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Recent Additions - May 1940

Compiled by HELEN M. MCFARLAND, Librarian

(Vol. 9, No. 2), pages 193 to 220.
Transcribed by lhn;.
digitized with permission of the Kansas Historical Society.

IN ORDER that members of the Kansas Historical Society and others interested in historical study may know the class of books we are receiving, a list is printed annually of the books accessioned in our specialized fields.

These books come to us from three sources, purchase, gift and exchange, and fall into the following classes: Books by Kansans and about Kansas; books on the West, including explorations, overland journeys and personal narratives; genealogy, local history and out-of-state directories; and books on the Indians of North America, United States history, biography and allied subjects which are classified under general.

We receive regularly the publications of many historical societies by exchange, and subscribe to other historical and genealogical publications which are needed in reference work.

The following is a partial list of books which were added to the library from October 1, 1938, to September 30, 1939. Government and state official publications and some books of a general nature are not included. The total number of books accessioned appears in the report of the secretary in the February issue of the Quarterly.


AARON, MADELEINE, Prairie Galleons, a Book of Poems. Paterson, N. J., St. Anthony Guild Press, 1939.
ALBERTSON, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Ecology of Mixed Prairie in West Central Kansas. Lincoln, Neb., 1937.
AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE ASSOCIATION, The People and the Land: Proceedings of the Twentieth American Country Life Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, October 14-16, 1937. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [c1938].
BALCH, WILLIAM MONROE, The Education of Linton Usher. (Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, December, 1938.)
BANEY, RALPH E., Behind the Scenes in Germany, a Story of Everyday Life in Nazi Germany. Kansas City, Mo. [Brown-White Company, c1939].
BAXTER, MRS. LAURA (FALKENRICH), and ALPHA LATZKE, Modern Clothing; a Text for the High School Girl. Chicago, J. B, Lippincott Company [c1938].
BEALS, CARLETON, American Earth; the Biography of a Nation. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company [c1939].
---- Glass Houses, Ten Years of Free-Lancing. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1938.



BROWN, MRS. MARGARET (HERTZLER), The Surgeon's Daughter. Los Angelea Wetzel Publishing Company, Inc. [c1938].
BRYSON, MRS. NETTIE (KORB), Prairie Days. Los Angeles, Times-Mirror [1939].
CARSON, MRS. KATHARINE (GARDNER), Mrs. Pennington. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons [c1939].
CLARE:, MRS. HARRIET (RIDGWAY), and MRS. NORAH YETTER TAWNEY, In Remembrance, Early Pioneer Settlers of Ogallah and Community, 1877-1881. No impr.
COLMERY, HARRY WALTER, America's Challenge to College Students; an Address Delivered at Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas, February 6, 1939. No impr.
CORCORAN, WILLIAM, Golden Horizons. Philadelphia, Macrae-Smith Company, 1937.
COUNTS, GEORGE SYLVESTER, The Prospects of American Democracy. New York, The John Day Company [1938].
CRAFTON, ALLEN, Play Directing. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1938.
CRANDALL, ALLEN, Isaac Goldberg, an Appreciation. Sterling, Colo., The Author, 1934.
--- Sunlight in His Eyes. Stockdale, Kan., The Crandall Press, 1938.
--- The Man From Kinsman. Sterling, Colo., The Author, 1933.
CRAVEN, THOMAS, ed., A Treasury of American Prints; a Selection of One Hundred Etchings and Lithographs by the Foremost Living American Artists. New York, Simon and Schuster [1939].
CRITTENDEN, HENRY HUSTON, The Battle of Westport and National Memorial Park. Kansas City, MO., The Lowell Press, 1938.
CROSS, JOE, Cattle Clatter; a History of Cattle From the Creation to the Texas Centennial in 1936. [Kansas City, MO., Walker Publications, Inc., 0938.]
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN COLONISTS, KANSAS SOCIETY, Comp., Old Shawnee Mission, 1839-1939. Compiled in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Erection of the First Building at the Shawnee Manual Labor School. No impr.[1939.]
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, KANSAS, Proceedings of the Fortyfirst Annual State Conference, Ripley Hotel, Newton, Kansas, March 29 30-31, 1939. No impr.
DELAHAY, MARK W., Abraham Lincoln. Reprint.
DOBIE, JAMES FRANK, A Vaquero of the. Brush Country. New York, and Dunlap [1929].
DRISCOLL, CHARLES BENEDICT, The Life Greystone Press, 1938. ERESCH, JOSIE, Elegant Amusement the Author. [Beloit, The Gazette Press, c1937.]
--- Examples and Explanation of the Various Kinds Intaglio Plate. Beloit, The Gazette Press [1938].
FAIRCHILD, DAVID GRANDISON, Shall We Have an Out of Doors or Civilization? Shall We Plant Trees or Build Buildings? No impr.
--- The World Was My Garden; Travels of a Plant Explorer. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938. New York, Daniel H. Newhall, 1939.


FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT, KANSAs, comps., A Guide to Salina, Kansas. Salina, Advertiser-Sun [1939].
The Larned City Guide. Larned, Chamber Of Commerce, 1938.
FLORY, F. C., Pioneer Days; Interesting Incidents and History of Early Days in Elk County. No impr.
FORT LEAVENWORTH, POST CHAPEL, Sixtieth Anniversary Service of the Dedication of the Post Chapel, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1878-1888. No impr.
Ft. Scott, Kansas, City Directory, 1988. Parsons, Jayhawk Directory Company, n. d.
FOWLER, GEORGE M., and Others, Certification in the Tri-State (OklahomaKansas-Missouri) Mining District. New York, American Institute Of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 0934. (Technical Publication, NO. 532.)
GOLD, MICHAEL, Life of John Brown. Girard, Kan., Haldeman-Julius Company [c1924]. (Little Blue Book, NO. 521.)
GRAVES, WILLIAM WHITES, Life and Times of Mother Bridget Hayden. St. Paul, Kan., Journal Press, 1938. (Graves Historical Series, NO. 8.)
HALSELL, H. H., Cowboys and Cattleland. Nashville, Tenn., The Parthenon Press [1937].
HAYDEN, MRS. DOROTHEA (HOAGLIN), These Pioneers. Los Angeles [Ward Ritchie Press], 1938.
HIBBS, BEN, Two Men on a Job. [Philadelphia, The Curtis Publishing Company, c1938.]
HILL, W. A., Historic Hays. [Hays, News Publishing Company, 1938.]
HINKLE, THOMAS CLARE:, Buckskin, the Story of a Western Horse. New York, William Morrow and Company, 1939.
HOINVILLE, MRS. JULIA SIMONs, Grandfather. [Chicago, 1938.]
HOOVER, MEARLE S., The Alien Contribution to the History of Barton County, Kansas; Being a Thesis Presented to the Graduate Faculty of Fort Hays Kansas State College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. May 29, 1939. Typed.
HOTCHKISS, H. G., Oil in Kansas; Barton and Stafford Counties. Wichita, c1938.
---- Oil in Kansas; Counties: Ellis, Rooks, Trego, Graham, Norton, Phillips, Sheridan, Gove, Decatur. Wichita, c1938.
---- Oil in Kansas; Counties: Scott, Thomas, Sherman, Logan, Wichita, Wallace, Greeley, Rawlins, Cheyenne. Wichita, c1938.
---- Oil in Kansas; Rice County. Wichita, c1938.
---- Oil in Russell County. Wichita, c1938.
---- Oil in the Forest City Basin, N. E. Kansas and Northern Missouri. Rev. ed. Wichita, c1939.
HOWE, HAROLD, Local Government Finance in Kansas. Topeka, The Kansas State Planning Board, April, 1939. Mimeographed.
ISELY, Bliss, Blazing the Way West. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1939.
ISELY, MRS. FLORA KUNIGUNDE (DUNCAN), Blue Star, Told From the Life of Corabelle Fellows. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1938.
JACKSON, MRS. MAUD C., Plays and Recitations for Tots; for the First Grade and Pre-School Ages.Chicago T. S. Denison and Company [c1938].


