Archeological Assessment Report (Phase III)
The archeological testing/assessment report (Kansas Phase III report) should contain all of the information outlined for the Phase II survey report. In addition, it should discuss the following in relationship to the project area and each of the sites under investigation.
I. Environment
A. Characteristic of the physiographic region
B. Past environmental conditions relevant to the time periods of the sites under assessment
1. Flora and fauna
2. Climate
3. Availability of water
4. Availability of natural resources (lithic materials)
5. Length of growing season
II. Culture History
A. General discussion of the cultural periods identified in Kansas and the Central Plains region
B. Detailed discussion of the cultural periods relevant to the sites under assessment with a focus on Kansas
III. Previous Work
A. Discuss all relevant site records and project reports already on file at the KSHS
1. Provide the name of the author/recorder, date, type of investigation, results, and any recommendations given
B. Discuss any documented changes to each site over time
IV. Testing Methodology
A. Methodology is expected to adhere to that stated above
B. Provide clear justification for the testing method(s) if they differ from the above recommendations
1. Detail the methods used – site, depth, and spacing of units; screen size; collection techniques, etc.
V. Site Specific Information
A. Site type (habitation, quarry, workshop, kill site, etc.)
B. Site specifics (discuss and provide scaled site map)
1. Horizontal extent of site/site boundary
2. Vertical extent of the site (depth)
3. Locations of artifact concentrations, features, and surface diagnostics
4. Locations of all excavated shovel tests and test units
a. Distinguish between positive and negative units
5. Location of site datum
6. Any noted disturbances to the site
C. Artifacts recovered or observed
1. Provide a discussion of all artifacts collected or observed in the field
2. Provide a table listing all artifacts collected, indicating provenience and depth below surface
3. Discuss all tools by type and material (if possible)
4. Provide analysis of debitage by type and material (if possible)
5. Discuss pottery analysis by temper, thickness, surface treatment, body or rim, etc.
6. Provide analysis of any faunal or floral material recovered
7. Indicate any rare or exotic artifacts
8. Discuss any other cultural material collected or observed
D. Cultural affiliation
1. Provide a determination of cultural affiliation based on the artifacts recovered
E. Photographs and Drawings
1. Provide a minimum of two site over-view photographs
2. Provide representative drawings and/or clear color photographs of unit wall profiles and plan views
3. Provide photographs of all features before and after excavation
F. Discuss the physical condition of the site
1. Address the integrity of the site
2. Discuss the extent of any disturbance
G. Discuss the expected impact from the proposed project
VI. Regional Research Questions (based on Brown and Simmons 1987, Lees 1989, Logan 1996 and other resources)
A. Discuss each site in relation to other sites of the same type and time period within the region
B. Discuss each site in relation to research questions posed in the documents referenced above
VII. Recommendation of Eligibility
A. Provide a recommendation of eligibility
1. If the site is recommended not eligible, state why and provide a justification that adequate testing/assessment of the site has been completed
2. If the site is recommended eligible provide the details in a statement of significance (below)
VIII. Statement of Significance
A. Identify the qualities of the site that make it eligible for listing in the National Register
1. Provide a concise history of the site, including:
a. The period of significance
b. The area of significance: either Archeology-Prehistoric or Archeology-Historic
c. The primary reason the site is recommended eligible for the National Register
d. The information the site has yielded or is likely to yield
2. Relate the site to a broad historical, archeological or cultural context, either local, regional, state or national
Some Phase III assessment reports are, at the discretion of the SHPO Archeologist, sent out for peer review. As a result, three unbound copies of all Phase III reports should be provided. Reports should be sent to the address below:
The archeological testing/assessment report (Kansas Phase III reports) should provide a recommendation of eligibility for each site under investigation. Sites must be recommended as “eligible” or “not eligible” for listing on the National Register based on the field excavations, laboratory analysis, and an evaluation of each site against local, regional, and national research questions. If the author cannot make a recommendation of eligibility based on the fieldwork conducted, additional fieldwork should be performed prior to submitting the project report to the federal agency and SHPO. All reports received by the SHPO will be considered final and therefore should be thorough and complete. Reports that greatly deviate from the format outlined above and the style guidelines established by American Antiquity will be returned to the author for revision and will not be reviewed until the necessary changes are made.
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