evening Kellenbarger & wife Called to day.
7 Thursday. Cloudy & pleasant. Wind E & S E. Went to Aurora. And got box trees sent by Dave Skeels Express charges $1.25 The trees not worth the money. Freddie went with me to Aurora. Express charges $1.25 Candy 5¢ = $1.30 Gave Agent


Steinburg check on cloud co Bank for $5.00 and got the change. Home 12:30 P. M. George cutting stalks.
8 Friday. Clear & high wind North. Cool. Gyp had a colt last night 13 days under time. Horse colt. A. D. Goble Called to day and got his trees that were sent from Oklahoma. John Kellenbarger & family Called to day and got their trees that were sent from Oklahoma. Alba & Mabel went to town after dinner. George Cutting stalks. Disagreeable day. Goble paid 25¢ for his shear [share?] of trees John Kellenbarger paid his 25¢ Fan Foaled 7 P M 18 days Short. Horse colt poor & crocked. This the last of School for John this term. 7 months and 1 week
9 Saturday. Good day Hauled hay. John cut stalks
10 Sunday. Cloudy & high wind South. Dr McCasey and family and Dr Day Called and were here for dinner. Mabel went home with McCaseys.
11 Monday. Good day. Plowed and planted strawberry plants and Potatoes. P [1] anted 1½ bushels of potatoes. John cut stalks. Alba went to Rice. Bought Potato[e]s 1 Bushel 40¢ 1 lb Tobacco 40¢ Total 80¢. Mother & Freddie went to Secrists in fore noon and got Strawberry plants. Morgan Sent for his Oklahoma cedars and paid his 25¢. And was much disappointed about them.
12 Tuesday Cloudy and Misted & frizzled & rained nearly all day. Wind South east. Bad disagreeable day.
13 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. Fearful wind north west. Davy Secrist Called to day. I paid him cash 50¢ balance due on school order. Paid it out of my own pocket. John went to Rice for our Mail Bad disagreeable day High wind. Rained hard last night.
14 Thursday. Fair day. John cut stalks George plowed after Dinner. Mother on the lift.
15 Friday. Attended Co. Alliance Henderson & Alba were delegates. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey. Attended lodge.
16 Saturday. Good day. Boys brought 5 Hogs to town weighed 1795 pounds 2 Hogs weight 875 at 3.80 3 Hogs weight 920 at 3 [.] 90 - $69.13 Deposited 69.13 in cloud co Bank. Drew from cloud co Bank 77.40 for J. C. Zimmerman for corn rent and interest Bought shoes 1 pair for my self 4.00 Drew check on cloud co Bank for $5.00 Made application for membership in the Knights of Columbia, Gave check on cloud co Bank for initiation] fee & Surgeons certificate. Bought 2 bushels potatoes $1.35 Coat & vest for John 7.50 and Suspenders 35¢. Gave check on


cloud co Bank for $7.50. I came home with J. T. Acton. Home 4:30 P M
17 Sunday. Cloudy. Wind east and, north east. John Alba & George went to town to attend Catholic church. Home 1 P. M Dr T. C. McCase[y] called and attended to McGinty Colt. Dug 4 big cherry trees and gave them to Dr McCasey. Ira Arkansaw Pierce was here for Supper. the Boys went to church at the center. 8 P. M. Dark and threatens rain.
18 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Wind East. Planted Potato[e]s. George plowed. Went to town with Jack Matthews Made Application for Pension. Bill Norton and C. C. Stoner Signed my application. Dr S. C. Pigman made Affidavit for me free of charge. Bought Rake 50¢ Seeds & Snaps Nails & Staples 1.15 Lister sharpened 50¢ Tob 20¢ Cheese & dinner 35¢ Knife 65¢ Strichinine 10¢ = $3.45 Home at dark. Cloudy and cold.
19 Tuesday. Cloudy and disagreeable. Boys plowed. quite a rain after noon.
20 Wednesday. Rained during the forenoon. Went to town after noon with T Pierce. Joined the Knights of Columbia Insurance company.
21 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. was summoned on Jury but got off. Came home with A. D. Goble. Home a little before dark. Bought I Lister wheel 50¢ one for Dutchman 25¢ cigars 15¢ Tobacco 45¢ = $1.35 Peanuts 15¢, [Total] $1.50
22 Friday. Good day. Boys plowed. Planted onions Lettuce Beets Strawberry plants and Beans.
23 Saturday. Good day. John & Mother went to town after dinner. Mrs Swope Called & visited while the old Man went to town. Gave John a check for $2.00 commenced to rain about 3 P. M. Picked and Sorted our apples. Just about a bushel.
24 Sunday. Cloudy & rained. Mother Still in town. Boys & Alba went to Singing. Bad disagreeable day.
25 Monday. Cloudy. Planted Sweet corn. Commenced to list corn, but was too Wet. George plowing. Mother Still in town. 26 [Tuesday] Went to town with Jake Matthews. Cloudy & cool. Bought over alls $1.00 Toba 5¢ cigars 25¢ = $1.30 Home 8 P. M Mother came home with Bolen.
27 Wednesday. Cloudy and pleasant. Wash day. Alba Mabel & Freddie went to Vansickles for a turkey Gobbler. Laid down our meat for Summer in cave. Shelled corn. Received notice last night That my Mother was dead Died Saturday April the


23rd May She rest in Peace. High wind North West. Horses run away from Alba at Kellenbargers. up set the Buggy and broke the lines. Failed to get Turkey Gobbler. John went to Hoffmans to the Smith Shop in the evening Home 8:30 P. M. Pleasant evening New Moon.
8 Thursday. Good day. Hauled hay and tried to list corn but was too wet. George plowed. Spotted sow had pigs. 8 P M very pleasant. Mother Mabel & Freddie were at Jack Matthews after noon. Alba Called on Jennie Bertram after noon.
29 Friday. Good day. Wind S. Boy Plowing. Planted Peanuts. Sam Roberts Called to dand [day and?] insured our house and furniture for Six Hundred Dollars, $400.00 on house and $200.00 on household goods, including Fire Lightning and Tornado. Insured in Continental Insurance company.
30 Saturday. High wind S. Went to town with John Bergeron. Boys plowing. Fan sick in afternoon & evening. Bought 3 collar pads $1.50 Andvill & vise $2.25 dinner 25¢ - 4.00 Home 4 P. M. Fearful wind and dust. George went to Singing at the center in the evening. Thundered and Lightning & threatened Storm 9 P. M. very hig[h] wind South.