--, The Rainbow at Roads End. Kansas City, Mo., Burton Publishing Company [c1931].
KANSAS BOARD OF SOCIAL WELFARE, BUREAU OF PUBLIC RELATIONS, A Study in Public Assistance and Other Phases of Social Security: The Kansas Social Welfare Program. October, 1938. Mimeographed.
KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, Appropriations and Control of Funds for State Printing. Preliminary Report. (Publication, No. 78, August, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Central Receiving Prison; a. Supplementary Statement Containing Preliminary Plans of the Prison Developed by the State Architect's Office. (Publication, No. 91, December, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Cost of Government in Kansas. Total and Per Capita Cost-State and Local, Ten Fiscal Years, 1929-1938. (Publication, No. 83, November, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Legislative Functions of Administrative Agencies. Preliminary Report. (Publication, No. 84, November, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Organization of State Highway Systems . . . (Publication, No. 86, February, 1939.) Mimeographed.
Personnel Administration . . . Preliminary Report, Prepared for Committee on Municipal Government and Fees and Salaries. (Publication, No. 89, November, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Program for Kansas Prisons. Institutional Survey, Report No. 9. (Publication, No. 90, November 17, 1938.)Mimeographed.
Sales Tax: Exemption of Food, and Collection From Consumer. Supplementary to Report No. 1. (Publication, No. 82, October, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Social Welfare Problems, 1939. No. 1, The Lien Provision Prepared for House Committee on Public Welfare. (Publication, No. 92, January, 1939.) Mimeographed.
State Financial Administration in Kansas. Preliminary Report.(Publication, No. 81, August, 1938.) Mimeographed.
Kansas Magazine, 1939. Manhattan, Kansas State College Press, 1939.
KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, AND APPLIED SCIENCE, The College in the Life of the Land; to Commemorate the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. [Manhattan] Kansas State College Press, 1938.
KANSAS STATE PLANNING BOARD, Collection of Personal Property Taxes in Kansas, 1927-1936, Inclusive . . . Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board, 1939. Mimeographed.
Collection of Personal Property Taxes in Kansas, 1927-1936, Inclusive (Preliminary Report on Thirty Counties). Topeka, The Kansas State Planning Board, December, 1938. Mimeographed.
Effects of Homestead Exemption on Assessed Valuations (Preliminary Report). Topeka, The Kansas State Planning Board, February, 1939. Mimeographed.
Progress Report, Coffey County Planning Board. Topeka, The Kansas State Planning Board, March, 1939. Mimeographed.
Progress Report, Nemaha County Planning Board. Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board. August, 1938. Mimeographed.


Property Taxation in Coffey County, Kansas, 1925-1936. Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board, June, 1938. Mimeographed.
Property Taxation in Saline County, Kansas, 1925-1936. Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board, April, 1939. Mimeographed.
Relation of Assessed Value to Sales Value of Kansas Real Estate, 1933-1937, Inclusive. Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board, December, 1938. Mimeographed.
Relation of Assessed Value to Sales Value of Kansas Real Estate, 1938-1937, Inclusive. . . . Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board, 1939. Mimeographed.
What Kansas Produces....Topeka, Kansas State Planning Board, June, 1939. Mimeographed.
KANSAS UNIVERSITY, General Program of Events, Forums, Exhibits Commemorating the Nineteen Years of Service by Chancellor E. H. Lindley. Sixty-seventh Annual Commencement, June 9 to 12, 1939. No impr.
KELLY, MRS. FLoRENcE FINCH, Flowing Stream; the Story of Fifty-six Years in American Newspaper Life. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1939.
KEVE, OLIVER MORTON, ed., The Coming Kingdom; Sermons by Methodist Ministers, Kansas. Parsons, Commercial Publishers, 1939.
KIMBALL, C. A., comp., History of Bluemont College, Mother of Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. [Manhattan, C. A. Kimball, 1926.]
KINSELLA, THOMAS H., A Centenary of Catholicity in Kansas, 1822-1922; the History of Our Cradle Land (Miami and Linn Counties);
----, Catholic Indian Missions and Missionaries of Kansas. . . . Kansas City, The Casey Printing Company, 1921.
KIRKPATRICK, ELLIS LORE, and AGNES M. BOYNTON, Is There an American Youth Movement? Madison, The University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Extension Service [1934]. (Circular 271.)
KITCH, KENNETH, The Associated Press in Kansas: Its Background and Development. Submitted to the Department of Journalism and the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. [1937.] Typed.
LANDES, KENNETH KNIGHT, and RAYMOND P. KEROHER, Geology and Oil and Gas Resources of Logan, Gove, and Trego Counties, Kansas. [Lawrence, 1939.](Kansas Geological Survey, Mineral Resources Circular, No. 11.)
LEAGUE OF KANSAS MUNICIPALITIES, comp., Kansas Directory of Public Officials (Federal, State, County, City, School, and Township) and Index to Counties and Cities, 1939-1940. Lawrence, The League of Kansas Municipalities, 1939.
LINDLEY, MRS. BETTY (GRIMES), and ERNEST K. LINDLEY, A New Deal for Youth; the Story of the National Youth Administration. New York, The Viking Press, 1938.
LINN, JAMES WEBER, James Keeley, Newspaperman. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company [c1937].
LOUTHAN, MRS. HATTIE (HORNER), Spanish Eyes That Smile. St. Paul, Library Service Guild [c1938].
LOVELL, NEVA, and IZORA HECKER, Bunny and the Garden, a Preprimer. Chicago, Beckley-Cardy Company, c1938.
LOWRY, GRACE, Life of Eugene Ware, a Thesis Submitted to the Graduate


