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Sherman County History Bibliography

Image of Kansas map with Sherman County highlighted."Bent's Fort Oldest Station in the West." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. July 22, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Blackman, E.E. "Sherman County and the H.U.A." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Aug. 12, 1937. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

"The Blizzard of 1886." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Aug. 5, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Bradley, George. "Sherman County in Pioneer Days." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Dec. 6, 1934-Feb. 14, 1935. [11 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Calvert, G.L. 1885 to 1911. Goodland, KS: Calvert Realty Co., n.d. (K/978.1/ -Sh55/C13).

"The Capture of Black Kettle." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Aug. 19, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

First National Bank in Goodland. Goodland, Kansas. Wichita, KS: Ad Art Agency, 1972. (K/978.1/-Sh55/Pam.v.1/no. 4).

Gandy, Lewis C. "Old Fort Wallace and the Smoky Hill Trail." Goodland Daily News. June 22-26, and 29, and July 2-5, 9, 11, 13, 21-23, and 26-27, 1934. [16 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 1368).

__________. "When Sherman County Was on Frontier." Goodland Daily News. June 8-15, 1934. [10 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 1368).

"Golden Jubilee Edition of the Goodland Daily News and the Goodland News Republic." Goodland News-Republic. Aug. 18, 1937. [10 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 575).

"The Homestead Union Association." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. June 14, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Jones, John C. and Winoma C. Jones. The Prairie Pioneers of Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado. Boulder, CO: Johnson Publishing Co., 1956. (K/978.1/-Sh55/J718).

Kansas State Historical Society. Sherman County Clippings, 1886-1999. (2 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-Sh55/Clipp./v.1-2).

"Many Interesting Incidents Related as Pioneers Turn in Names for List." Goodland News-Republic. May 6, 1931. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 573).

"Methodist History." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Dec. 20, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Parker, Marion C. The Last Sod House in Sherman County. N.p.: Author, n.d. (K/978.1/-Sh55/Mss./no. 1).

Perkins, Frank. "History of Sherman County, Kansas." Master's thesis, Colorado State College of Education, 1935. (K/978.1/-Sh55/P419).

Russell, Call. "Early Days at Old Voltaire in 1885." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Sept. 2, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Postcard view of the Sherman County courthouse, Goodland, Kansas, 1907Sherman County Democrat. A Brief History of Sherman County, Kansas. Goodland, KS: Author, 1888. (K/978.1/-Sh55/Pam.v.1/no. 1).

Sherman County Historical Society. They Came to Stay: Sherman County and Family History. (3 vols.). Goodland, KS: Author, 1980-81. (K/978.1/-Sh55/Sh55).

Sherman County Immigration Association. Sherman County, Kansas. Goodland, KS: Stewart and Co., 1893. (K/978.1/-Sh55/Pam.v.1/no. 2).

"Sherman County, Kansas." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Aug. 26, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Stewart, A.H. "Battle of Arickaree Was Section's Great Incident in Struggle for Prairies." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Sept. 12, 1935. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

__________. "Goodland Man Tells Interesting Facts About Early Day Droughts." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Sept. 5, 1935. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

__________. "Murder of Corley and Lynching of the McKinleys, Father and Son . . . Wallace County's Peak Tragedy." Goodland News-Republic. Aug. 7, 1935. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 574).

__________. "The Battle With the Train Robbers: A Stirring Event of 35 Years Ago." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Aug. 8, 1935. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

"When the Rock Island Built into Goodland." [Goodland] Sherman County Herald. Dec. 20, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 629).

Winter, Lois. Kanorado, Kansas. N.p.: 1976. (K/978.1/-Sh55/K133).