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Barton County History Bibliography

Image of Kansas map with Barton County highlighted.Barton County Community College. Celebrating Hosington USA. N.p.: 1986. (K/978.1/-B28/ Pam. v.2/no.3).

Barton County Historical Society. Collections. Great Bend, KS: BCHS, 1965-1974. (K/978.1/-B28/B28/ v. 1: 1-5).

Bradley, Glen D. "[Ft. Zarah] Famous Landmarks Along the Trail," Santa Fe Employee's Magazine. (Feb. 1912): 65-67. (K/978.1/-B28/Mss.).

Ellinwood Historical Society. Ellinwood Echoes, the Book, 1991: Echoeing the Faces and Facets of Ellinwood, Kansas. Ellinwood, KS: EHS, 1992. (K/978.1/-B28/EL56e).

Great Bend Centennial Celebration Committee. Great Bend, Kansas: A Historical Portrait of the City. Great Bend, KS: Centennial Book Committee, 1972. (K/978.1/-B28/Pam.v.2/no.1).

Great Bend Chamber of Commerce. A Pictorial History of Great Bend; Special Issue for Kansas Centennial. Great Bend, KS: Chamber of Commerce, 1961. (K/978.1/-B28/G798).

Great Bend Tribune. Biographical History of Barton County, Kansas. Great Bend, KS: Great Bend Tribune, repr. 1987. (K/978.1/-B28/G81/1987).

Hoisington Diamond Jubilee & Kansas Centennial. Hoisington, Kansas, Commemorating 75 Years of Progress Under Freedom. N.p.: 1961. (K/978.1/-B28/H688).

Huff, Wayne. Early History of Claflin, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/ -B28/Pam.v.1/no. 12).

________. History of Claflin, Kansas. Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 1987. (K/978.1/-B28/ C518).

Kansas State Historical Society. Barton County Clippings, 1879-1999. (5 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-B28/Clipp./v.1-5).

Richardson, Linda. Sunshine in the Valley: Albert, Kansas, 1886-1986. N.p.: 1986. (K/978.1/-B28/AL14).

Schmidt, Carl Bernhard. Description of the Swedish Settlement Pawnee Rock in the Upper Arkansas Valley in Southwestern Kansas of the United States. N.p.: 1939. (K/978.1/-B28/Sch53).

Schulz, Ray S. Moments in History. Great Bend, KS: Golden Belt Printing, 1972. (K/978.1/-B28/Pam. v.1/no.11).

Photo of road 
construction crew on U.S. Highway 50 between Great Bend and Ellinwood, 
1920s.Senators Who Have Represented Barton County. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-B28/Mss.).

"Special 60th Anniversary Edition," Great Bend Tribune (Daily), Aug. 12, 1936. (Microfilm reel: G 378).

Townsley, G.P. Barton County; Her Growth, People, Population, Towns, Business Men, etc. N.p.: 1879. (K/978.1/-B28/Pam. v.1/no.1).

Waters, Ralph H. Diary of James W. Harris. Zion Valley, Barton County, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-B28/Mss.).

Zarah, Its Present & Future. "Right on the Map!" N.p.: 1871. (K/978.1/-B28/Pam. v.2/no. 2).