Harvest Tales - Ottawa County 01
Harvest stories submitted by Kansans for the online exhibit, Wheat People.
Submit your own at kshs.kansasmuseum@ks.gov.
Maxine Baker Windhorst
Driving the Model T Ford During Harvest
During the wheat harvest of 1922, when I was seven years old I drove the family Model T Ford for the first time by myself.
My mother was running the wheat binder with four horses hitched to it. My father was shocking the wheat with my five-year-old sister and me carrying the bundles to him.
He said to me, "Maxine, why don't you take your mother a drink, I will crank (start) the car for you?" So away my sister and I went across the field to our mom. When our mom looked and saw us coming, her thought was, "My, how will I ever get this machine and these horses out of their way if Maxine can't get the car stopped?"