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Lincoln County History Bibliography

Image of Kansas map with Lincoln County highlighted.Barr, Elizabeth N. A Souvenir History of Lincoln County, Kansas. Topeka, KS: Kansas Farmer Job Office, 1908. (K/978.1/-L63 /B27).

Bernhardt, Christian. Indian Raids in Lincoln County, Kansas, 1864 and 1869. Lincoln, KS: Lincoln Sentinel, 1910. (K/978.1/-L63/B45).

Beverly Historical Committee. Beverly Our Home Town, 1886-1986: The Story of the Beverly Community, Lincoln County, Kansas. Ellsworth, KS: Ellsworth Printing Co., 1986. (K/978.1/-L63/B467).

Photograph of the Beverly High School seniors, 1938.Boyer, A. "Seneca Falls Man Knew Corbett, Slayer of Booth." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. Feb. 21, 1935. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1496).

"Early School Days at Rock Hill had Their Hardships and Fun." [Lincoln] Lincoln County News. Apr. 4, 1935. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: NP 4084).

Healy, John D. "Survives Indian Attack, Falls with The Crash.'" The Denmark Press. July 3, 1974. [1 p.]. (Oversize/K/978.1 /-L63/D417).

Hendrickson, C.C. "When Lincoln County Was a Youngster." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. Dec. 14, 1933. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1496).

"Historical Sketch of Early Days in Settlement of Lincoln County." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. June 15, 1950. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1501).

"Historical Sketches from the Scrapbook of J.J. Peate." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. Aug. 25, Sept. 8, 22 & 29, Oct. 6, 13 & 20, & Nov. 3 & 10, 1932. [9 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1495).

Homan, Delmar C. "Theatre and Society in Lincoln County, Kansas, 1886-1910." Heritage of the Great Plains 14 (Summer 1981): 3-36. (SP/370.7/Z/En3h/v.14/no. 3).

Homan, Dorothe T. Lincoln--That County in Kansas. Lindsborg, KS: Barbos' Printing, 1979. (K/978.1/-L63/H75).

Kansas State Historical Society. Lincoln County Clippings, 1876-1999. (2 Vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-L63/Clipp./v.1-2).

Lawson, Marge. Honoring Our Heritage: A History of Sylvan Grove, Kansas. Ellsworth, KS: Ellsworth Reporter, 1976. (K/978.1/-L63/Pam.v.1/no. 1).

"Lincoln Sentinel Now 44 Years Old." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. Jan. 7, 1932. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1495).

McMullen, Thelma J. "Hats Off to the Builders of Lincoln County." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. Aug. 31, 1939. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1498).

Springer, J.Z. "The Intimate Diary of a Young Pioneer Who Settled in Lincoln County in 1871." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. Nov. 9-23, 1933. [3 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1496).

Stanley, Arthur J. "Early History of Lincoln County Recounted by Former Resident." Lincoln Sentinel-Republican. July 1, 1954. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1503).