Division in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas, July, 1936. Typed.
LULL, HERBERT GALEN, The Grundies and the Babbitts in a Changing Civilization, a Study in Current Social Lags for College Classes in Principles of Education and Curriculum. No impr.
MCCREIGHT, M. I., Buffalo Bone Days; a Short History of the Buffalo Bone Trade, a Sketch of Forgotten Romance of Frontier Times. [Sykesville, Pa., Nupp Printing Company, c1939.]
MALIN, JAMES CLAUDE, Speaker Banks Courts the Free-Soilers; the Frémont-Robinson Letter of 1856. (Reprinted from The New England Quarterly, March, 1939.)
MALOTT, DEANE WALDO, Problems in Agricultural Marketing. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1938.
MOKLER, ALFRED JAMES, Fort Caspar (Platte Bridge Station). Casper, Wyoming, The Prairie Publishing Company, 1939.
NELSON, GEORGE WILBUR, A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Herington, Kansas. [Herington, The Advertiser Print, 1939.]
OLEEN, OTTO O., Mariadahl Lutheran Church, Diamond Jubilee Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 1863-1938. No impr.
ORR, DOUGLASS WINNETT, and MRS. JEAN (WALKER) ORR, Health Insurance With Medical Care; the British Experience. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1938.
OVERMYER, GRACE, Government and the Arts. New York, W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. [c1939].
PINET, FRANK LEO, Seventy-five Years of Education in Kansas. Reprinted privately for his friends by the author.[1938.]
Polk's Chanute (Neosho County, Kans.) City Directory, 1936, Including Neosho County Taxpayers. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Coffeyville (Montgomery County, Kansas) City Directory, 1937. Kansas City, Mo., R. L. Polk and Company, c1937.
Polk's Emporia (Lyon County, Kans.) City Directory, 1936. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Hutchinson (Reno County, Kans.) City Directory, 1935, Including Reno County. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1935.
Polk's Independence (Montgomery County, Kans.) City Directory, 1937. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1937.
Polk's Kansas City (Wyandotte County, Kans.) Directory, 1936. KansaS City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Leavenworth (Leavenworth County, Kans.) City Directory, 1936, Including Leavenworth County. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Ottawa (Franklin County, Kans.) City Directory, 1936, Including Franklin County. Kansas City, Mo., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Pittsburg (Crawford County, Kans.) City Directory, 1936.Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Pratt City Directory and Pratt Rural Routes, 1926. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1926.