May, 1892

1 Sunday. Cloudy and cool. Jo Moore Had dinner with us. Fred Keoster Called to day. I Paid him School order No. 4. 65¢. 8:30 P. M. Raining.
2 Monday. John Listed. George plowed. Cloudy and misted all day. Bad disagreeable day. Frizzled and Rained and Misted all day
3 Tuesday. Cloudy & cold. Went to town with Goble. Drew $5.00 from Bank Loaned 2.00 to Goble. Bou[gh]t Dinner 20¢. Tobacco 45¢ = 65¢ Attended Alliance at [District] 76 [schoolhouse]. Paid our Dues 75¢. Home 10:30 P M Postage 6¢ Total 71¢ [?].
4 Wednesday. Hailed hard early in the morning. Then rained hard afterward. Cold and gloomy. Disagreeable. Rained nearly all after noon. Ground full of water. Wind changed from S. E. to N. W. Then to north then to South east, then to east then to South east. Dr McCasey called at dark
5 Thursday. Good day Jack Matthews got seed corn. Boys went to Rice and got check wire from L. C. Hoffman.
6 Friday. Good day Tried to list corn but was too wet. Commenced to plant corn with Planter after noon. Mrs Henderson and


Mrs E. P. Reeves and family visited us to day. John Brought Mrs Henderson Here and George took her home.
7 Saturday. Went to town with Charles Muller. Attended P. P.s, Central com[mittee]. meeting. Dinner 25¢ cigars 10¢. paid Insurance policy in Knights of Columbia $1.50 Total $1.85 Came [home] with Ike Woodruff. Rained hard before I got home Home 6 P. M. and still raining at 9 P. M. Heavy rain. Still raining at 11 P. M.
8 Sunday. Rained all night last night. Rained all day to day. Bad Disagreeable day. Fearful cold & muddy. Wind South east. 9 Monday. High wind north west. Still raining and Misting. Ground full of water. Boys hauled hay. Bad disagreeable day Dr McCasey called in the after noon on his way to Nels Breault. I went with him. Home 6:30 P. M. Dr Staid all night. Played old Hundered til 11 P. M.
10 Tuesday. Cloudy and cool High wind north west. Alba & Mabel went to Gobles after noon. John went to Rice after noon. Boys hauled a load [of] Straw.
11 Wednesday. Pretty good day. Listed corn after dinner. Gave Mose Morris a load of Straw. John Georg[e] & Alba went to town. Drove Alex for the 1st time. I went to Rice after noon and then to town. R. R. Fair 17¢ Attended Knights of Columbia Meeting. Staid all night with Stoner. Rained very hard during the night.
12 Thursday Bad disagreeable day. Came down to Rice in the evening R R fair 17¢ Cigars 15¢ Dinner 15¢ - 64¢. Home 7:30 P. M.
13 Friday. Cloudy and rained. The Boys [took] our Cattle to John Campbells pasture 6 yearlings 1 cow and calf 1 white yearling Steer 1 Red Yearling Steer 1 White and red yearling Steer, 2 Red Yearling Heifer 1 white and roan heifer 1 Red and White Spotted cow with roan calf 8 Head in all. $1.75 per head for the Season. Tup [38] Backed off a bridge throwing George and rolling over George. Kitt Goble was here to day
14 Saturday. Cloudy & Misted rained a little. Disagreeable. Made fence Hauled hay for the Cattle. Sent with E. E. Moberly for our mail. Repaired Stable and stalls in Stable.
15 Sunday. Bright & clear. Fine day. Children attended Sunday School. Ira Arkansaw Pierce took dinner with us. George Secrist Called this after noon. Also Lady Matthews and children and Grand Pap Groves.


16 Monday. Cloudy Went to town. John & George Sold 11 Hogs Weight 2850 4¢ 1 Stag = 2770 = $110.80 deposited $100.00 in Bank. Dinner 75¢ Stable room 40¢ Picture frame 50¢ = $1.90 [7] Came home with Goble Home 5 P. M. Mollie Goble called to day. Commenced to rain about dark and Rained very [hard] until 11:30 P. M. & Still raining . . . hard at that time. The heaviest this Season.
17 Tuesday. Cloudy & raining Awful wet. Fearful wet. Ground full of water. Saw Billy Conner yesterday in town. Billy is a sad wreck of former years. Too bad Too bad Billy. . . . Commenced to rain a little Before dark. High wind north west. Fearful wind. Bad storm. 8:30 P M Still raining. Fearful night. Cold north west wind. This storm is hard on Stock that is without Shelter.
18 [Wednesday.] Good day. Went [to] town to the Show. John Mabel, Freddie & Alba. Good Show. Home 8 P M. Gave George $1.25 John $1.25 4 Tickets 1.00 Cigar 5¢ Peanuts 5¢ bitters 25¢ for Kentucky Smith Tot[al] $3.85 George came home about 10 P M.
19 Thursday. Cloudy and warm. Tried to list corn in the morning but was too wet. Hauled hay. Old Man Sawdy called. George helped Sawdy move his house hold goods on to the Banta Place. John listed corn after dinner. Wind sprung up about 5 P. M. & Blowed fearful for about 1 hour. Rained a little. Burned P[r]airie in the evening
20 Friday. Cloudy. Cold and High wind north west. John listing corn. George & I Planted Potatoes. George went to Rice in the evening. Jack Matthews Kids were here this after noon. Ground wet, too wet to plant. Fearful cold for the Season. Late planting.
21 Saturday. Cloudy & fearful cold. High wind north west. John listed corn. George went to Rice in the evening for our Mail. 13 Degrees above freezing 45 Degrees above zero. Awful cold for the Season. John & Alba went to Singing in the evening. Jack Matthews Borrowed my 3 Horse evener.
22 Sunday. This is a boss day. Bright and clear. Warm and pleasant. Lady Clevland and grand Son were here for dinner. George went to W. A. Pierces. John Freddie Mabel & Alba went to Sunday School I called at Secrists this after noon.
23 Monday. Good day. John Planted corn with Planter George listed. The old Man covered with the hoe. High wind South.


24 Tuesday. Good day. Finished planting corn. Dr McCasey Called and Staid all night. Attended Alliance at 1304 Home 10:30 P M.
25 Wednesday. Good day. Commenced to replant corn. Planted Potatoes. Went with Dr McCasey to Lawrence Derias, Bishards Brickers, Brows, Allens Frybarger, Stoops, Lebarg [Lebarge?], Aurora and George Cota. Cut 11 colts, 1 colt after dark. Home 10:30 P M
26 Thursday. Good day. Boys listing in corn replant. Loaned my planter to Willett McManimie. Planted Beans. Planted Potatoes yesterday. Rained a good Shower last night.
27 Friday. Good day. Finished replanting listed corn. Alex Hadley called I paid him cash $30.00 for 3 colts Horse Service Wind South east.
28 Saturday. Good day. Big rain last night. Attended Caucus today. Was elected delegate to co. convention at Concorday May 31st. John & Alba went to Rice in the after noon.
29 Sunday. Good day. Thundered nearly all day. Mother Mabel, Freddie and John went to Sunday School then to Sawdys. Grand Pap Groves Called in the evening. The Boys went to church at the center.
30 Monday. Went to town Attended decoration day. Nice arrangements. Good dinner. Rained awful hard in the after noon. Staid all night with Dr McCasey.
31 Tuesday. P. P. Convention. Was elected Delegate to State convention. Big Strong Stout convention. Rained most all day. Mother came to Concordia this morning and left over the B & M for Lincoln Neb. Staid all night at the Pacific House 50¢. Sub scribed for the Blade. Came down to Rice & then footed it home. Alba and George went to Rice After noon. Cloudy and cool.

