Dickinson County History Bibliography
Abilene Commercial Club. Abilene, Kansas. N.p.: 1915. (K/978.1/-D56/ Pam.v.1/no. 8).
Abilene Real Estate Co. Abilene, A Gem, The City of the Plains, The Centre of the "Golden Belt". Burlington, IA: Burdette Co., 1887. (K/978.1/-D56/Pam.v.1/no. 3).
Baker, Anna S. Pioneer Histories of Chapman. Chapman, KS: Chapman Advertiser, 1989. (K/978.1/-D56/B171c).
Boyd, W.L. "City of Hope, Kansas". Hope Dispatch (2nd). Nov. 5, 1953. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: H 1245).
Bross, Harvey E. Dickinson County Historical Sketches. (4 vols.). N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-D56/D56).
Carlton Book Committee. Carlton Area History: Carlton-Elmo-Holland, Dickinson County, Kansas. Rich Hill, MO: Bell Books, 1995. (K/978.1/-D56/C198).
Chapman Brothers. Portrait & Biographical Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson & Marion Counties, Kansas. Chicago, IL: Author, 1893. (Microfilm reel: LM 444, no. 7).
Dickinson County Extension Homemaker Unit. Community History: Union Township & Surrounding Area. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-D56/Pam.v.1/no. 20).
Dickinson County Historical Society. Dickinson County Biographical Sketches. (3 vols.). N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-D56/D56b).
________. Early New Basel History. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-D56/N422).
Dingler, Helen C. Past and Present: Towns of Dickinson County, Kansas Enterprise, KS: Dickinson County Historical Society, 1999. (Uncataloged item).
Dunlop, James J. The Detroit Community, Kansas. N.p.: 1979. (K/978.1/-D56/ Pam.v.1/no. 21).
Dykstra, Robert. The Last Days of "Texan" Abilene: A Study in Community Conflict on the Farmer's Frontier. N.p.: 1960. (K/978.1/-D56/Pam.v.1/no. 11).
Edson, Karen. Herington: A Century of Pride. Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 1987. (K/978.1/-D56/H424).
Henry, Stuart O. Conquering Our Great American Plains: A Historical Development. NY: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1930. (K/978.1/-D56/H396).
"Hold Meeting in Chapman to Consider County Line", Chapman Advertiser. Mar. 22, 1934. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: C 2356).
Hope Community Development Association. Industrial Data on Hope, Kansas. N.p.: 1955. (K/978.1/-D56/ H771).
Howe, James. "Early History Facts of Pioneer Days in this Section of the County". Chapman Advertiser. June 4, 1931. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: C 2355).
Humphrey, Carrie. "History of Old Creek Mill". Chapman Advertiser. Jan. 11, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: C 2356).
________. "Mrs. Carrie Jackman Humphrey Takes Up Story of the Old Mill". Chapman Advertiser. Jan. 18 & 25, 1934. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: C 2356).
Ingersoll, Caroline Clayton. "Pioneer History of Mr. & Mrs. Clayton". Chapman Advertiser. Mar. 1 & 8, 1934. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: C 2356).
"Into Old History--Dedicates a Feature to Early Irish Settlers of Solomon Community", Salina Journal. July 18, 1933. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: S303).
Jameson, Henry B. Early Days in Abilene, Kansas: "Where It All Started". Abilene, KS: Reflector-Chronicle Pub., 1983. (K/978.1/-D56/Pam.v.4/no. 1).
________. Heroes by the Dozen. Abilene, KS: Shadinger-Wilson Printers, 1961. (K/978.1/-D56/Ab57j).
Jones, Amos. "Looking into the Past--Interesting Facts of Early History . . . of Solomon". Solomon Tribune. Mar. 22 & 29, 1934. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: S1940).
________. "The Foundation for the First Irish Settlement Near Solomon". Solomon Tribune. Mar. 8, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: S 1940).
Kansas State Historical Society. Dickinson County Clippings, 1875-1999. (6 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-D56/Clipp./v.1-6).
Koch, Elsie. "Industries of Hope". Hope Dispatch (2nd). Jan. 7, 1954. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: H 1245).
Lay, John K., Jr. "History of the Schools of the Hope Community". Hope Dispatch (2nd). Dec. 3, 17 & 31, 1953. [3 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: H 1245).
Lorson, Elizabeth. "Pioneers [of] Hope & Township". Hope Dispatch (2nd). Nov. 12-26, 1953. [3 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: H 1245).
Meek, J.S. "When Colonists Came: Tennessee Immigration Was Interesting History". Abilene Daily Reflector. Mar. 24, 1922. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: A 2284).
Miller, Eva L. A Century of Hope, 1886-1986. N.p.: 1986. (K/978.1/-D56/H771m).
Moore, Howard. "Early-Day County Commissioners had Their Troubles, Too". Abilene Reflector- Chronicle. Oct. 20, 1956. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: A 154).
________. "Enterprise Bars Raided by Carry Nation in 1901". Abilene Reflector-Chronicle. Oct. 3, 1956. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: A 154).
________. "Fought Over Site of Early Courthouse". Abilene Reflector-Chronicle. Oct. 20, 1956. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: A 154).
________. "Visit Here Led to Marriage for Beauty Queen [Alice Belle Tuton to Augustus Packard]". Abilene Reflector-Chronicle. Sept. 18, 1956. [2 pp.] (Microfilm reel: A 154).
"Mt. Pleasant Church to Mark 75th Anniversary", Abilene Reflector-Chronicle. Oct. 10, 1956. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: A 154).
Nelson, Edward G. The Company & the Community. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1956. (K/978.1/-D56/En82).
Nye, Mary E. & Lynda D. Scheele. A Pictorial History of Dickinson County, Kansas, 1855-1920. Abilene, KS: Abilene Reflector-Chronicle, 1991. (K/978.1/ -D56/Ab57p).
Peterson, Mrs. Carl. "A Backward Glance". Enterprise Journal (2nd). Apr. 7, 1938. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: E1261).
________. History of Old Swedish Stone Houses Near Enterprise, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-D56/P442).
Peterson, Ellen W. A Kansan's Enterprise: The Story of Enterprise, Kansas. Enterprise, KS: Enterprise Baptist Church, 1957. (K/978.1/-D56/En82p).
Pictorial History of Dickinson County, Kansas, 1921-2000. Marceline, MO: Heritage House Publishing, 2000. (K/978.1/-D56/P589).
"Review the History of this County--Tells of [Joseph G.] McCoy", Abilene Reflector-Chronicle. Oct. 17, 1933. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: A 2259).
Ross, Elizabeth. "Early Days in Abilene". Abilene Daily Reflector. June 11, 1924. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: A 2287).
Ryan, Lawrence. "Story of the Michael Ryan Family". Chapman Advertiser. Feb. 15 & 22, 1934. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: C 2356).
Talmage Centennial Committee. Our History, Talmage, Kansas, 1888-1988. N.p.: 1988. (K/978.1/-D56/Pam.v.4/no. 2).
Verckler, Stewart P. Cowtown--Abilene: The Story of Abilene, Kansas, 1867-1875. NY: Carlton Press, 1961. (K/978.1/-D56/Ab57v).
Woodbine Centennial History Book Committee. Woodbine, Through the Years, 1887-1987. Shawnee Mission, KS: Kes-Print, 1987. (K/978.1/-D56/W851).