Polk's Salina (Saline County, Kans.) City Directory, 1937, Including Saline County Taxpayers. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
Polk's Topeka (Shawnee County, Kansas) City Directory, 1938, Including Shawnee County Taxpayers. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1938.
Polk's Wichita (Kansas) City Directory, 1938. Kansas City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1938.
Polk's Winfield (Cowley County, Kansas) City Directory, 1937, Including Cowley County. KansaS City, MO., R. L. Polk and Company, c1936.
PORTER, KENNETH WIGGIN, The High Plains. New York, The John Day Company [1938].
PUGH, BURTON HOMER, A Better Way to Make Money . . . New York, The Ronald Press Company [1939].
PUTNAM, GEORGE PALMER, Soaring Wings; a Biography of Amelia Earhart. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1939].
RANDALL, MARY BOAL, W. R. Boal, Druggist, 1851-1936. Mimeographed. RUNYON, DAMON, Take It Easy. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1938.
SALINA, FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Seventy-five Years Ago in Salina: Celebrating the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Salina, Kansas. [Salina, Consolidated, 1938.]
SANFORD, NORA, Winds of Destiny. Boston, Bruce Humphries, Inc. [1938].
SCOTT, MRS. MARIAN (GALLAGHER), Chautauqua Caravan. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1939.
SELDEN ADVOCATE, SELDEN, KANSAS, Early Northwest Kansas History; Written by People Who Lived It and In Their Own Words . . . Selden, The Selden Advocate, n. d.
SHAW, LLOYD, Cowboy Dances, a Collection of Western Square Dances. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1939.
SHELDON, CHARLES MONROE, The History of `In His Steps' by Its Author. [Topeka, Kan.] Privately Printed [c1938].
SHERWIN, ALBERTA MCMAHON, Tapers to the Sun. Mill Valley, Calif., The Wings Press, 1939.
SPEER, ROLLO CLAYTON, Some Speer and Related Families Connected With the History and Affairs of Kansas.Typed.
STRANGE, LEW A., "La Fontaine and Those Who Made It," a Brief Review of the Early Families and Settlement Along the Wilson-Montgomery County Line . . . 1848-1910. [Parker, Parker Message, c1938.]
TAFT, ROBERT, Photography and the American Scene, a Social History, 18391889. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1938.
TILGHMAN, MRS. Zoe AGNES (STRATTON), Quanah, the Eagle of the Comanches. Oklahoma City, Harlow Publishing Corporation, 1938.
TOPEKA, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND REVENUE, Annual Report of the City of Topeka for Year Ending December 31, 1938. No impr.
TOPEKA, POTWIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Golden Anniversary . . . 18891939. No impr.
TOUSEY, THOMAS SANFORD, Buffalo Bill. New York, Rand McNally and Company, c1938.


UNITED STATES, OFFICE Of GOVERNMENT REPORTS, Directory of Federal and State Departments and Agencies in Kansas. Revised to July 15, 1939. Mimeographed.
UNITED STATES CAVALRY, 2D REGIMENT, Centennial, Second United States Cavalry . . . 1836-1986. No impr.
VESTAL, STANLEY, The Old Santa Fe Trail. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1939. Professional Writing. New York, The Macmllian Company, 1938.
VIRTUE, MAXINE BOORD, Laws Affecting Women in Kansas. Topeka, Kansas State Printing Plant, 1939.(University Of Kansas, Bulletin, Vol. 40, NO. 10.)
WALTER, JAKOB, A German Conscript With Napoleon; Jakob Walter's Recollections of the Campaigns of 1806-1807, 1809, and 1812-1813, According to a Manuscript Found at Lecompton, Kansas. Lawrence, University Of Kansas, Department Of Journalism Press, 1938. (Humanistic Studies, Vol. 6, NO. 3.)
WARD, MRS. MAY WILLIAMS, From Christmas-Time to April. Dallas, The Kaleidograph Press [1938].
WARDEN, ERNIE, Thrilling Tales of Kansas From 1873 to 1933. 2d rev. ed. N. p., 1938.
[WAY, H. ROWLAND], Memories of Dr. William Foulkes, a Man Who Walked With God. No impr.
WELLMAN, PAUL ISELIN, Jubal Troop. New York, Carrick and Evans, Inc. [c1939].
WHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN, A Puritan in Babylon. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1938.
WILSON, JOE O., Wilson's Poems. Hays, Kan., News Publishing Company, c1938.
WOLTERS, GILBERT FRANCIS, A Socio-Economic Analysis of Four Rural Parishes in Nemaha County, Kansas. Washington, D. C., The Catholic University Of America, 1938.
WOODWARD, CHESTER, Out of the Blue; Essays on Books, Art and Travel. Chicago, Normandie House, 1939.
YOST, GENEVIEVE, William Elsey Connelley, 1855-1930; a. Bibliography. Typed.
ZIEGLER, D. PAUL, and R. W. MORGAN, St. Paul in Britain; or the Founding of the British Israelitish Church as Opposed to the Gentile Papal Church of Rome. Washington, D. C., The Torch Publishing Society, 1938.