June, 1892

1 Wednesday. . . . Heard that my application for a pension had been received. No 1,107,093 Mell had a colt yesterday Horse colt. Poor and little
2 Thursday. Fine day. Warm & pleasant. Worked in the garden. Planted cabbage plants Boys plowed in the orcherd Boys went to town in the evening. This is the third day Mother is away from home.
3 Friday Good day. John listed corn for Jack Matthews. This is the 4th day Mother is away from home
4 Saturday High wind S. E. George & Mabel went to town


John & Freddie and the old Man went [to] Hoffmans and to Rice. took Hoffmans check wire home. Received a card from Mother. This is the 5th day Mother is away from home. Drove Alex to day. 10 P. M. Commenced to rain Thundering and lightning.
5 Sunday. Fine day. The young people gathered here this after noon to Sing. Also little children. E M DeGroff was here for dinner. This is 6 days Mother has been away. Among the people here to day was Prof Sawdy E. Groves Henderson G. W Layman G. W. Gill Harry Thompson Jim Bertram, Jo Moore, Miss Jennie Thompson, Miss Detree Jennie Bertram, Mrs. Gill Sally Secrist.
6 Monday. Good day. Went to town with T. Pierce. Had dinner with Sam. Demar's Paid interest on School land $7.00 Peanuts 10¢ = $7.10 Came home with Goble. Home 5:20 P. M. Wash day Drew School Funds, $58.85 Paid Miss Frankie Clark school teacher 24.00 on last two orders. In Treasure, $34.85
7 Tuesday. Good day. Boys plowed corn. George went to Rice in the evening. Received Card from Mother will be home tomorrow. This is 8 days Mother is from home. Hot.
8 Wednesday. Good day. Boys plowing corn. John & Alba went to town after noon. Mother came home this evening. Hig[h] wind South.
9 Thursday. Clear & hot. Boys plowing corn. An old Gent a showman called to day and wanted the use of our School house. Boys & Alba went to the school house to Singing in the evening
10 Friday Fearful hot. George Mother & My Self went to town after noon. I Staid in town all night. Ben Harrison renominated for President.
11 Saturday. Clear & hot. high wind South. Came home from town with Mr. Gardner. Boys & Alba went to town in the evening. Mrs. Sawdy Called a little while this evening.
12 Sunday. Clear and hot. High wind South. Judge Stoner Called this morning. Grand Mother Slutman came to our house. Mother Freddie Mabel Grand Mother & the old man went to Kellenbargers after noon. Children went to Sunday School.
13 Monday Wash day and Pa started for Wichita. John took him to Aurora [Written by Alba.]
14 Tuesday boys plowed corn and was awful warm Ella Stoner visited with us all day. [By Alba.]
15 Wednesday had good rain last night and every thing is so refreshed this morning. went to Rice this afternoon. and got a


card from Pa. He is safe at Wichita Grand Ma Slutman came this evening on (t)he way to Jakes [By Alba.]
16 Thursday Had good rain last night Boys plowing corn Ma went with Mat and Grand Ma to Mr Empsons. Had a heavey rain with wind and some hail I went to the school house with Mabel and Fred to practice for Childrens day Mr. and Mrs. Sawdy came this evening for cabbage plants [By Alba.]
17 Friday to [o] wet to plow so went to town home at 2 Oclock. [By Alba.]
18 Saturday Nice morning Geo went this fore noon to help fix the grove for childrens day. John plowed corn. got a letter from Pa [By Alba.]
19 Sunday We all went to Childrens day. Grand Ma is with us. Nice warm day [By Alba.]
20 Monday Wash day Awful warm Dudley Horse is sick Dr McCasey was here Saturday night to Dr him and staid all night. [By Alba.]
21 Tuesday Jake commenced to cut the Alfalfa. one of the big hogs died. and Dudley is a little better. awful warm today. [By Alba.]
22 Wednesday Awful windy and dusty. Went to Rice this after noon Got a letter from Pa. he is in Ind[iana] now. [By Alba.]
23 Thursday Awful hot, today Mrs. Henderson and baby John and Minnie Kellenbarger and Mr Potinger called this after noon. Geo is rakeing the Alfalfa. [By Alba.]
28 Tuesday Mel took Louie Lawrence horse last night for the first time.

July, 1892

Sold 4 hogs to McCowen weight 1265 dock 80 lb. @ .05¢ .05¢ - $59.25 deposited $50. Bought fly nets $2.00 2 pairs gloves $1.75 give Mother $2.50 Geo. $1.25 John $1.50 Nice rain last night This is all the business that has been transacted. [By Alba.]
10 [Sunday.] Fine hot day John Kellenbarger and wife were here [By Alba.]
13 [Wednesday.] Christ but it was hot. [By George.]
14 Thursday. Arrived home from Indiana after an absence of 4 weeks & 3 day [s]. Found my family well.
15 Friday Went to town & attended co Alliance. Staid in town over night & attended lodge.


16 Saturday Rained a little came home from town. Moberly cutting my Oats.
17 Sunday very warm. Dr McCasey & family visited us to day. Boys and Alba went to Sunday School Dr McCasey castrated Alex.
18 Tuesday [Monday].
20 Wednesday. Went to town. Staid all night with Kentucky Smith. Paid J. C. Zimmerman 20 Dollars Borrowed while in Indiana July 9th 1892 was Examined By Pension Board
21 [Thursday.] Broke Dr McCaseys cart down. came home. Fearful Hot.
22 Friday. Cloudy & Pleasant. Boys went to the river after dinner Fishing.
23 Saturday. Fearful hot. Hot winds. George went to town after noon. Went to Alliance at the center. Ella Stoner came home and Staid all night.
24 Sunday. Clear & hot. Hot winds. F. A. Thompson and wife & Boy visited us Judge Stoner & family visited us to day. Grand [Pap] Groves Called to[o]. I was at Jack Matthews this morning
25 Monday. Commenced to stack wheat. Link Goble stacked Went to town after dinner.
26 Tuesday. Went to Prosser on the Mo Pacific Hot, fearful hot.
27 [Wednesday.] Came home from Prosser cooler. Good rain in the evening. Home 9 P. M. My thanks are Due Conductor Finnegan and Engineer Fairchild for courtesies Shown me on the trip to Prosser.
28 Thursday. Cloudy & cool Wind north. School Meeting.
29 Friday. Good day Went to town in the evening with L N Swope Attended lodge. Swope Took the Enterprentice Degree Home 1 A. M.
30 Saturday went to town Attended county central committee meeting Home at dark.
31 Sunday. Grand Mother Slutman came this morning. Dr. McCasey & Family were here to day for Dinner. Mrs McCasey took Grand Ma Slutman to Kellenbargers.

