Save the Flags
Tattered and torn, these irreplaceable pieces of Kansas' past need your help. About 75 flags from Kansas' involvement in the Civil War are in the collections of the Kansas Historical Society.
Most are battle flags of various Kansas regiments, but there also are confederate and border ruffian flags and political banners. Some of the flags show damage from their service in battle, while all have suffered the effects of time and environment. Many have been furled for decades. Now brittle with age, the flags need treatment by specialists before they can be unfurled and made available for research and public viewing.
Help preserve flags such as:
- Confederate flag captured at Lookout Mountain by the 8th Kansas Infantry
- Banner presented to Abraham Lincoln and used in the 1860 presidential election in Kansas
Adopt a flag by underwriting its preservation either fully or in part. All donations are tax exempt and are placed in fund for flag preservation.
These flags have already been preserved:
- Blunt's flag
- Eighth Kansas Infantry flag
- 11th Kansas flag
- First Kansas Battery flag—featured in June 18, 2008, podcast
- First Kansas Cavalry flag—featured in June 18, 2008, podcast
- First Kansas Colored Infantry flag
- Ninth Kansas flag
- Quantrill's flag
- Second Kansas Colored Infantry flag
- Springfield flag
If you are interested in making a contribution to the Save the Flags fund, please contact 785-272-8681, ext. 209; or make a donation through our Museum Store Online. Select "Artifact Conservation" in the drop-down menu.