ANDERSON, WILLIAM MARSHALL, Narrative of a Ride to the Rocky Mountains in 1834. Edited by Albert J. Partoll. [Missoula, Montana State University, 1939.] (State University Of Montana, Sources of Northwest History, NO. 27.)
BICKHAM, WILLIAM DENISON, From Ohio to the Rocky Mountains. Editorial Correspondence of the Dayton (Ohio) Journal. Dayton, Journal Book and Job Printing House, 1879.
BIDWELL, JOHN, A Journey to California With Observations About the Country, Climate and the Route to This Country . . . a Day-by-Day Record of the Journey From May 18, 1841, to November 6, 18 41 . . . San Francisco, John Henry Nash, 1937.


BRUCE, ROBERT, Three Old Plainsmen . . . New York, R. Bruce [1923].
BURNS, WALTER NOBLE, Tombstone; an Iliad of the Southwest. New York, Grosset and Dunlap [c1929].
CATLIN, GEORGE, Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1867.
--- Life Amongst the Indians. London, Sampson Low, Son and Company, 1861.
CHASE, CHARLES MONROE, The Editor's Run in New Mexico and Colorado [Montpelier, Vt., Argus and Patriot Steam Book and Job Printing House, 1882.]
COLORADO COLLEGE, COLORADO SPRINGS, Westward the Course of Empire; Four Lectures on America's Westward Frontier. Colorado Springs, 1938. (Colorado College Publication, General Series, NO. 216; Studies Series, NO. 25.)
COOKE, PHILIP ST. GEORGE, WILLIAM HENRY CHASE WHITING, and FRANCOIS XAVIER AUBRY, Exploring Southwestern Trails, 1846-1854. Edited by Ralph P. Bieber. Glendale, Calif., The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1938. (Southwest Historical Series, Vol. 7.)
CROGHAN, GEORGE, George Croghan's Journal of His Trip to Detroit in 1767. Edited by Howard H. Peckham. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1939.
DAVIDSON, LEVETTE JAY, and PRUDENCE BOSTWIICK, eds., The Literature of the Rocky Mountain West, 1803-1903. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1939. DELLENBAUGH, FREDERICK SAMUEL, Frémont and '49, the Story of a Remarkable Career and Its Relation to the Exploration and Development of Our Western Territory, Especially of California. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT, The Oregon Trail; the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean. New York, Hastings House [c1939]. (American Guide Series.) FERGUSSON, HARVEY, The Santa Fe Omnibus, a Trilogy of the Santa Fe Trail, Containing Three Complete Novels . . . Wolf Song, In Those Days, The Blood of the Conquerors. New York, Grosset and Dunlap [c1921-1929].
FITCH, ABIGAIL HETZEL, Junipero Serra; the Man and His Works. Chicago, A. C. McClurg and Company, 1914.
FLETCHER, DANIEL COOLEDGE, Reminiscences of California and the Civil War. Ayer, Mass., Press Of Huntley S. Turner, 1894.
FOREMAN, GRANT, Marcy and the Gold Seekers; the Journal of Captain R. B. Marcy, With an Account of the Gold Rush Over the Southern Route. Norman, University Of Oklahoma Press, 1939.
FROEBEL, JULIUS, Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West of the United States. London, Richard Bentley, 1859.
[GODFREY, EDWARD S.], After the Custer Battle. [Letter to the Artist Edgar S. Paxson who painted "Custer's Last Stand."] Missoula, Montana State


