Archeology resources
The Kansas Historical Society offers a number of resources related to archeology. Learn more about the resources available to report and study archeological sites and materials.
Timeline - find a basic description of the scientific study of cultures and people of the past in Kansas along with an archeology timeline.
Collections - our archeology collections encompass prehistoric and historic specimens, among the largest and most comprehensive from the Kansas region, documenting more than 10,000 years of human occupation in the central plains.
Site protection files - encompassing location and contents of more than 17,000 archeological sites in the state.
Site information access for professional researchers - this GIS information shows the location of more than 17,000 recorded archeological sites in the state and is available to qualified individuals.
Publications - resources from the Kansas Historical Society.
Bibliography - find a list of publications on prehistory to historic archeology.
Associations - find organizations related to archeology in Kansas.
Opportunities - learn more about professional opportunities in Kansas.