August, 1892

1 Monday Clear & hot. Stacked Oats, Henderson & Linkum Goble. Wash day.
2 Tuesday. Finished stacking Oats in forenoon. John Hauled


for Henderson after noon & George helped L. N Swope thresh. Hot winds after noon. Wind S. W.
3 Wednesday. Clear & hot, wind West, North & East. Sent for Ice with Mrs. Jack Matthews. Alba still in town. John took old Cherry cow to Henderson Bull in the evening
4 Thursday. Hot winds
5 Friday Wind East & North. Pump gave out. John went to town after 4 P. M. Bought a new cylinder $4.00 Home at dark. The old Man under the weather. Received a letter from Nellie & from sister Mill. Also Judge Pattie, Miss Jennie Brooks, and P M Gates Knights of Columbia. Got the pump in after dark. Dirty & tiered.
6 Saturday. John & I went to town Bought lumber $7.10 Barrel sugar $14.50 Tobacco & Lemons 70¢ Medicine $1.15 Posters 50¢ Ice 25¢ Knights of Columbia insurance & lodge dues $3.00 1 Bottle Beer 25¢ Lemonade 10¢ Total $27.55 The old Man unwell. Home at dark. Coffee $1.00 Blade $1.00 = 29.55
7 Sunday. Cloudy & pleasant Mother went to Kellenbargers The children to Sunday School. The old Man at home.
8 Monday. Cloud, South W. Hot winds & Dusty. Helped Jake Matthews tak[e] his pump up. Helped Jim Shafer take his pump up. George hauled load [of] Sand. Mother went to town with Jack Matthews Gave Mother $10.00
9 Tuesday. Cloudy & warm Repaired my pump tower. Jack Matthews helped me. Burt. Hass was here for dinner.
10 Wednesday. Rained a little this morning Took Eve to Hendersons Bull. George helping Fred Keoster Thresh. Wash day. Cloudy & warm. John & I went to town. Bought Beef 60¢, 2 cigars 10¢ - 70¢. Home at dark.
11 Thursday. Cloudy & hot commenced to plow for Wheat. Ground fearful dry. Fixed South crib for oats. Received a telegram from Charley stating his wife was very Sick.
12 Friday. Mother started for Lincoln Neb. George took mother to town. Alba went with [her] to as far as John Shraders. Clear & pleasant, wind South east. John plowing for wheat. Went to Rice, then to town. Attended chapter.
13 Saturday. Attended chapter Kelch, John Lamb & George Bloom, took R. A. degrees staid all night at Pacific House.
14 Sunday. Came from town with Judge Stoner. Mollie Goble
was here for dinner. The old Man under the weather. Don't feel well. . . .


15 [Monday.] Went to town & to Mill Borrowed 4 Bushels of wheat of Jack Matthews, Brought my Buggy from the Shop Paid 8.00 for new Box Boys helped Jake Matthews thresh. Came from town about 5 P. M.
16 Tuesday. Good day. Went with the children to Mat Wilcox Grove to P P Picnic. Big crowd and a good time was had all around. Lizzie Bertram went with us. Home just at dark. This is 5 days Mother is away from home.
17 Wednesday. Good day. Jack Matthews mowed 3/4 day.
18 Thursday. Boys Hauled hay. High wind north. Disagreeable Hauling
19 Friday. Attended special Meeting of Co. Alliance. Came home with J. T. Henderson. Agreed To Meet the Bretheren at fullers School house Sept. 3rd
20 Saturday. Rained a little in the forenoon. Returned Gobles Rake. George helped Empson Thresh. Went to Soonover to Meet Daughter Nellie. went to Rice to meet her. George went to Rice and Found Nellie & Mother there. Came down on Santa Fe. Nellie and Mother, John went to Alliance at the Center.
21 Sunday. Good day. John went to town after Nellie's Trunk. And Brought the wrong trunk. The old Man returned the trunk and ordered Nellies Trunk from Sterling Ks to come to Concordia Ks.
22 Monday. Good rain in the evening.
23 Tuesday. Rained a shower in the morning. Went to town with A. D. Goble. Home at Sun down.
24 Wednesday. George plowed. This is John's Birth day. John is 20 years old. The young people of this neighborhood came in this evening about 25 of them. Prof Sawdy & wife among them. adjourned about midnight.
25 Thursday. George plowing. Grand Pap Groves mowing. Ella Stoner Called this Morning. Mabel sick last night and this morning. Prof Sawdy called.
26 Friday Boys Hauled Hay.
27 Saturday. Helped Goble take up his pump. Had dinner with Goble. Attended P P Caucus after noon. Was elected delegate to senatorial convention at Bell [e] ville Sep 12th Also central committee for Nelson township. John Mother Alba, Freddie Mabel and Nellie went to town.
28 Sunday. cloudy & cool. John Kellenbarger Brought Grand Ma Slutman this morning. Went to Sawdys. Mother Nellie,


Alba, Grand Ma, and the old Man. Alba took Grand Mother home. Budd & family was at Sawys. Home 4 P M. Hard rain during the night.
29 Monday. Good rain last night. Went to town with Sawdy. Convention Day for the P. P. old ticket renominated. Took tup to town to Sell but failed
30 Tuesday. Boys helped Jim Bertram thresh. The old Man plowed.
31 Wednesday. Boys Helped Jim Thresh. The old Man plowed Nellie & Alba went to town. Home about dark.

