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Edward N. Tihen Publication Award - Past recipients

Special Collections and University Archives, Wichita State University Libraries The Edward N. Tihen Historical Publication Award promotes the publication of material on the history of Kansas by first-time authors. Find more information about this program.

Past Recipients

2019 - Charles Delgadillo, Crusader for Democracy: The Political Life of William Allen White

2013 - Kevin G.W. Olson, Frontier Manhattan: Yankee Settlement to Kansas Town, 1854-1894

2009 - Jeremy Neely, "The Border Between Them: Violence and Reconciliation on the Kansas - Missouri Line."

2003 - Rusty L. Monhollon, "This is America?": The Sixties in Lawrence, Kansas

1999 - William A. Dobak, Fort Riley and Its Neighbors: Military, Money, and Economic Growth, 1853-1895

1999 - David M. Bartholomew, Pioneer Naturalist on the Plains, The Diary of Elam Bartholomew, 1871-1934

1998 - Mark Kaplan and Jim McCreary, Lawrence, In Plain View: A Photo/Document of Old East Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas

1997 - Ruth A. Sorensen, Denmark, Beyond the Prairie Wind: History Folklore and Traditions from Denmark, Kansas

1996 - Allan R. Miller, Yankee on the Prairie: Howard Barnard of Kansas--Pioneer Educator