University, 1939. (State University of Montana, Sources of Northwest History, No. 29.)
GREENBIE, MRS. MARJORIE LATTA (BARSTOW), American Saga; the History and Literature of the American Dream of a Better Life. New York, Whittlesey House [c1939].
HALL, JAMES, Notes on the Western States; Containing Descriptive Sketches of Their Soil, Climate, Resources and Scenery. Philadelphia, Harrison Hall, 1838.
HALLENBECK, CLEVE, Alvar Núñnez Cabeza De Vaca; the Journey and Route of the First European to Cross the Continent of North America, 1534-1536. Glendale, Calif., The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1940 [c1939].
HARTLEY, CECIL B., Hunting Sports in the West, Comprising Adventures of the Most Celebrated Hunters and Trappers. Philadelphia, John E. Potter and Company [1859].
HEALY, JOHN T., An Adventure in the Idaho Mines. Missoula, Montana State University, n. d. (State University of Montana, Sources of Northwest History, No. 26.)
JACOBS, ORANGE, Memoirs of Orange Jacobs . . . Containing Many Interesting, Amusing and Instructive Incidents of a Life of Eighty Years or More, Fifty-six Years of Which Were Spent in Oregon and Washington. Seattle, Lowman & Hanford Company, 1908.
[JEBB, MRS. JOHN BEVERIDGE GLADWYN], A Strange Career: Life and Adventures of John Gladwyn Jebb . . . Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1894.
KELLY, CHARLES, Outlaw Trail; a History of Butch Cassidy and His Wild Bunch .. Salt Lake City, The Author, 1938.
LEONARD, IRVING ALBERT, tr., Spanish Approach to Pensacola, 1689-1693. Albuquerque, The Quivira Society, 1939. (Quivira Society, Publications, Vol. 9.)
LOVING, BRADY ANTOINE, Thornton Kelly Tyson, Pioneer Home Missionary. Kansas City, Mo., The Western Baptist Publishing Company, 1915.
MCCLINTOCK, JAMES H., Mormon Settlement in Arizona, a Record of Peaceful Conquest of the Desert. Phoenix [The Manufacturing Stationers, Inc.], 1921.
MINICK, MRS. ALICE ANN (LOCKWOOD), One Family Travels West. Boston, Meador Publishing Company, 1936.
MYERS, FRANK, Soldiering in Dakota, Among the Indians, in 1863-4-5. Huron, Dakota, Huronite Printing House, 1888. (Reprinted by the State Historical Society, Pierre, S. D., 1936.)
PALOU, FRANCISCO, The Expedition Into California of the Venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra and His Companions in the Year 1769. . . . San Francisco, Nueva California Press, 1934.
PARKER, NATHAN HOWE, Iowa As It Is in 1855; a Gazetteer for Citizens and a Hand-book for Immigrants... .Chicago, Keen and Lee, 1855.
RAVOUX, AUGUSTINE, Reminiscences, Memoirs and Lectures. . . . St. Paul, Brown, Treacy and Company, 1890.
RICE, EDWIN WILBUR, After Ninety Years. Philadelphia, American SundaySchool Union [c1924].
RISTER, CARL COKE, Southern Plainsmen. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1938.


ROGERS, FRED B., Soldiers of the Overland, Being Some Account of the Services of General Patrick Edward Connor and His Volunteers in the Old West. San Francisco, The Grabhorn Press, 1938.
RUMLEY, CHARLES, Diary of Charles Rumley From St. Louis to Portland, 1862. Edited by Helen Addison Howard. Missoula, Montana State University, 1939. (State University of Montana, Sources of Northwest History, No. 28.)
[SEYMOUR, SILAS], Incidents of a Trip Through the Great Platte Valley, to the Rocky Mountains and Laramie Plains, in the Fall of 1866 . . . and an Account of the Great Union Pacific Railroad Excursion. . . . New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1867.
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---, Tone the Bell Easy. Austin, Texas Folk-Lore Society, 1932. (Publications of the Texas Folk-Lore Society, No. 10.)
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