September, 1892

1 Thursday. Went to Palmer to hear John Davis P. P. Candidate for congress. J. R. Burton Repub Candidate. Also [S. G.] Cook Democratic candidate for congress. Home 6:20 P. M. Boys helped Jim Thresh Sent with Jack Matthews to town for Beef.
2 Friday. Threshed after noon 800 Bus Oats.
3 Saturday Finished Threshing Oats, even 1000 Bushels 1½ = $15.00 Commenced on the wheat. Threshed out 227 Bushels quit on account of rain Sold 1 load Oats 65 Bus at 22¢ per bus. 4 Sunday. Good day Dr McCasey & family were here for dinner. Also Grand Ma Slutman. Mr Sawdy came in the after noon. J. T. Henderson & wife came in the evening. I took the Boys to town. They will start to School in the morning. Boug[ht] 2 pair pants and 2 pairs suspenders Total $3.25 Home 8:30 P M 4 [5] Monday. Finished threshing Had 368 Bushels wheat at 3¢ per Bus for threshing Oats 1000 at 1½¢ - $15.00 368 [bushels] Wheat at 3¢ = $11.04 Total $26.04 Paid by giving check on cloud co Bank for full amount. Nellie Baby took seriously ill. Sent for Dr McDonald. Paid George Secrist Cash 50¢ Ike Reeves $2.00 E P Reeves $2.00 Shafer $1.25 Even with Ike Woodruff. Jack Matthews in my Debt. Also Bertrams. Sold 1 load wheat 39.50 Bus at 55¢ per bus - $21.90 [?] Gave the amount to Alba and Nellie.
6 Tuesday. Plowed all day. Alba went to Aurora in fore noon. To Shraders in the after noon. Jo. Burns Called in the after noon on bridge business.
7 Wednesday. very warm. Went to Blacksmith Shop & had Dutchman Sharpened. $1.20 with old account. Mother went to town. Took Nellie & Alba to town. Nellie & Alba Started home over the U. P. May the God of Heaven guide them on their Journey home [39] Grand Ma Slutman came home with Mother from town. Mabel went to Gobles I helped Goble take up his pump.
8 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. Plowed all day. Grand Mother Slutman with US.
9 Friday. Good day. Plowed. E. E. Moberly stop[p]ed in the eve.
10 Saturday. Cloudy and disagreeable. Went to town with John Bergeron. Drew $10.00 from Bank Bought books for George 1.87 Paper pens, ink Envelops & tablets, 70¢. Tobacco 45¢ Cigars 15¢ Matches 20¢ Soda 5¢ Boys tuition $3.00 Total .42. Came home, with Jim Bertram. Rained in the evening.
11 Sunday. Cloudy. Went to town with the Boys. John came home. Staid all night with Stoner.
12 Monday. Went to Belleville to the Senatorial convention. Buggy higher 75¢ feed 10¢ cigars 20¢ Total $1.05 Back to Concordia 6 P. M. Nominated George Bowling for Senator. [40] Went from Concordia to Rice on train. from there home with George Gill. Home 7 P. M.
13 Tuesday. Clear & cool High wind North. Plowed all day. Jack Matthews Called in the evening. Also Dick Reeves Over Seer, Ordering me on the road tomorrow Grand Mother visited with Jack Matthews this after noon. John Came home from School this evening.
14 Wednesday. Good day. Worked on the road. $3.00 land tax. Mother Else and Son Called to day & had dinner with us. John came home [from] School this evening. A young Photographer took a pi[c]ture of our house.
15 Thursday. Good day. Finished plowing for wheat. Mother and Gran[d] Mother Slutman went to Gobles. Grand Mother staid all night. John Came home from town
16 Friday Went to Mill John & George came home from school. Went to town Staid all night with Dr McCasey. Attended lodge.
17 [Saturday.] Attended central com. Meeting Came home with Oda McIntosh. Attended Alliance at the center Jo McIntosh had Supper with us. Judge Stoner and family and Bill Savary Had Supper with us. Mrs. Stoner & children Staid all night. Bill Savary & Christ Stoner pulled in 2:30 A. M. & Staid until after brexfast.


18 [Sunday.] John took Savary to Rice in the morning. Lewis Called after noon. Dr McCasey sent his man for 2 Plows let him have flying dutchman. The old lady had loaned Dan Empson the wooden beam plow yesterday. Sold Lewis Sow and pigs for $11.00 Wrote for the Blade Also a few lines for Banner. Grand Mother Slutman Came from Jack Matthews.
19 Monday. Fearful warm. Davy Else commenced to work for me at 50¢ per day. Davy Harrowed. Fan sick J. B. Campbell Called to day. The old man repaired fence
20 Tuesday. Went to town with Oda McIntosh. Hon John Davis & Lewelling Candidates for congress & Governor [41] spoke in Concordia. Came home with Sawdy
21 Wednesday. Clear & hot Went to town with 2 loads of Hogs 12 Hogs weight 2975 4.75 per hundred - $141.30 Deposited $120.00 in cloud co. [bank] Bought Lumber & coal $6.60 Dinner & Stable room $1.25 F. Sawdy took 1 load of hogs. One half pound Tea 25¢. Neck yoke & axel grease 75 Paid assessment in Knights of Columbia $1.50 for the September assessment. Have receipt for the money. Home a little before dark.
22 Thursday. Hot winds. Mother & Grand Ma Slutman went to Cabels. I went to Jack Matthews this morning. Then Sent Davy to Ike Woodruffs then Henderson, then Secrists, Then Home for Mowing Machine and failed at all places. Delforge brought my wagon home. Swope returned my Scythe. Davy cut 7 Shocks of corn. Mother home about 5 P. M. John Kellenbarge [r] called.
23 Friday. Cut corn in fore noon. Went to town after Dinner. Staid all night. Attended chapter.
24 Saturday. Staid in town all day. Went to Clyde in the evening. Rode on engine from Concordia to Clyde. Attended John Davis meeting. Was made chairman. Staid at the Commercial house. Home on the Central Branch Sunday morning
25 [Sunday.] John met me at Rice. Took John & George to the R. R. crossing at Nailleux Mother went to Kellenbargers Home in Due season. Davy Else went home returned in the evening. gave him check for his wages last week $3.00 Cooler 26 Monday. Clear & warm. Finished drilling in wheat. Hen Snavely Called & Bothered me for awhile also John Secrist Drilled in 14 acres of wheat at 12½¢ per acre = $1.75 Due Jack


Matthews: Ike Woodruff Called and informed me he had bought the Banta farm for $700.00 Received Deed from J. C. Zimmerman for the Banta farm. Received from Ike Woodruff Cash $50.00 on the Banta farm
27 Tuesday. Fearful hot. Hauled 3 loads of Shelled corn to Rice for Secrist. 153 Bushels at 3 loads. Paid John Campbell cash $5.00 on pastureing cattle. Due Campbell $7.25 Dr MeCasey Called to day. Also George Laman & J. T. Henderson. Wash day.
28 Wednesday. Fair day. wind South east. Went to Aurora after Dinner. Bought lumber & Posts $8.25 Nails 50¢ Rope & cigars 25¢ = $9.00 Home 7:40 P. M. Had good visit all around with the Boys. Paid $1.00 cash for 4 Photographs of our house Paid out to day $10.00
29 Thursday. Pretty good day Jack Matthews Called in the morning. Davy Else helped George Laman Thresh.
30 Friday Good day. Grand Pap mowed 3/4 day. Boys came home from School. Lady Matthews Called 2 times to day.

October, 1892

1 Saturday Went to town with Derias. Went to the Show. Big crowd. Home Just at dark. Came home with Vinery Attended Plumb Creek Alliance at the center. Christ Stoner was there. Paid C. C. Stoner cash $6.50 Board
2 Sunday. Went to John Campbells pasture for my Cattle. John Georg[e] Davy & Elmer Else. Also George Secrist. Did not get 2 of them, 1 cow & one steer, which was by mistake taken out of the pasture by W. H. Seamen. Had fearful time with one calf at Secrists. John took George to town. John will come home nights during this week. Warm day & fearful dusty.
3 Monday. Good day clear & warm. Hauled hay. Finished mowing. John came home from School. Gave John Cash $6.00 to pay tuition at School and Coffee & Pepper
4 Tuesday. Fine day for hay. Got in (4) good loads to day. John Came home from school. Jack Matthews pulled in his Machine to Thresh my alfalfa tomorrow.
5 Wednesday. Good day Jack Matthews threshed my Alfalfa. A. D. Goble helped with team. Old Man Woolford helped. Paid him Cash $1.00 Dr. McCasey Sent hand and team. Finished after dark.. John Came home from school. Grand Pap Groves helped with team. Finished choreing this evening 8:45 P M Settled with J. B. Sheafer, $1.15 cash, in full for all demands to date Paid Bill Pierce cash $1.00 for Beef


6 Thursday. Good day. Made fence. Davy went to the fair. John came home from School. E. E Moberly Called also J. 0. McIntosh. Davy failed to put in this evening.
7 Friday. Good day. No School in town. The old Man went to town and attended the fair. Ex Gov Foreacre [J. B. Foraker, of Ohio] spoke in town at the fair grounds. Spoke 1½ hours with attention S. M. Scott [state lecturer representing People's Party] Spoke 23 Minits The repub Mob Howled him down which is charistic [sic] of the republican Machine Staid all night with Dr McCas[e]y
8 Saturday. Received from Ike Woodruff cash $700.00 for J. C. Zimmerman for the Banta farm. Sent the money to him by Draft on Sprague national bank of N. Y. Came home with John Kellenbarger. Attended speech at the center. B F Rose & S 0 Everly spoke. House full. And good time. S. 0. Everly Staid all night with us. George Came home from Town this evening. Home from speech 10:30 P M
9 Sunday. Good day Prof Sawdy & wife called to day. George rode to town with Al Norton.
10 Monday. High wind South. Disagreeable John came home from School. Made fence around Straw stack.
11 Tuesday. High wind South. Fearful dusty. Mother went to town. Gave her check for $10.00 Cleaned alfalfa seed cleaned 9 Bushels. Dr McCasey Called and was here for dinner. Mother home from town at dark.
11 [12] Wednesday. The meanest day this fall. Fearful wind & dust, South east Rained a little about 5 P. M.
13 Thursday. Good day. Went to Aurora. Home at noon. Davy went to Rice for our mail. Paid Dr McDonald cash $2.50 for attending on Nellies baby. Grand Pap Groves Called in the evening.
14 Friday Went to town with McIntosh. Was a delegate to co Alliance. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey. Attended Chapter. Saw companion Henninger. Sold Tup horse for $40.00 cash.
15 Saturday Drew $60.85 School funds. Deposited $95.00 in cloud co Bank Came down to Soonover and footed it home. Home in time for dinner. Went to the Center in the evening. The Alliance failed to materialize Home 9 P. M.
16 Sunday. Good day. Democrat Smith & family John Kellenbarger & wife and Grand Mother Slutman were here to day.


John and George rode to town with Smith. Paid Davy Else cash $3.00 for 4th week.
17 Monday. Cloudy & cool Rained a little. Truman Pierce drove in During the rain. Lady Matthews Called to day. Cleaned west crib for corn. Sent with Truman Pierce for 140 feet of lumber $1.80 Repaired fence.
18 Tuesday. Good day. Repaired corn crib. Mother went to Kellenbargers it being Grand Mother Slutmans birth day. Also Mothers birth day, & I hope and trust she may live and enjoy many birth days. Attended P. P. Meeting at the center. Home 10:50 P. M. Frankie McCasey came home with Mother from Kellenbargers. Dan Empson Called in the evening to borrow my wagon.
19 Wednesday. Good day. Fair day. Commenced to husk corn.
20 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. Rained a little early this morning. Went to F A. Thompsons. Met Fedore Leofler there. Sold Leofler Gyp & Kitt on 15 months time at 8 per cent interest. Took note and mortgage on team Mrs Bertram Leoflers mother in law Signed a note with Leofler Note due January 20, 1894. Left note and mortgage with Thompson for Mrs Leofler to Sign Home 12:30 P. M. (cuss this pen!) Went to town after dinner. Drove Alex. Bought 4 Halters $4.00 Gave one to Dr McCasey for the halter Sold with Tup. 1 Pair drawers 90¢ One under shirt 1.25 1 pair socks 35¢ 2 cigars 10¢ Total $6.60 Home 7:30 P M.
21 Friday. Columbian day at Nelson Center. Good for the children. Good dinner Sold S M Naillieux 9 head of cattle, 3 cows, 3 Heifers & 3 Steers for $120.00. Received $5.00 Cash on the Cattle. Cheaper than dirt.
22 Saturday Went to town with Mother. Drew check on cloud co [bank] for $3.00 for Dv Else Home at dark. John & Davy dug Potatoes. George Husked corn. Went to the Center in evening to P P meeting. Home 10:30 P M
23 Sunday. Kellenbarger & family called to day also Grand Ma Slutman. Cloudy & cool. Mrs T C McCasey & children and Miss Anna Smith visited us to day. Grand Pap Groves Called. John & George Walked to town this after noon.
24 Monday. Cool in the morning. Went to F. A. Thompsons and got Chattle Mortgage and note. Given by Fedore Lefler, & his wife Note Signed by Victory Demonie. From Thompson I went to Aurora. Bought coal, $3.50 hinges & screws 30¢ cigars


10¢ Paid Thompson for making out mortgage & note 50¢. Total $4.10 [?]. Borrowed $5.00 from Delphin Hebert. Home 1:30 P M. Sent Davy to Heberts for a load of cobs. Dr Else wife child called to day. Mrs Dan Empson called to day. Dan Empson returned Tobacco Borrowed Some time ago.
25 Tuesday. Good day. Killed a hog in forenoon. Cleaned Alfalfa Seed after noon. Had 16 Bushels, Davy went to Reeves in the evening to a party. Rode Fan.
26 [Wednesday.] Dr McCasey called. Went to Rice after noon with Hen Bolen. Sam Naillieux took the Cattle. Paid $100.00 Cash and gave check for $15.00 on 1st National Bank. Davy went to School house in eve to Repub
27 Thursday. Good day. Davy Husked Corn. The old Man went to Henderson in the Morning. Hung north Door. Repaired Bed stead up Stairs. Dan Empson Called at noon and took his Hogs away. Elmer Henderson Called Early in the Morning. Gave Mother $10.00
28 Friday went to town. Attended chapter. Supper at Colsons at 12 M. Staid all night, With Dr McCasey. Home next evening at dark. Came home with Oda McIntosh Oda & Frank Richardson Had Supper with us. Attended Alliance Meeting at the center. Had good Alliance Meeting. Home from Alliance 12 M. Boys went to town. Home 2 in the Morning. Deposited $100.00 in cloud co Bank Friday evening.
30 Sunday. Cloudy. Rained a little. Davy took the Boys to the rail Road.
31 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Davy Husked corn E P Reeves Husked ½ day. Went to Oak Creek to speaking in the evening Home 11 P. M.

November, 1892

1 Tuesday. cloudy and Disagreeable. Davy husked corn. E. P. Reeves Husked 52 Bus Judge Stoner Frank McVey Elder Burdett & Bill Savary took Supper with us. The old Man went [with] them to St Jo. Had big meeting & Some Beer Savary & My Self Staid with the Druggist.
2 Wednesday. Home 10 A. M cloudy & disagreeable. Davy & E P. Reeves Husking corn. The old Man quite unwell. Went to Rice after noon with Jo Keoster.
3 Thursday. Good fine day. Wash day. Davy & E P Reeves Husked Corn. An old Sewing Machine man Called to day
4 Friday Went to town with J. 0. McIntosh. Home 9:30 P. M. Brought Banners and flags Paid for Banners $2.00


5 Saturday. Went to Clyde with Sawdy. Heard Ex Gov. Glick Speak. The best speech this Season. Home 1:30 A. M.
6 Sunday. Prof & Mrs Sawdy Called Judge Stoner & Daughter also Miss Wilson. The Boys went to town with Stoner John went to town for Banners Home til noon. George came with Stoner
7 Monday. Cloudy & cold High wind north. Big Rally at Concordia Col. [W. A.] Harris [42] and Sam Scott spoke. P P.s enough to make the repubs Sick Big crowd. Home 6 P. M
8 Tuesday Election day. P. P. Elected entire county ticket. Staid all day. Started for Concordia 1:30 A. M. Arrived in Concordia 3:30 A. M. Tiered, cold & hungry. Every thing encouraging. Repubs Bluer than thunder. Home at dark on the eve of Nov 9th 1892 Clev[e]land elected President. Thank God the repubs are down.
10 Thursday Good day E P Reeves Husked Corn. Davy, went in the evening to Bell [43]< Phil Detiheux [Detriche?]
11 Friday Went to Rice in evening afoot. To town on train. Attended chapter. Hugh Alexander Bent Williams & George Britton Took R. A. Degree. Had time. Staid all night with Dr MeCasey. Went to Bed 3 A. M.
12 Saturday. High wind and fearful dust. Came from town with Charles Muller. Home 4 P. M. Attended Alliance at the center in the evening
13 Sunday. Mother & I went to Sawdys for dinner. John & George Rode Dr McCaseys Horses home.
14 Monday. Old man Sawdy Hauled a load [of] Oats to Rice 55 Bushels $12.30 After noon I went to Clyde with Sawdy Great Big Jollification among the democrats & People's party. An immense crowd of people. torch light & transparencies of all Kind and all discreptions [sic]. of course the repubs were Mad. The old Man made a little speech. Staid all night with Baker Borton.
15 Tuesday. Home 12:30 P. M. Old man Sa [w] dy Hauled a load of Oats to Rice. Mrs. Kellenbarger Daughter & Grand Mother Slutman Called to day. Grand Mother Staid with us. 16 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. Filled west crib to day. Grand


Mother Slutman Went to Jack Matthews. Mr & Mrs Sawdy Called and had Supper with us. Commenced to rain about dark
17 Thursday. Cold wind north. Davy went to Rice after School. Grand pap Groves Called. Also Prof Sawdy. Also Link Goble
18 Friday. Cleaned house. Paid Link Goble 75¢ Went to town after noon with Jake Matthews. Banquet at Jak[e] Matthews Roast turkey & Oysters 34 Neighbors and friends gathered to pay their respects to Grand Mother Slutman, an enjoyable good time Home 10:30 P M the old Man sick the rest of the night. Boys Came home from town.
19 Saturday. George helped wash John & Davy husked corn, the old Man Sick. George Mabel & Freddie went to Sawdys to get Mrs Sawdy to go to town with Mother and me. Big Parade and torchlight. Transparencies good. Judge Doster [44] spoke Saturday evening in Concordia. At the P P Ratification was an immense affair The court house was packed with people. The speech of Judge Doster was well received by the people. Staid all night with Judge Stoner. Also Mr. & Mrs. Sawdy.
20 Sunday. Arrived home from Concordia 11 A. M. George took Sawdy home. High wind north Fearful dusty. Disagreeable.
21 Monday. Good day. Highered 2 Men to husk corn. Young Woodruff and Young Summers. Went to Gobles in fore noon. Killed a skunk in the Cave this morning.
22 Tuesday. Went to town with Turkeys and chickens. Sent Charley 5 Chickens by express to Lincoln, Neb. Sent Frank Ellison 1 big Black Rooster and turkey by express to Topeka. Charges on both lots $1.15 Had a little Beer with Dr McDonald, Dr Pigman and Dr McCasey. Had Dinner with Dr McCasey. Posts 1.75 Staples 25¢ cigars 10¢ - $3.25 Paid Sawdy $2.00 borrowed from him last Sunday Home 4 P M Sold 6 Turkeys weight 74 lbs at 7¢ = $5.18
23 Wednesday. Cloudy & cold. E P Reeves quit work at noon. Went to Town after noon. Henderson went with me. Bought Beef $2.90 Sausage 25¢ Pool Straps $1.25 1 Pair Mittons $1.00 Paid Truman Pierce 45¢ = [omission] 1 Pair Horse covers $3.00 1 Squash 10¢ total $8.95 Boys came home from


town. Home 6:30 P. M. Dark & cold wind east. School Chart Peddler called Ordered a full Set for District No 76 to cost $28.00 Besides freight.
24 Thursday. Cloudy & cold. High wind, South east. Festus Sawdy & wife visited us to day. Roast turkey and Winney Wershed [sic] for dinner. Pleasant visit. Finished Husking corn on the east Side. About 1500 bushels. Boys at home. Davy went to Rice for our mail.
25 Friday. Good day but fearful wind and dust. Paid Woodruff and Summers Cash for husking corn $11.00. John & Davy made fence. Wash day. A. D. Goble Called to day
26 Saturday. Mother George & the old man went to town. Bought Bed stead, Springs & matrass $11.50 one stove & pipe $2.95 coal 1.00 1 chair 35¢ Tobacco 35¢ 1 lamp 1 oil can & oil $1.20 Paid Stoner for Boys board $7.00 Total $24.35
27 Sunday. Good fine day. Boys started to town. Mother took them part way. Miss Secrist and Miss Bertram Called on begging tour for Christmas Tree. Gave them 50¢. Davy footed it home & back to day. Turned cattle and colts in stalk field yesterday for first time this year. Attended Alliance last eve at the center.
28 Monday. Good day. Cleaned House. E. P. Reeves husked corn. Elmer Else Called in the evening for his Brother Dave, whose Brother Willie is very sick. Mollie Goble cleaned house for us. Pleasant for the Season.
29 Tuesday. fine warm pleasant day. Reeves husked corn. Sent with Grand Pap Groves for our Mail. Received a letter from Nellie. E P Reeves went home this evening Sick
30 Wednesday. Good day. Mother went to town. Willie Else died to day, age 6 years. Under Sheriff McCall called to day. Also Jack Matthews, & Elmer Else in the evening. Mother home from town 5 P. M.

December, 1892

1 Thursday. Cloudy & Misted nearly all day. Mother went to attend the funeral of Willie Else, but met the Prosession on the way. She then turned and came home. Jack Matthews Called to day and paid me 2 dollars which I had over paid him last night. Grand Pap Groves called I paid him Cash $1.00 in full for all demands to date.
2 Friday. Good day Wash day. Went to town after noon. Bought undershirt $1.25 Halfsoleing Shoes 80¢ = $2.05 Home after dark.


3 Saturday. Boys Husked corn. Sold 1 load 29 Bus at 27¢. Gave the Boys $5.00.
4 Sunday. Cloudy & misted all day. Took the Boys to town. Home 5 P. M. Davy Else came in at 6 P. M. Dark and Dreary.
5 Monday. Cloudy & Disagreeable until noon Pleasant after noon & warm. Turned cold in the evening. Very cloudy & high wind north west. Threatening Storm.
6 Tuesday. Bad disagreeable day. Commenced to husk corn in the Morning, and asked to go to Gobles to take up and repair his pump. Misted all day. Wind north, 8 P. M Commenced to Snow. Dr Jeannotte Called to day.
7 Wednesday. Fearful Storm all day. Barn and every thing full of snow. Bad Disagreeable day. The worst day this Season The children did not go to School.
8 Thursday. Cold & pleasant. Went to Rice for coal bought 965 lbs $2.65 Cinnamon 5¢ Tobacco 40¢ - $3.10
9 Friday. Cloudy & pleasant Clear and pleasant. variety, all day along in turn. Young Tiff called to get Myrtle Tiffs School Teachers wages. But failed, simply because for want of funds
10 Saturday went to town with Sawdy. Cloudy & cold 8 Degrees belo[w] above [?] zero. Home at dark John & George came home this evening.
11 Sunday. Pretty decent day. Davy Else took the Boys to town, Elmer Else came home with him. His Parents being sick Davy went home with him.
12 Monday. Pretty good day. Went to Jack Matthews in the morning for a bull. From there went to J. T. Henderson, For a bull. Home with Swopes Bull. Lizzie Bulled. Spotted Heifer on a spree the Same time. Jack Matthews Called & Borrowed my wagon seat. J. A. Secrist Called and wanted my wagon.
13 Tuesday. 3 inches of snow fell last night. Good day. Jack Matthews Called to day & Borrowed my wagon. Received a letter from Alba and sister Mrs Adair.
14 Wednesday. Good day. Went to town. Sold 10 Turkeys weighed 111 lbs. Price 7¢ = $7.77. Went to the chicken Show. Good. Had Bottle Beer with Dr McCasey. Had dinner with Dr. Home 4:30 P. M. Jim Sheafer came home with me. Paid P. M. Gates cash $1.50 for assessment No 5 and lodge dues 75¢ ending Dec. 31st 1892 P. M. Gates The Recorder of K. C. Lodge Concordia.
15 Thursday. Good day. Wash day. Went to Rice with a load


of corn 28 Bus. 27¢ per bus 7.60 [?] Jack Matthews Dan Empson and Jim Sheafer were callers to day. Also Eli Groves
16 Friday. Went to town after noon. Grand Dad Groves went with me. Attended lodge Paid my dues $4.50 for 1892. Banquet at Colsons. Truman Pierce and I staid over night with Dr McCasey.
17 Saturday. Attended co alliance. Came Home with L. N. Swope. Paid my taxes for 1892 $34.34 Home from town 7 P. M. Cold.
18 Sunday Clear & cold. Boys went to town after noon. Grand Dad Groves drove the team home.
18 [19] Monday. Cloudy & cold, wind north. Hunted one half day for Swopes Bull. Found him at Secrists Consider it a damed Shame that Secrist did not tell me the bull was there. Jack Matthews Borrowed my wagon. Sold Truman Pierce 5 Bushels of wheat $2.50
20 Tuesday. This is my birth day. Prof Sawdy Called. Settled in full with E. P. Reeves. Paid $12.50 Cash as a balance of corn Husking. Total $22.50. Snowed a little during the day. Mabel not at School to day. It will be remembered The old Man is 50 years old to day.
21 Wednesday. Cloudy & cold Mother went to town with Sawdy. Gave Mother $5.00 check Mother home at dark. Jack Matthews returned my wagon.
22 Thursday. Cloudy & cold Went to Rice. Sold load [of] corn 2630 = $6.75 Bough [t] coffee $1.10 Tea_ 35¢ Total $1.45 received a letter from Ella at Wichita.
23 Friday Went to town after Dinner Sold corn for $3.90 Attended chapter. Staid all night with Dr McCasey.
24 Saturday. Bought candy and nuts $2.00 came hom [e] with Oda McIntosh Went to the Center in the evening to Christmas tree. Made a little speech. Home 10 P M.
25 Sunday. Christmas Charley and wife Came this morning. Charley Freddie John and the old Man went to Sawdys for dinner. Home 4:30 P. M. Stormed all after noon. 7 P M Storming raging at fearful rate.
26 Monday. Clear & cold 8 Degrees belo[w] zero West road drifted full Broke the road ourselves. Boys went hunting. Fearful cold.
27 Tuesday. Cloudy & Stormy Snowed nearly all day. George & Charley went to Rice John Borrowed Goble Shot gun


28 Wednesday. Boys Drove Dick to Rice. Received letters from Ella Stangland & Jo Adair.
29 Thursday. John and I went to Rice in fore noon. Stormed fearful all fore noon.
30 Friday. Cloudy & cold Went to town. Started with Jack Matthews. Road [sic] to Oak with him. From there I road with Bolinger. Came home with Hebert. 1st Sleigh Ride. Home at dark.
31 Saturday. Good day. Charley & John went to town. Baby sick. George went to Rice for our mail. Grand pap Groves called to day, also Truman Pierce.

[Part Four Will Appear in the February, 1947, Issue]


DR. POWELL MOORE, of 444 Highland, Hammond, Ind., is assistant professor Of history at the Calumet Center of the Indiana University Extension Division. His wife, a daughter of George A. Young, is a granddaughter of Hiram Young, the diarist.

38. Tup was one of Young's horses.
39. Nellie's home was in Albion, Ind.
40. George D. Bowling, the Populist party candidate in the Cloud-Republic (thirtysecond) state senatorial district, was a resident of Scandia-Concordia Blade, September 30. 1892. He was elected state senator in the general election of November 8.--Secretary of State. Eighth Biennial Report, 1891-1892, p. 121.
41. John Davis of Junction City was congressman for the Fifth district and was the Populist party nominee for re-election.-State of Kansas, Lama of 1891, p. 427; Concordia Blade, September 80. 1892. He was re-elected in the general election of November 8.-Secretary of State. Eighth Biennial Report, 1891-1892, p. 114. L. D. Lewelling was chosen governor in the same election.-Ibid., p. 104.
42. Col. W. A. Harris was the candidate of the Populist party for congressman at large. Kansas Historical Collections, v. 18, p. 423; The Farmers Voice, Clyde, October 27. 1892; Concordia Blade, November 4, 1892. He was elected congressman m the November, 1892 general election and in 1897 was elected United States senator by the legislature.-Secretary of State, Eighth Biennial Report, pp.. ill, 112; Kansas Historical Collections, v. 18. p. 443.
43. Belling was a charivari.-H. L. Meneken, The American Language; Supplement I (New York, 1945), p. 233.
44. Judge Frank Doster of Marion was a leading figure in the Populist party in Kansas. He served as judge of the twenty-fifth judicial district from March. 1887, until January. 1892. In November, 1891, he was defeated for re-election. However. in 1896 he was elected chief justice of the state supreme court, serving until January, 1908.--secretary of state, Sixth Biennial Report, p, 77; Eighth Biennial Report, p. 89; Kansas Historical Collections, v. 16, pp. 419, 489, 441, 665, 669.